HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2301 rr- "nff!"<""tr.""""';"" ...-,' , r. '. ''ij~'-' ': . " l ,,', , ., i ,c.,.. . ~~ ;. ~:. t_, - \~"~" ~" . f"<: it) /..,' I" H ,',.i: ti '. , , , r. . :.. ,2" ~J~~ i :.. .'~-i ~,,;j ~l . .. '~ " , ... .~ . ,;.~. - . :. ~' ~ ~' f ~i, ~ . ~ ~ e Q " ~ f ~. " ~ . ;'f ..' .~.. . r. ,,1 0$ :: 'i ii ',;-- r ~ ,," 1 :: ;;;. ~1 _:.' · ..~ :I~~~." ',' ,t ~.. ' ~.' '-.; " ->., '~,l '_" .:.t. :, ',"< ., ~ . B. ' -~; ~ -. it ~ ~,~,~:,: i~ ~ c-.... ''I'' ~':"r.'..~~~..... ":~-;~~7-::"":""--_,. .;,~.-:;~~, ...., ~' ~~~-:'- -..~.........~,..,."'""7"~.~. : ~- ....."!.... . .~- .~ ".-,'" . -. ~,"" '""I'T< - - .. 1 h ~ d i.' 'VII GUill ~. lruloa I. "1Mrta " '...1' I. 11I1 ~ ~ ~ .ftII' ~,J&""'1l1. 8'th Iq,ol ..",U M. I. '191.. beueeJlllUlOD I. .obel't. I (wt40w) o,.'th.'...o__ '01,-'.. "t}' ':~ e.tt 01 1l.01'14a par. of the firet pal't, anl I ' ,.."" " , .' ,', ' ' ! llIael a. a.tth o~,:th... '(JOllD" 01 ~t. Luol.'&J14 Ita'. 01 J101'14a put~ of 'lb,..00D4' >>al't,' I ',,', . " , ' , , , , I 'WItBl8Uta, .lhat~the"ld ~t1 of 'he, ttl'lit put,' for and1n oon~l4tl'aUon ot 'lbe I j 8ua ofOBe ,>>Oll~lJlh~. ~4 bl t~. 8&i4'))UV :ot~. 8t00n4,.P61't. the I'IGelpt whel'e~f 18 I , I h.reb1 aolalO.l~d~, hae,reIl18'd, l'-.le.884 an4 qut~ola1JMdi an4 b;y th... Pl'e.'Dta 40e. ,1"- , l' . ,-.1.., rel.a.. an4 qu1t-ol&ia unto the .ai4 put1 of .the 8eoond par~,' and h1B hehe and a8- I ,.,' ., " , i 181gn..tor....Z.,a).1 tl~e right, ti'lt,int.reat, olala and 4811&11d whloh the eald PU'7 of the ' j . .' - , ~ ' ." .. . ! fir8t putt hq1n &D4, to. the following d88or'ib.d lot pleo. 'or paroel of land. .1 tut.. l;y- : . , . ~ , Ing aD! b.ing ,in,th.Oount;yot8t. Luo1e'State of "-Ol'ld&, to-wl tl , 'I Boginnlu8 at a point 8tz I'Od8, andoue'foot west,and tw.nt7-two rod8 South of the , 18take whloh' 18 8et at the lorth.a._ oorn.r of the Southeast Quarter of the Southweat Qaarter,l I. " , , 'I 10f ~.otion ,twent;y-.18htUS},!OWDahi.p !rh1rt7-one(l1) South of Banta ~ltt7-nln. (8~) "'~t, ,I.., , land I'unnlq South lin.t..D U.9) rode, lIh.no. .e8t tOU1''l.en (1.) 1'048 and foUl' (.) teet, to I ",' I the right of -.q 9-the .... B. O.~a1lwq: , 1;hellOe. 'orth' along aaid right of WBJ'Tw.nt, (20) i 'rod.,' and Pouteeh (1.) fe.t; thenoe "st twent;y-thr.ef28) rod. to Plac. of beglnniD8, oon-i j - j i " -' - - _ . _ . - t i tainlng two, and on.-toUl'th &or.a of'laDd, 1191'8 or le.8. I " f '" ~ . ! ' : ~HlVl'ABD TO HOLD the 8aJ18, 'tognl1er w1t~ all and 81n8Ular the appurtenanO.8. the~! ,,!tUltobeionging 01" lD"aDJ'W1.~ 'app.rtalniDg. and all 'the .s'lat.. right, ti1;1e. intere8t ~nc1 oia!m :. .1 ' ' , " , . , ' , " , ' I , iwbat 80.ver, of the 8.i4 party of the fir8t, part, e1thel' in law or .quit", to the oDlJ ,propel' I j '.,,' ," , ' . i# iU8e, ben.tit and b.hoof of the 8aid part)' of the 'eoond pal't, h18 heirs and U81pa, fOreyer.j I , 1 . ,1111 WITlIBSS, \YI!BlU;OP, . Th. 88i4, part;y of the first pUt 'has h.~eunto ~et her hand and I ,l.eal the drq and Jear, firat above vi Uen. I' , ISlgn.4, se81ea an4 dellv.red In pr.seDoe of I i '! '::".r " i ~ " , .. " t ", ,. '01'10 II" la1JIl1.n. . i ." 1Bessl., w. fto'04. ;SB~' O~ i'LORIDA, i', , '. ;OOUBfY or DADB. I ., and offio.r auth~rl.ed to take aokDowl.4gment. ot d.ed. aooor~ing 'to th. laW8 of . . j ithe at&t. of norlda, du17Qua1ifl.d and &oting, 'BlRBBY OBB!I1Y that llarionJ. Roberta,. ,I . .' - . . - , :.140w to mepel'8ona11J laloWll, thiB 4q she 8OJmowl.d~4 before 118 that 8heueouted the tore-I " " '! !801D8 4,.ed, AJm 'If mftlBll OBRfUY that IkDow the 8814 per80n -.king 8aid aolalOWledPeDt to! I . , I ' , I !b. the IncUvldU81 desol'lbed1JLaD4 1Ibo ex.outed the oid d..d , ! :t';_; Karlon J. Roberta . (Seal.. '" ,D WI~JllSS WBJRBOJI, I htreunto 8.t ~ hand and ofttolal 8.fI,1. at M181D1 &.ald 00l1Dt7 ;an4 State. thl. 28th 4q of AprU A, D. 1919. 01'10 I. H&1n1in. (8eal) ~, lotaq Publlo', state of 1101'14*. ~ oODlDl.alon Upl..8 Au~lt 81s\, 1921. , . I " I .' '. " , ~U.d u4. ,,'!,ol'ded till. 6th.4at of Mq, A. i ' j I ,1(0\. 0'. 8eal) I I I '1>< J P. o. JI1.41o.4, tlerk 41rouit Gourt, _/~'~/' '~' D. .; i " I I J). 1919. , .' "ECORDVERlr:I~6 . , ,.,