HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2314 i I " I I I i I ~ i II I ! I i I ,i 1'U..4... ......4.4 till. 24th 1.Iq' ot !I.phlOll.... I,;)l. lV19. I I ,I (Ot. Ct. S.o1) ll4-00,t P. C. !ltD!lllll. Clo~ Oil'oQi t O....t .,',1' I ' '0 "~IiJ"J~O Bl''in''^i~~D. 0., I I, 'U'1 ! ~ -----------------.------.-..-----...------------------------------------------._--._-----~-, . l . - . I, ! B. B., mOHO to BAst nn O~.m:." \ I C-X'\~.;, " QUlt-oUIIl J)~. . \ ~ ' bow all Il.. b,' th.8. Pres.nte. that I, I. I. Itroll8 fa 1f1lower), the -.raJlt~r. tor, I 11V.r.~Od oaUS.8 ud 0..1c1eratloD8 , th.l'eurito -'0...1118. ',.d'.8peo~al11'foJ' the "WI of '.11 . I J)ol1ar..~'~(.i.O.OO) ,'i'eo.ly.I,to ., full aat18t~otiol1 ot Jaat View C_aIl' f. oorporatlo,). ' f I ~.. ~.....to.~ boy. lliY.......ont04., ..ood.~~. ...1..... ""..t...~....... tllit-otalMl.OIl4bl', ti\o.. n8.88Ilt. 40, ab801utel1 ~.. t'greJit, r_8., r.l.... ... tOI'.....l' flU 1 klat.. ow the ......';;.: ~;~..;:.;O::.:D-:..~:j::~~::~.:::i::o~..t::.i.o;.=:.~:::~t:1 .t~,~:t~t (~f:~~;;;~;~,;t,;1#1'..;_"~~~~. ...~::~~:~/::;.;4QI..,.-~~.:' >O~,..~-tld,n'~..~,4lD41()A:QQ(36,.!C>)', 801"", 110" '1",18~~~. ' ~tq:~~.M>>'oaoLif'~.;:ir~"'~~>..~~~.a".. '~\b th.,~~uJ~.. ,Ii.euto b.i~~Il8.; '\q, r , 14 ~ t ! I i I II i I I I I ,'1",'1: '. .-...~ :-.;;.... : _. _ . -:..; - ~: ~ ~i.(. _' . , " ,'-; , c.. !Bftz to, ClUIt~I4DC,' pm, ST. LUOIlCOUllTY ':Bm., , . . - . " .- '" Qo*ltt w'e!y' TlmSI PRl~t8: ',h.t t, O,Dents, ~ at_i. ~.ot Olinton' oountrt ,,' '~', ,,' ,', ,'." ",::.' ,'," " , " '.;'. .,,'. ,", . ", ;f-...... , .,;:' Ud Statiof 10w.~ln OOne1d'I'~t1on of th. eua ot _D01~1"'1n han4 pald b78t. J,~~d;. - ~. , . _ _' ,- ',.. -', . ,c" '.. . . . _ ~~ _ ;,t*9'01:Qlt~ Dank, ot,J'orth.,P1ero.. of ,8t.--Luq1e Oount" and' Stat. otrlorlda, 40 h.rflb1 QU_I~ ~ .-~''':' ,," - -,' . .... .' . - .<:;OLibtuto~.8a~.d8t.,LU01e Oo_t1B~nk, al11lQ'. right,tltle .and' in~el'e'8~'lD and to 'tiie fOUo.'1D8' '4eaorlbed premi'-..., ail tuatea J.1t the oount,' of St.Luo 18 'and Stat. ot, . .. .. 'lorU.a,to~w'lt: ' '~ ' 8tartlng:'at '.'pOUitOn' HUDdrol eel 81:&tl(160) teet' Bastot the last O'oaet Haiiro'-Il " " ~ ' , ",' , , , '"" . ' ,.' , ' l ' I right ot 'wa, ~n~. 80uth~..toorner oflan4_~~_!~~!~~~nt.~r,~~!r!~,Il.~_~~eb.ing part, ot I J.ol~~c>-..(iHot'S.oilon !br.."(a) ~ownehip 'lhlrll..tive (3&), South o~ Rangtt 'ort, (.0) Bast, o. . '. .'.' . " . . The~o. run last to the Bank' ot 'the znclien River; tbenoe'''nm 1forth'81.ong the.ag., otsa14 .., . . - - . ri.,.ra dJ.8tanoe,otSevent~..t1Y. (76) teet; theno. run We8~ about On. H\U14rel,Bin'.-t7 (190) I teet ,to .,pobit'llorth of 121. starting ,plaoe; thence run South Sevent,..ti'YI (76ft.et 'to ! .' "., .. ",' -. '-': ,.", . - .' . . . . ."' , i '. plaoe ot b"lrd.ns. ,88,1d lend oonveyed being part Qt plaoe tor.er17 owned b1 U~ B. Weller,l ,~ I lnal, ~i11rigall'rlP8rlan r1ght8on ssidrlver tront. ' I An4the sai4----h.rob7 relinQUish.8 all right ot Do.erln and to th8 above d'soribed I I I I t I I I . f . I- I I I I ! i ! i I \ f i f I,.",," '. "r ? ,- premises. ;; Signed this 26th, clay ot August. A.D. 1919. ' , in pres.no.ot ". ' ~, : ~- .1.. .A. BloOll J. V. Bloom c. Bents STATE OPIO\'1A, I CLIJITOB COWlTY, ) S8. ODtbis 1lnentY-81xth de, otAugu8t IuD. 1919 befo1'8 m. pereonal11'ap})eared O. J. A.Bloomt Botar7 Publ 0, Jq C~mmls81Qn expire8 July 4th, .1921. I ,,~'. ',-' :-' . ;' ~~ ~ , " ',-:,:"')111f~i.!~~f .-.~,~.gJ::-\."-..'-..;i~,,,,,:,- --,~_ ...~ '.-<'.' ;.