HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2295 '~~'.~ ~,,". ~ ,~-'-'_-~'~~~~: ~~~,"?":":::-","!,~:"~._~,~'~~;'~~.';~,'r:.,..~-.,,,.. . .. E' ..' c. " ." " ~.'... :'"",w._.'-~ "::"".-' -.....~-'4"..--.\:;~_',..,:;,~:~....'f . ~ ~....... ~. Vr , ~'7 ~ 'C'T<r --" "595 ;. ~ ~ 1" .- all,en,td., ,'teJiS...a'.I'Ol....O' ", ~Qnv.J8d'.4 oonftrme4' ,tulto'~he _,1d, :p.r~,of, th. a.oond par~ and 'hl. 'b~lr8 and c8.lgn. 'tor.i.i'~fth. 'rlsh1i. tl '1. anel" lntel".~ 'ot. t11. "piei " h.dR. !1'~l.r,'~on~'o'olllPoI' ...nt~~.ln'an4, 'toth'.~l1o.1n$ ileeodbe{'larid 'eltuate, lJ1ris and,be1ns' , ':.' .-..,,' '.. , " :.' . , . ," , .- '. .in theOomtt 01 St. ,r,~1e 'and 8ta,te' of nori~al', I Lot~ otAndr..8' anet"Riohard.' l'e8UWi11810n of M'er'. 8\lbU:ri8ion, 8eotion 10, I ' town8li1p: ~88~uth Range '40 r.a.t,~olllprising part oftheodg1i1al' t.ot8&ailcl,'6, lyin~ West of ',' ':.,~ I~O~ 'Rallwa,'- aleo, part~'ot LotfJ$.9,10,1.~ and 1'2,' lying Ba8t of Ral1wq as~reoord'd in I . . . .. " ".. .... ' . . .-. " , - ~. , .' .: , . ~l.tBOOk ,l~pa$e 199. Reoe>>rds ot8t. Lute oountt~' ~iorlda. ."ins and exo.pt1ng land 4.ed.d bt A.B. Hoofnagle to.'.' r..HelIlldDge'br. deed Aat.d :NoWmber16,19i9. . , , ' "TO~VB A!ID TO HOL,llithe sam. with, th'e '~ppUX't8na~o.a, unto ,the sald p8l'ty of the second I '~rt.hlsheir8 and a8Bignsto: theU own prope~u'-" 'bene'll te.nd . belloof, forever. :1 , AnA, th6 siLldpUty of the ~irst part herebloovenantli to and with the sald party of the i f 8e00n4prt, hiB hel:ru and aSSignS'tliat 1ft all. thing8 in and about uaid sale ana thls con.. I ! ,v.ranoe' he has oonformed to the orders of the ~ourt and the Statutes of the State of Florida I ll.n ....h ...... oio4. and prolll0a. , ' I , III WITlIll88 1QIBRJ<OP tho ..14 _t;y .f tho f1rot part has hereunto .ot hie hand and ..01 I ':'the day ~d year' flrat above written. '.ltn'8e~8t .I, . !' ,~~ : M. . StUli Tan i 'J .1.' J.Jidrews ' Guaralan 0/ th:' e:{;t: of J'red (SEAL) R. 1'71er, non OOmp08 mentis. . ~T.lTE' OJ.'rLORIDA. . OO'l1DW,:O)' 81'. LUCIEi Before me, , , l>>'-tore..thathe ex.outed the foregoing Deed as guardian aforesaId. for the purposes ""l:.., _ ,_ 0 ~.rein ,xpl'..ae4. .I~NESS rq hand and offloial 8eal at Port Pieroe, norida.' thls 19 day of Apr~l, A. D. ':J ' v' li M. Sullivan, , Botary l'li 10. 8tate, or norlda at 1arg.. Jq oommisslon expires Aug14-1922 ",*=,-;,: ,- ,ll1e4 ~ reoorde' thi8 2'1th cla1 of.&.pr11. A. D.. 1920. D. O. (OT.OT. ~ ~(~ , ~f1 ~ SIAL) e~ef1 - .. -. . . " I . . . ,. _ :- .~'..--- - -~~..-- --'-..-----.--..- " --~_._-_.._- ...-- ------- -- - --- ------ --- ---- -- -- - -- ------.. -- -- ---- -- 1'0 lfARIUNTY DEED " " 'TSX8INDBNfUU.)(ad. the tw.nt)'-flfth 4ar otKuoh, in the year of our Lord on thousand! ' "t'ntne hlp1dre4 and twentlBE'l'YfEElf 'J08 ~ :r. Arohambault, and Anna A~ohambaul t. hiB wit.. of the I l-.'_O~~tl:,Of8t,.1ruol',an4 8~~' ot nO~i4a" pa~tie8 Of, the f~r8t pert, an,d ~nl~em JI. 80halk,d - ih'enoe8 'J08ephine Bohalk. hi. wife_ of '8t. Luo1e Oountl, J'1oric1a" parties of> ....----Of th., i !. ,.' '..", , ' .' I i' "oon4partj , ' I 1.x.,~$BU' !hat ~14 ,...tn. of tho ftrst parti'Ol'" ",,4 ib o...SiOrat1on of the sua of Pl'/1l1 ,I',' ;~S:;:~E::~0:::;~~::, :~::::;:~:r:::o::::;::~:~:i::: I .'haV',$I'~~.4~ b~,gai~~."'Ol~t: .11ened, rem.... re1.ased" oonvele~' an4oo~:tl~4~ ,an4'b,' ARCIWlBAUJ,T &I ,WID, ; WILLIAM H.SOHALK & wi