HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2263 '- I I,,', I f1 ~ ":";" ,'--;;' ;~.',-:' . " "T~l:, ",:,-,,~,,~-~,.~~,"-...,....., "..." .~" 'Y-';"-"50: ii~:~' , '" .~f.\ \ . !~... i: , \ : , , :::y~!;=tI.l .. .i-:.' l ",. " I'uDay,O~fInI ~~ '~'1ile~pe~8,Onal1f."apP'U'o. '~e'Oft _" ~ 'otftO'~" d~~ ,au~l1Ot1a.d to U~IU11iter'~..th.' an4,tak.'a~mOW1.'481D'nt,....&1t.rB'})6~. L. Bob., tome 'w.1~'ki1own.o b. tIlt '"r80n8 'de80l"i~'dln ~4Who.xeOU1i4ld' ,'the fongoll1g d..d, and 801m", !,l;j ,,', , . . ,,-, ,l'c\8.d~e:tori me :.~ii ,the7,'~xeoui.4 ~'the ... 'tr..1,t an4'Yolttntari)., torth. ~pllrpo.e.ther.in' expre 8 sed .' .. , ' I . '.uDIJVJmiIR o.BRfIft. fhat'the eaid iI. L. Bo~o, mown "to me to be the wife ot . ,'the' iaid~a~~~r'BobO. 'on a .eparate and prl.,..,t~ examlnauOntakenan4 _de 'b7alll befoi. .e, . - . ~. -. ~ '. . . ,~.". . :" " . - . . ' '. . . . . -.. ~ . 8epar"~'''~-s:'and apart, from her ealdbueban4,dld- aOlplowfe4p that she made her8~lt a party to.aid deed ,for the purPOB;, Of.'reJ],oun01ng,' altnqu1sh1n8 Nld oonYeJi,ng a11 her '-",1gbt. . .~ tute: a:i1a::1i1tero8t.whether 'ot dowei> , ' home.ted or ot.eparate Propertri ,statutorror ..." .. . - ~ ,equUabi\.{tne.nAtothe land8.de8o:i'1bed therein, and that Bheexeouted 'tho .aId deed :tree17 and'Tolunt&rii, and without an1OOmpu1Bi~n, oonstra1lit, app~ehension Or ,fear of or from her I eatd hU8'i)and. I , I'l!NES8.111t hand and offioia! seal at' :r,ort Pieroe, Oount)" of St. Lu.olfi 8t;ld8tate ot L , J'lor,~a.~, this 14th d8.)" of Aprl1, A. D. 1920. I , i I I , I - I i i i I I I I I 1 , . I I I I '(Iotar~ 8eal) j I i J'l.1ed ana' reoorde<l tiiis 15thd&r~t ~pr~l., ~. D. '1920 , 1,\ '. .' . P.,~:T):,~.'Oi~)J1ro~lt OOurt. " I' (Ot.,Ot. 8eal) , _ B7~";" ~~,(J~tlAJ D: O. . Ii- _._~:,.:...._..__:-..______ ..;..;;. _~_.;,~__.__..~____...~_____.~____._ -_ __ ___ ___....____ ---_____ ------__ ----__ ---- - i " I .' t BAST 'fUrl OOKPABY ' to ~HUll G. MoDB I I .filWI'l'Y l>DD ' i I, THIS IlfDBHTURB , made thi88th da-S of April, A. D. 1920, br the East View Oompan-s, ,; I a oorporation' orpnised and ex18ttn8 under the laws ot the State of J'lorlda, part7 of the i ! fl"8tpart~to~J.rth\11" (}.' ,lI.olCee, of the 01 trot 01eY.~and, 00unt7 of Cuyahega 8Jl4 8tate ot Ohlo,pal"t7 ,of the seoond part. j ,WITD88B'lBt i ! . ..- !bat the eaidparv ~f the first))art, for,~ ,in, oonslderation O'f, the sum of Ten 'I IDol, 18, .r"",~, ,,~(f10.~, )""la~l mo" " ,ney, 'cfthe United St~te8, and other Yaluab1e 0011, 8ider.t10,n8' to i I l,~',1n;heD4pa1~ibtthe e~idpart7 of th,e ...od part, at '0,1' betore t~ en8eal1ngan~ del1vert 'Iot"th... preeen-tlf, the,i-eoalpt whereof 18 hereb7 aOlmow1e4ged, ha8gran~d. bargained, BOld,! i " ",. ",' " ! I r_1'-..8d.' don".7'd~~ .~. Oo~firmell.{and bV the~epre8ent. 408e 'srant. bargain, 88,11, release, I , 'I I oo,~~t'~~ oont~~ 'uta, ,sa14 lVty:'o:t'the SIOon! par.t,h18 heir~ and ~8igns, aU the land '! I In <8t. ~1. Oount" :nor1d~. de.oribe4 a8 followsl i I j Be1ng 8\lblo~8. a,n410' in the Bast V1.. Oompatl7ls proposed SUbcl1Y181o~ .0. at being I t -' .r' - ' . I I" pU~of :.::~~ ::Wr~~I:~~:~:h:o= 0:8::: :, :"~7::.:.::b::;;::1".' i I' ~'bil~.1~'..':1r'''.:~.~i''d:!,8ignated'C)nthe ,'P1~~ ~t land 8 of the Ba.'Vl.~Ompan)' tl:l.4-;1Jt.:~'Of#o.'~ttheOlel'~,ot;.tl1e 01tOtll,00urtot St.. Luole Oount~, nor14.., an!, . ~_"r~~fl~~.~B~Oli:,~~p1~):' , '" . ,,', t~: ,', . ,,' ", ,,'.',,' ",' ,_ 1 :.,>'':b~~",.ou,~.~~~ ai~ns:_;t~,prOl0D8..t,ion of eaid ea8~~9-~ llne 800 f.e~ ~o the o.nte~ .": l{~;.~ot ~';P~O>>;~l, ,~~~T6i'4f Ij~~'~~'~:',:< " ,,' ,",:~, '""",. .-w~,l' ',~';{ ~",~'bt'1P81'~\!h:.t,tO,.~'''l''l1:alO~:,t;tl.oen~~:r 1~ o"''''l~,propo~f. ::- .D~~~~evax,t;200t..~f" ';.",i, ' ,'> :,:~:: . . '",.,' "'>:' . '~{}~~":;::_' . ~~S:ir:, ,'Iq oommis810n exp,.res lfotary Publio~8tate 0:t,J'lor14a U1 oommi88ion Bxpiree August 11; 1920 ~ecord Vp.rfJed - .. .~ - . : '.: ',: ,::?~.~,~~~lttl"~1