HomeMy WebLinkAboutREAR PORCH REMODELI n 5 ffi t a fp M. i1R': 0 ELECTRIC PLAN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IS TO BE CALCULATED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN, ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS, ELECTRICAL LAYOUT, AND COMPLIANCE WITH ELECTRIC CODES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DESIGN, v4: �i NG TES Pnwmatfe or mechanicaty ditven n_ na accepted wder ttA toliowft err sae &5 a targar nN snarx with Bad:oom t t m 280 POO Round ar ,Ors shoo 5: d1w Res pot Inch Con aria slla ba r aced a$ an fast rar itcm any my afa ' #t' v —Wowwow9m the same saza req° May t* used n ' malls EXTERIOR SHf:ATHING nuns at 4'oA R. kafl 2. E iSTI O CBS 8E6II.1EN09 Hip Rod trl 1( Bulb ATTACH END P,T, 2X4 STUD TO Ex. CNU W/ J' EPDXY ANCHORS @ 16' O.C. TYP.; R TO ENSURE CORNER CELL POURED SOLID NEW 11"Allilli ROOM J' 6" V-4111k v 4020 HH 24 sh New Hoar Plan soete: 1/4' a ' g , +010046, M Ck UQW FIXTURE gwmw - OF. o S VA $40 Waft 849 W 1 240 Y 3 1 % A 0 AW BRANCH OUPPLYING OUTLWS "^-r AM NO`r OFa".+I MST 13F APCI. E contractor to verity all equipment treads t� '' ANPIaR - AISCEPTICALEeS MUST eE d NrSTA. W IN 120 VOLT, SINGLE t construction. Electrical contractor to sec PHASE 7s & 20 AMP BRANCH CIRCUITS eleftMSchedule If loads are to be modifiar, (E)-EXIST'wu THIS CALCULATION IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DESIGN. ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS ARE TO BE DETERMINED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN, ELECTRICAL INFORMATION ON THIS SHEET IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY E IE7"IN12 CBS RESIDEN04 Now Electric Pfet so't ' � T-W Loads P11001 Nam& Johrt fteet Address: 5802 Hickory Drive Floor Live Load: KA Cumillin b Lucie Wind Importance FaCW. to Florida Building .,t t I Wind PressureInternal §qM of Work Structure Designed; EndoW Convert e4ktm covered screened porch into a farrilly Mont 0,014 Florida Builcling Coft Residential Am,jabuWon tall National " "M. g.i.r at Florida t Code,t. k1teration Level it Ir 0)2x4 rtop plate Studs to I, with (1) H2.5A with (5) 8d e' to beam & (5) 8d to N itIK4 to beam &a ad o sw Pr,, r_8 1/2, 7-6 1J2` Window Fro' e, ig stag At Exterior all now V7 = f r PRODUCT APPROVALow- I Pr Glass Attachment Method biIding Rated Product Rated Number 1f Odgn Pressures 00SW Pressut Head & Silk 6" max from corners & (1) at each side of maelling rack : 6" from comers 0W niter, Use Sae RA 244 # With OIL embe0r, d 1W and 9/16' 4115 E stance, Slit. 6° max, a & OMOc. ,lambs; 2 , PGT Ind.WW . 6' from comets and 28'oc. Use #12 steel screws ANKwith t 3/9" embedment & 1/4 Tancons at cone. +36.2 397 - #It f 3!4" embedment I 289.1 Sin8 gls SH_21 9' max from comers & 8' on each side of meeting rail and 2ro.c. may. Use #12 Steel SINS withANK 3&? 575 a mtn, embedment of 1 3/84 and 9/16' min edge distance AbpMVaI Product Model Number cturer Attachment Method BtUding Rated Product Rated Number Desks Press Design pressures EL#. 1t.398.# Storm Panels .OdO' A Tomis X - 121/2'oc. Top & Bottm 74)5-43$ +1- 9.o )K- a t r 93 LP 0 FILE COPY THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS .. REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT f iAAY BC NECESnARY IN ORDE41 TO jo CO°JIPLY QIalPTH; L A% c °f CODES," SCANNED 3TLlJ t`CbUWy ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CO REVIEWED BY DATE PLANS AND PER T MUST BE KEPT ON OB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE s ttel� t,+a� � t-o• "s Y, w�krrtYre.rYe"" 3 k R k t _ New Rea' motion scale' t'd`-c ve �H Y t t r� gpvation Mmqmw iiaw et"aa1t ELECTRIC PLAN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IS TO BE CALCULATED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS, ELECTRICAL LAYOUT, AND C7"�°LIANCE WIT , -I ELECTRIC CODES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DESIGN. 15a Felf FAW 1/7 172k M. d w Textured WWI Exsstiig Z at �1 woad basltl fo remsm Studs to baaeo w1d1 (1) H26A w (� 8d to beam & rrk ad to srud ilI 2 x 4 Tap cr I Beam x 6' Lag flog Wc. 2 x 4 studs tako,C. Southern Pine #a Bedroom yr gar'+ittt _ _ 25 sit. E to rema 2 s 4 pX sill piaate .. ` tirl;t . 1fY i� x V a Y b� r aw+daurn It as % t va• it washer and Mrt at Plate &-tAr— 'Waft Mails 3/e _ T-V SHEATHING 'NAILING NOTES Pneu najLc Njft Pneumatc or medherni aly nalle rill tx he aapisd. undsr the t Condittans A9n. she > rlai salt. WIS nit tlt<U41,.. M>n Hamad WrMter. 280 Fu Huund �- Mkt Hing D+ameter .O12 aver shank dda, W1e Ln 20 R'ngs Pet trsih Gun nails Mi b4 penn+nad as an acceptabis fastener fray. any marx8si Vinod suews rneang the same size •ec: mirent may 4e used in, uou of ratio �thart �ctrmar EXTERIOR SHEATHING Use #8 gun naffs at 41oi;s,at pans adgee and 38 arxf g,At a t 4Vo� at Panel top and !bottom ELE T9&& .LEDGEND t UFWACE Math[TM U0H`T MUM :4 DUPLEX [?i nsT d: -H ALL 120N SINGLE PHASE is ass AMP ORANCH CMXM SUPPLYING EXISTING CBS RESIDENCE Hip Boos 1411rhen pining EXISTING COVi:AS9 PORCH Flat Hoof 6'-0' Ceiling x 10 li t- n W 2 x 10 Borst Pani 14Eu� Flow P'lead scab aVO "I -a` axIsTING CBS RESIDENCE Kltct�rf � { ATTACH END P.T. 2X4 STUD To EX, CMU W1 1b' EPDXY ANCHORS @ 16` O.C. TYP.F R TO ENSURE CORNER CELL POURED SOLID NEW F-§119.Y ROOM Protect Data "fin al5 project wrae: Jgn 00 Root Live Loa is N.A. Street Address S802 Hickory Drive Floor Live Load: N.A. Bata- 00, Fort Pierce Wind Speed: -40 MPH County: St. Lucie Wind t Mortance, Factor: -W _ - - W Temp 4020 HH -` sA I $ 3.31 1 tsar � pmrt New lam' P scale: 1/4" = T-0' Electrical Load iCalculatio 20 Living S.F. at 3 IAA 849 W- 6 849 W .' 240 V = 3.6 A.r-tp.S OUTLOM THAT AWE NoT WWWisr 11111 AF04 E' 8i8ri. i contractor to verily all equiprrtent t4a� Ya TAMPER PROOF f*CSPrIC.A4fcl� UA� MW W WTAb i41 0 %WLT; �CCn9trLiction. Eleg�ai contras to reca late PHASE 15 & 711 AMP BPAN014 GOMM Rfectriod sch.edu a if :oad ip We to be Malffied (EJ - EXISTIGI,fa THIS CALCL_ 1 NOT INCLUDED IN '-:S DESIGN. ELECTRICAL __ L ULATIONS ARE TO c_ DETERMINE;: _:TENSED ELECTRICIAN. ELECTRICAL INFORMATIEN :5 SHEET IS FOR REFC<ENCE ONLY, EXISTING 0516 RESIDENCE Kdchen Dill" Bath a , rr Ali Mn e{ectricat wired to the eXisllng var)el New E1e9C Plan scale: 1W = T-Ir T-B 1/2' 'VX 5-2 State: Florida Building Category: it Wind ExpoS Internal Pelf Coeff' $ .E 1C BCq� of Work Structure � Enclosed ar... Boll beatrtp - - . ' 2000 :sf. C-onvert existing covered screened p porch into a farlr r troorn BuHidingCode 2014 Floft Building Coda; Residential Area Tabulation 2011 Na*rW Electric Code Existing Porch: 203, af� 2014 Floft Building Code Alteraifglrt Level 11 Existing F Beam to 2 x 4 P1f St to beam with (1 .5A with (5) 84 to beam4 (5y at, too 1 jr tVANDO OPENING i (2) 2 x 4 staid 1i 142.5A with (5) 8d o beam & (5) 8d to stud 2 x 4 P.t, st11 plate f2tsLen as per typ, wall Section Wir dow Fro-MinaFra-Mina Detail At E%:#BtIC' `'railcale:ll` _ f a c O y U zz yco�� &= M. THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WOFK i r- Vj E M b N o Q p° ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS s o o m v y REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT x 3 ;, 2 € CLAY BE NECESS:RRY iN ORDER TO# o W chi a't COMPLYWR-H Lr"i--LICA°tL-COZIES: LL v q = a �1 tLk � PRODUCT APPROVAL Product Number Manufacturer TYpe Afachment Method IWkWQ assures D PPre D Head & SO 6' ffaX from corners & ]j At. each lice of FLi ;1: t r Roller YJindrws PGT Ind. 3,iS' er. Use meeting2stl h. SMSalli S' from comefs iiind n*, emcr edrrxlt or 1a;3/8 and 9 6' �-0.5 -43.3 •55.0 -$7£ N min, edge distanca Head & Sil • S" max, from corners & 22 OrOac. lambs: Eta1 Glass Dr. $Dries 2500 PGT Ind Stir ANEW Jambs 6'EA rs and 280.c Use C12 steel screws at hams embedrre. t & 1.4 Tapeons at carte .352 _39,7 +650 _723 with 1 314 embedlient S'lndtehung Jambs 9- g cometts & 8' an48i1tf side of FLO Winoo°xs pGT ind. At l#k ,meeting rat and max Use 12 Streit SMS N;tr a min ernbedylarts at 1 3,8' and 9.16' mitt edge oistartce .36.7 -421 •`5-D 47.6 ProductROW A praval -- Product »� Kober Manufacturer Attt Mara Method EtJitd'g1g Rated ter D dgn Pressures [Design Pressures FLi1: It" iWorm Paneis W Abe i To*- & country W _ 20 x 3r4' Ss, KmwW Muds i 1I2'ac. Top $ Ir non '-C' 5 -43.9 9QR s, a saber Were TA 011111111111ir r4MYld asset A- SCANNED BY ST WCIF COUNTY