HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATEFROM :RJCONST FAX NO. :17724666572 2006.12.04 14!32 772.466.0609 -c. 04 2006 02:34PM P3 Leed-HP P �CETVED OS-/7 '"- . D E, 0 4 211 INSULATION INSTAL•LATI©N CERT'1[''1CATE TO: Jong , .n>atnroti(la LO'1'2,,,— 13LOCTC: SIiC'I'!()N: lorborn 1U J011 NAME: Lot 21 TE D 1013 ADDRESS: $, 14l511,I Fort matau , The undersigned hereby certiGcs to ingulatitan bag boctl hlitaAcd at thw above dest:ribcd property as follows: 1. ExlLflor CBS walls havcbccn instiltttud with ............................Check one () Spray on cellulose b a dticknegs of N/A inches, which thickness, according, t.o the () Fiberglass blankets ttranufactwvr, R-Foll (� Aluminum Fail Density NIA will yield All "14V' value of 4A Exterior Frame walls have been insulated with ............................Check one { ) Spray on cellulose to a thickness of 3,50 . inches, which thickness, wuurding to fire () Fiberglass blanket-; ntanutitctilrcr, CertalnTeed () Alumintmt Foil Density N/A will ylcld an "R" value of 11 (} Other 2, Ceilings LavAl lines been 1asulaled with.........................C'.heek one () Fiberglass blankets; to a thicktwsts of 8.0 inahag, which thickness, according to the ( ) Fiborginss louse till manufacivrur, Green Mbar ( ) Aluminum.11oil Density WA will yield an "R" value of 30 (/) Other Cellulusc SAB Ceilings Cathedral ktvc been insulated with .........................Check one () Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 8.0 inches, which tltickums, accotxling to tfte () Fiberglass loose fill Inanuthohitee, Crean Fiber () Aluminum Foil Density .NIA will yield an'1R" value of 30 (V) Other Cellulose $AtI 3. Interior knee walls have bcx:n insulated with .......... ....................... Chexk one Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 10,0 inches, which thickness, according to the () Polyurethane manufacturer. CertainTeed ( ) Spray on cellulose Density N/A will yield an "It" value of. 30 ( ) Other 4. Garage partition walls of conditioned Jiving areas have been insulated with ............................................................................... Check one (4 Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 5.50 inches, which thiclutess, according to the () Spray on cellulose tilatlufacturer, CertalnTead () Polyltrethanc Density N/A will yield all "K, value of 11 (') Otho'r MUTA] FAMILY Rf?SIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common (party) walls separating ciifFerari tenants #hall be insulated as follows - Fra=/Metal stud walls it- I I (Min.); CBS or Concrete walls R-3 (Min.). by T;nergy Cute rgquimments. See Eftorgy Code Rev. 1/87, I)nragraph 903.2(b), on page 9-17, latest edition, These "ulilliltiunut lcvcia of insubiliun" are not iaeluded in the Energy (:nlomiudons, but sluakl be installed in tho fioK NOTE; Pott#itica of sprayers tm, loose fill, or any other wmposed-oti site insulatioa shall be .C.F. (lb/ft3) average of three (3)'DRY SA.MPLEW1 caf aotlinl ittatalldtiott. 6 TMT U) FliilsFRt? VLNCi & I'NSUI,A 10N.1N•C. 6100fj r Tnsulation Contractor Insulation Contractor Signature Ft Pierce - 02-11904 Tltstlllltloti C W1traCrAes C:L'll Suildor'H Nantu - Suildcr's Off 12/1i2006 Date of Certification Notary Publlc . t:O�IN1,I t !�i O/D9/4opp Rn,Ma�ya ��po�tlGYl9a�aa�