HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONl ' . 01 Job: Project Summary Date: 61102012 G entire Home ey: �� Aldo Sea Coast Air Conditioning & Sheet Metal Inc. 2601 Induslridl Ave 4 3, Fort Pidree, FL 34946 Phone: (772) 466armo Fax (772) 466.3053 Email: flm@$eaeoastalr.com web: h P;AVWw.0acoeatair wm ucanse: CAC0016446 m p D 0 For: Richard McGlenn 5803 Palmetto Drive, Fort Pierce, FI.34982 (Votes: Westher: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions outside db 42 °F Inside db 68 OF Design TO 26 OF Heating Summary Structure 22253 3290 Stuh Btuh Cereal vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 0 Btuh Btuh Piping Equipment load 25543 Btuh Inflitration Method Simplified Construction quality Average Fireplaces kie ti roaling 1C99 Area (tom 13592 13592 volume (ft') 0,38 p.20 Air chargesJhour 85 45 Bquiv, AVF (Cfm) Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade AHRIJref no nla Efficiency Heating. input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 0 Btuh 256418 BFuh 1300 cfm 0.051 cfnvBtuh 0.50 in H2O Summer Design Conditions Outside db 75 OF Inside db Design TD 15 ,F Daily range Relative humidity 50 °h Moisture difference g1 9 rJlb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 23189 atuh Ducts 4964 BtUh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Equipment sensible load 26745 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 2993 Btuh Ducts 1589 Btuh Central vent 0 cfm) 0 Btuh Equipment latent load 4562 Stuh Req. total capacload ity at 0.70 SHR 3133.2 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Lennox Trade 14ACX SERIES Cond 14ACX-041-2300 Coil CBX27UH-048-230"f+TDR AHRI ref no.3669097 13.0 EER, Efficiency 16 SEER Sensible cooling 27300 Btuh 11700 Btuh Latent Cooling Total cooling 93000 Btuh 000 Actual air flow Air flow factor cfm 01mlBtUh 300 Cf Cf Static pressure 0.50 H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.86 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2012.Jmr1e 07AGM Wr19ht50ifr RIgMSclL&sunivarsa1201212.0.04 RSU78176 Page 1 0ocurnenWJu WV119btaotlHVACIDbmotmcGlc;mSSTonFP4ennox.ruD Ga1c= MJ9 FroMD°OfI� : 60 39VC] Sb 1Sd0Oti3S 69GE99VZLL ES :60 Z19zigt/9e 7 o for a Pederal Energy This combination qualifies i�, 'A� Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 20111. P. �W •... _11 W= ....... 4 04 AHRI Certified Reference Number., 386900T Date: 6/18/2012 Product: Split System Air -Cooled Condensing Unit. Call with Slower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 14ACX-M -230* Indoor Unit Model Number: CI3X27UH-048430*+TDR Manufacturer. LENNOX INOUSTRIF-S, INC. Tradeffirand name: 14ACX SERIES Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combinailon is LENNOX INDUSTRIES, INC. in accordance with AMR[ Standard 2101240.2008 for Unitary Air -Condition ing and Air -Source followsindependent, Rated as Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh). 39000 F-ER-RaVrig (Cooling). 13.00 SEER Rating (Cooling): 16.00 Male. an astigiriak(*) indic*ta a voluntary Ferite, of previously pubritilied daM unless a=n1psoie(1 with axvAS, wifo indicatoo an involuntary inrFlagno followed bysl ...... ..... DISCLAIMER rantees 861519nes no rasponal4i the p-)duct(s) lkwd an Oft CcWftPIB and WWk8s RD VePWsMMWGnG1 waffmWas at Ous as to' and AHM dues not andorse dftmum;eof spFod C* Grthe M exprassfy diladallinis all Ilablifly for damage* of any kind albi'19 cut Of the U58 OF P th U the pmduct(s) ilded an Uft CaniflQuW A tmauthoitzed alteretion of data listed On this CedW=tP- CaMed kvdngs we uslid only for models and configurations klad inthe ctirectolfY n J, TERMS AND CONDITIONS of AHRL Tide Cartficae shah only he Lumd for individual, personal mW confidential 1616HInCt PUMOBcz- "Md I an This Gectolown and he contents am offlvdatarY producti entaR:d into a computer dafadw:58; Or GthOn1wist Ud n Y regfoducud; O*Bd; di"aminatud. The cunt" of 11110 Cardficas may not, In whole 0� In om he and cunKdCnfW mibrence. farm ormanner or by any pums. e=apkfarthe unces Individual, Personal CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION cited an#& certificate can tie verified at The Wormoon for Om mo" n stick an lInk WW enterthuAHRI CcrWed Reference Number and Ifte data a CWWWAt0KQLrvddr . J"� ,-In"u h is listed be(OW. volich the cerfiflcgWwas Wuad. which is a-ded ebovi% and tho CERTIFICATE NO:: 12$845022$33164117 Refrigeration Institute 02012 Air -Conditioning, Heafing, and ... ......a_. ........ . ........ . VG 39Vd OV 1SV0OV3S ESK99t)3kL E9:60 7IT03/eT/90