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the.. _.,~t. :do;(P.'..n:t,:b.&rsatn.'8el~,'~~en.' r..1a18.,r61....~ qenv,v,.e.n4 ,OO~ln. lp1tothe,
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8814' .>>ar~i~' 01 the .~oond plrt.' anA', ~elr ,ll'.j,~,' ana.. a88isu. :forn'.r, all th~', phoe ~ ' paro.l'
or lot of, land~l~ aM,be1nsln th~OQ\Ult,' of St. Luo1..- and :St~t.of 110r1d,t:~ and
o..80tib.d' 88fol10'-'8' '
.' Th. South 'Xw.nt~ CiO) aor.sof' ,the SoutheaetQuart6r of th. Soutbeaat Quarter ot
" I 'eotlon Twent1-nint (29). TO\'I1ehtp' Thlrty-flv.(31), South ~tige Thlrt~-nlne' (89) East.
';, ,~"l.GO I.il.,Stamp, oanoel1.e4)
I Togeth.r with ai:.l and81n~lar,t,helmpr.Yement'h tenements, he-red1tamentB. ~ appurtenanoes
thereunto belonging, o~1~8DJW18e appertaining, andther.ver&10nan~~ever~iOn8t remainder
anc1,remainders , rent8.1s8U~8and, )>rotit8thereot. ABl> AL80, 811 the '.state.' rIght. title,
11Jl,ter.et, dower and ,r~8btofdowert 8epa,re.t. .estat., property, posBes~l~n. 01a1m and d.~
1 ~hat8oever" 88 well in la.a8 in equit" of the 8a1d~rti"8 of tho first part,ot;' in. ~,~
I,~...' ',. - ' ' , ' ',' "', ' ' . ' .- -- ,
I to the BUle, and.ver,~~'~ari.4paro.l thc~reot,"1th the appurt.n~o'8;, TO HAVE AND TO HO~
\I:~h' a~ove, granted. bargained and de,8C1ribed, premises. with theapp~tenanQes. untotbe said .' " '
~artiefi ot the Beoond, part,' their helr8 and aS8ign8, to theIr own. proper us,, benefit and
! , " , , ," .
f beboof forever. '
! ," .Andthesa~d parties ot the first part :forthemselV88 and their' -------101' ------ heirs. ~
I exeou1;'or8, and adm1ni.~rator8t dooovenant. promise and agree to and with said parties of the'
I seoond part the 11" hel'r~, end assigns. t~t the'said perties of the tirst pert are at the time!
I .. . . - _.
~. . .
,\ of, th., sealing and, d.li wry of the_present., la1dully ..hed In te. 81~le of a good,
labsolut., and indefeasible estate of Inheri tano.. of a~d in. all and 8ingular the aboye
t " ' ," , '
,I granted, bargained and desoribed premIses. with the appurtenanoee and have good right,' full
,), ,',' , ' ' ,
,{ power. an4 law1'ul author1ty to, grant, bargain.' sell. and oonvey the 8ame in manne! and :torm
I a:toresaid. And that the aaldpart1e8 of the seoond part their he1rsand asB1gns.shall and
I '
'I may at all t1me8h~reafter, peaoefull)' and qui.~l)' heve.b01d, use.ooouP7, pOS8.S8 and
l'enJ07 the above grantedpreln1ee8, and evert part and paroel thereof, wlththe appurtenanoes,
I ' ' , ,', ,
I without any let, suit, ir~uble. mOlestation. eVlot1Qn or disturbanoe 'otthe saId parties
I .. . - .. ,
i . . '. .
lo:t the first part theIr heir. or assigns, or ot &n7 other persona or per IOns lawtul17 ola1m-
I ins or to olalm the same. And that the aame are now 'free, olear, disoharged and Uinowerel
i ", '
lot and 'from all :former and othe* grants. 'title8, oharge8. .states, ~udgment8. tases, assess-
i '
~_nt8 cand inoumbranoes of whAt aature ,and kin4 soever.
I '
j And the sald parties of the tlrat part, ,fo~ thelllB8lve8 and their heire, the above desorlb-
I ,', ,
led and h'!.re'b7 grantedandr,eleased premises, and evel"7 par' and paroel thereof, with
lapPUrtenanoe8.',untothe ..14 parties ~f'the 8eoon4 part t~elr helr8 and &a8ign8, against,'
I the' 8&1d parti.8' o:f the first part and their heirs, and a~1nat' all and ev.ery, person or ~ereon:8
iWhO~.o.v.r~ la~lY olaiming or to olaimthe same shall and.ill warrant. and bytbese presen:ts
! for,"er defend.
I III WITNESS fl?JmIOI', the 8814 parti.. of the :first part have hereunto set their hand8 and f
Jse~lB the day and'7.ar tirst above wrltten.
I , ' " "
181,8118d, ,S.aled andl>.1l:ve,red1n, Pre8enoe OtUSI
I'.' Cl. MoKullen',
I, '
II. Goodeau
jil t~88 ~o;r Mr8., J.m:1a, J,roh8lllbaul t
:: J8Ut~,O":~0llJ,DJ. . " ,.1
,rOlJlft~,8!. woul . '" ' ' ' " . , . , ','" '
..,'J,:~'< o.',fHlS-Dll'per80nall,awe.reo.'b.tor. -..Joe/'. .uollaabault and .&nna Arohambauit.to
. ',~.i~"f~~:~tP;;:J::~~~r~~::z.~::::h:h:::=:~:::d:t;::::.o
;ir!;!.,~~;:~~t~~0!:i )....orioa. ' , ,
10e. t. Arohambault'
Jnna Arohambaul t
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