HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2313 .".V',1f,'", 0',:' '" &;::".'. c::; '(I 1 ~ '\ .... ] ; I : '- ::~ . ':" ;~.. ... . .. ~ ~' .. is'' ;L" . U,l" f' .r" ~ ~~~ :'i . _~:{ :'h/~-;(~~ ,.,',l,:~~.'....;';'t ,~~ " i-' ; rc~' :t l! \ ,,"" F , , ' ;,,"". 13 J. v. i'arrell " QUI't: O~L( DBB.D. ' tc) Rl~ !homaR. ~ . . "J " thl..1ndenture mado thl., Oth 01 of lupet.- A. 1>~ 1919, ~e1;.ee~ -J. Y.l'orroll', B~ohe10r" of' 8~., L~~'l~oountl, 'la.~' ~t1 of " the &8t' port,aJld ai,'1D Thollla8 of aald 00urit7 -and State " "j , '", " ti, ' .' , party ot the seoond part. ' ' ';,.1 trteseeth that the' 8ald part1 ot the first part. ~or an. 1n OO~81c1fA"o.tion of' the 8UI'Il ot ten c!o 00/100 dOll~8, ,in h~d .~u4 bl tho flald part)? ot the eeoond part, the reoeipt whereot 18 hereblaoknO'itle'.1$ed, h88rem1eed. released O~d ~u1tolalmed andb:v th81Je presents does re.. I .. .'.'" , , .. ." to . release, and qW:t~lalm unt? the 8010. portyot the seoOnd'})art his heirs and assir,ne for '. . . - . , , ever. all,' the rlght, t1 tle ,and lnteres~. olaim and d,nnand !,hlch the said pt:irty of the first part' has in ' and .to the follo~lng desori bed lot pieoe, or 'Paroel of ]a nd. Bl tUG to ,'. l)'lng and beirigin the County of 8t.Luoie and State of 1!'lOrida', ,to..w1t: .~ , BegJ,nning at the 1I0rthweeto,orner ~f the Jforthoaet ,quarter of. ,the, Jlorthe,ast . quat-tor ofSeotlon four (4). :~QW~8h,lP thlrt1"!t1ve$ottth (35), Bange fort~ (40) East- and, run, South three hundred: omt tli1rt1 (330) feet to point ofbeginnlng; run therioe East to fiest line of I I SeOt1on t~ee. To\mshi.p thir ty..ttve south, Range fort1 East; thence Southalongsa1d seo- ! " ",', ',"', ',' ' ,', ' ., ! tion lino ej,x hundred and sixty feet; thanoe flest to the line d1 viIIling the Uortheaet I quarte-r 'art~ tJ~o 1I0r-thwest q~rter, of ,the lIortheiwt Quarter of a,!'aid Section tour; t}l~nce run ! , '., i North six hundred and sixt1 fe~t to point of,beglnnlng; some being the South one-half of I ! jthe ot the Borth one half of ,t~e UOi"theost' ~u8rter of the Hortheofit c;uortor ,and the liorth .. ;. half Of' the South half _otthe lIorthoast quarter Of the 1I0rthoClst Quarter of BOid, Section fOl.u:,'rorinship thlrty-flvo South. '~tallge fort:! Aast,l I T~ HAVE ,~.ID :0 HOLD the same togother with all and si~tlar t~e appurtenances thereunto !belOnging or in any w1seappert&lning. end all -the estate. right. title. intorest and cleim whatsoevel"oft.heedd part:; of the first port. either in law or in wquity , to the only . " proper u.ee;'~~neflt and behoof of the said part;! of the seoond part. 'his- heirs and assIgns i . 1 forever. I . I In Wi mess whereof I have hereunto set my hond and seal the day end y,or first above i~liten. .- SiGned. se~ed 6D~ de11vered ,in pre8e~o'e of: , 'I,. G. McMullan. lEdger Lewis. J. V. 1'01'1'.11 (3831) 'Oi. ,~ i I IOOUH'l't- Of.ST_LYOn I' ',." . 1,"'&, D OH"l',O.,',UUthOl", hed to tQkOtlCknO\YledC'lllents, of deeds aooording to the 10"18 ot the II' , State of n01"~4a,'dul'qua11f1ed tlnd aoting, herebl oertltoJ thot J. V. Ji'arrell, Baohelor, to ! lme~er~Ona1.1i~'):norm, thlsc1ay ~8' aoknowledged ~efore me ",hot he exeoutethe foregoing deed, I and I :~,th~r, O.lo~~f1 that t know the' 881d: persons IIlOking sa1d aoknO'i'lledgment to be the in- I dlv1~~~pdeeor'ibe~l'1n and who exeouted th',801d4eed. I ,,"i#~,!ItUJ~f.-o,.J~~er~,~o s..t' DI1 hnn~,andotfl01el seal at J'ort'~lerce. sa1d,Connt)Y I , ':,aDd tsta:~,: thl~ ,~tli' 4&1 of August, J., D'~ 1919. I C.ot8r7 Seal)", ' &\gal' Lowis ' I 'OtGr1 PubUc t State of Plorldn., I ,< . - 14' o91llD1s8lon oxp1rfJ81l0v.26, 1920,. 1~1.4 'Ul~:,,.,o~!e( th!e: 6Ul,4a1' ~:t &ep~lJlb'er~ ;&; J)ii919.~, '(9,.:f~tr'Qwj>.. ~.8..~~e~. ~1.erlt ,'1~oU1 ~ Oourt. Bj.~~,":~-,' >>.,0. .. _Y . ~..~_ STATE 01!'PLQRIDA'