HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2291 J ~ $ l ~ ;;. ~ ! ~~ll ~ ~ hl$1 I V~t:,,~ t~'j,~~ ~ ';'5'-~ "" t f~}fr~7j ) ~::_ .~-, '''-"t- ~ I ,f!;-"S2 I ~S1~;)~ '.. ,,,,,,,,'.1 c. ~-"'::-1 ! ;~,;;~tf;;f " ," '-;" I~ I I K~A\ I ;h~~ I '~.'ii .: --'-~'~:~-~-. . - - . -''':-.,''';':~' , -.~"'-. -,-"'_o..~_.-. ".;-'--.o-:"-!'__~-;-~'::.:""'?'":'''_:''-''' :"--:-:""~-Y;~.~~_""'-_ '591 ,~. .10 portion of ,~h' w.Uhtn' 4,"IO~1b'd ~r.mi8.8, ~..8rer to BnlPub110' hlgh~ ,than the ' bui1dlnllln,.'h.r'1nb.torett~4, abal'1'.b., us.. tor ~ pui"po~. other than 'that of a lawn. ~ ; . f '.' l,., _ ~. . " . . . " . -. " .' - . . _ _ . ". . - '. - '; -. - - . - . . I JothJI18 hen in oo~taine4, how.ve,r. ehall 'be 00J.l8tru.da8' prevent$J1g theuJle of euoh portio I ~~ ,ea~4,prem18e8 for the plantlh8 ,'ott1'8.' ,or' ~b~'1'J" thesiewing o~ aOW&rl 01" onuuwntal I plantt,' or fol" the purpo.. ofbeaut1f71n8 88id pr~II1"I. l';:~, .- ~d~O, t.no....,wa11, 01", oth.r 8truotV' of aUf, k1nd ,or :for a~' p\U"Pose ahall ~. r~r.o't'd. ;~~~e4,o,t Buff.r.d to ~e_in upon, 1&14 premiae8 n.arer'to &n7 publio h1ghwq than eaid :bU11~ lil1.,exo~pt b~ and,W1th th.oollsent end approval oZ the East ,Vi,e. Oom~. ,,' !iO'$&I"88' (exoept -'euoh sarage b. attaollld t,oan4ma4ea part of &UUh dW'lliJW.), Or ~'th8l' :::::~: If.:-:: ~O:l~~. t:O: ::::::n~;1:;~::t n:: th7:i::O::::.O::: ~::lDt' 1D$lot1r1thout 1;be, wr1'teD'OOn8Gn" of the owner thereof. .' , ,,', " " , 1 ., . . ; ,.. ' 110 plaoeo-, publioei1t.rtainment.,.partme~t, ~ou!le, 'f1a~, boarding house, nor building, ! ,~: . . .'. i ..Iigned forth. "e,8idenoe of more'than one famill1 hotel, tavem-, danoe hall, or other resort ~~.:;~;;:~?:-_ . '.' ." ..' . -: . ~ - )".' . .': ~. . t ~.1I11b'.8tab118h'4, oonduoted, maintained,' or JJUff.rel?-t~ r.main, u~on eaid p?-"emise.. i ;;O;j,,_!0'p1r:toUlt:;Yt~~\l8, ,Qr fe~ntedllqltors ~~l b. mam1faotured, o~ 801d either at whole-! "., "- " ',,' ,,' I ,:, ~.~~,:,#~r.tall. '"llpon said p:relll1a.8. i :-&-1 ~'. - :"':"'_:"~ - -' .' . . - - . I \ ,6.'\!1,~Uiaanoe, adverti81ng 8ign, bill: board, or other advertising devioe, 8hall be permitte~ ..rel~ci:~'p~oed. or, antf:f~red 1;0 remain, upon said premisesi nor shall the premiseSibe ;used in! I &n7' wqor to%" 8117 PUrpOB8 whioh DlY endanger, the h.alth.-:..or unreasonably di8turb 'Ole quut, . ~'-' . -' ";. .. .', ..' '.' ~ . . otan7 holder of ad~Oln1rtg iand. ' '"O~' . ',,' " .,. OrAl' ~,d.,~~~ng house, shall b. ereoted, plaoed or suff.redto remaIn u})on the premise8 ~-.:~ , ,--.~ ',:~'-'" -~~.:'.-' 'c",_:>:; .: . . " f horeby, Q~'Ve~~., " i . -. ." ,;:. .": . ~;, .~-'-"<':- \ -, :-" '-: '-' _' > - . ;8.: ~~i:.~~;::~:Jl1J,8~ervat,10nS, limitatiOn8, agreements, ' l'oOV,.nan~. and~o~as, oondition8 h.r.ot,' and shall run wIth the land,. and allaU bind the GtaIltee'lmtllthe f1r8t dq ot January, 1950. ,the sai4 )'l8rty ot the fir8t part, for it8elt and its suooessors doell hereby oovenari.t ~-' ... t 1ft l1ih' ~ld:pQ'~y ,of the, .eoonl part, and its suooessors and aBBlgn~, that it 1s 1ndefe8sib~y Vi , )lel!e~ of 8aid land in fee simple au aforesaid; _that 1 t haB tl1.l1 power and lawtul right to : ; 4)onv.y 8814 1&';1d in fee, 81mple ~8 at~reea14; tliat it shall be lawful tor ea1dparty of the ",..OOn! ,part,1t8QUoo8BBor.and a911igns, at allt1me8, peaoeably and qUiet~y to enter upon, . t . _ ... . I " ,'I hold, oooupy and en~oy ~i~ l~J that sald land1. freo from all,enoumb.anoes; that it will ~e J llUohfu.rther aSBUre;noeB to ~er.eot the fee simple title to sald land aB may reasonably be : 1:re<1111red', and that it doe~h~rJby fully warrant the title to 8..>\idl6l1d, and will defend the ! J~ame ag ainstthe lawful olaims of all, peroonswh~IllBo,ever. c..": I I' · XI WIfH1l88 WHERBOl, the party of the first part, on the lay and year first above wrlttenJ' '. ha. oaused lt8 na~~to b. 8ign~d and i to oorporate seal to be affixed to theae presents by ; ..' , " ,j it. Presidet And 8eore~rJ..~ whlohottioers have 'been 'dUly authorized and empowered by resolu~ion , , I of, the ~oar4 of Direotors of the kat View OOmpan)', party of the first part herein, to exeout1 "f ~d.U~e~thi8 4eed. " ,I ~81gne4~ ant d.liv.r.d in'pr.s.no. Otl r -.', ~-' - , . ! 1cl.~Ohli BAST VIEW OOMPAllY. B7. B. :I. Strong Ita l're81dent . , .i'Ohn~. ~ ',1., " I ',' H.1.00 I. R. 8tamp oanoelled) , 8~TI 91' 0010 I 88 OUYAHOGA OOU5T'f . , I" en o;ffioer duly authorised to take aoknowledgments to deed8" ": -, ' - .. -'" . ," - , Il' h.ere))7o.~~\it1.tbl1top. 't~18,~~7 ~r8,()nall, app.at.d befor,fme B.I. 8trontan4 W.H. ,llumi. on "'-.oI!!!-" ,." ", ' ',,",' , ".., ' , ", .'to .,~.lf~ a.s:thfPre.14.nt aDd 8.oret.a"~ reapeo~lv4!lt., o~, theBaet Vie" Oo~,' t~e I",', '.,'" '.: ,,' ',',', ","". ' ,-'-. -- '. . - -. . . . . .' ..-. -". :- -." . - . , H. Hilmi fitton its s.oret&l"1 (OORPORATE'8EAL) < ~ " - -,:,,:,~'~~~;~.t~f$.1