HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2320 " , 'BtO~ln, fhat:su.Ohatl ~"~fS:. ~~~.~.J)VOG"",bl' ~lt. P~I",o~111 ~own.tQ .. to ,bt:tbe,...fp8l"8OD8 W'hoi. n~tI,u.'.\\~.e1"~be.:' to :thtfol"'SQ1DBln8t~eDt~ appe.r~ b'for"'me':th~1 d.,ltl perlOll,' u~ ao,t~oWl'4s':4:th~t',~.~..",gn.o.~ ' ..ale4.' ..i( A~11 T'~'d,th. ' ' la14",l~..trWll.nt a"~:'l*, 'b'~..n4 "'()lunt~l'1 aot~'to~tb.'u~e8 and' purPOI,8 the~'lD ,.t'tort . I 1~'luUna't~er.lta8e anA w.l....~ otthe rl,ht ot' homeete.d. , ~ - , . . - , Gl....n~de:rm1h&na.' ano. notariai 8e.l, thll1 $lzth dot of lloyemb.r A. D. '1918. !lab.ittll.!.l- " ' , ,.tIO'1'ARY I!U~Lt." ',,' ,: ,~<Yf~rli.!;lllt: ..: ,'~. -' :" :. :.,"'-~-:, ~ :~., -,-::-', ,"- ~..._-.,,-.:, ,. ". . . - . 20,,',. /"._'" ~ I , '". , I 'I I . Ma'b.l1tll.y · Ilnota~1 ptlbll~ in and' for the oount;v and stat. .for~8aid, 4~ herebi d' , oert1fJ that KARGARET A. l>tJGGAlI.' the wlt. of Jliohael P.D\28gan, to m. nown, and ntwn to . to b~ one 'of the P'~Bbn'd'80ribec11nand'Who'.~.~~tedth~ .;oregoing d~eci, per80nallyappear , ,', ' , ' ",,' " .', , " ',' " '.', ..' ..', I .4 b.tore"1I8 th1t dat, and on .. pri....t..xemlJlat10n, b.toreme, sh.be1ng88pa1'ate and apar~1 , " , " , I '" 'boll'- h.r 8;11d 'hu'b~l, "knowl.dg~d b~tor. me that &he '.~.out.d the Balll. fre.11 and vOluntart 11t' and without oompu1ei~n. oon8traint appr'hen8ion,or t.ar of 'or from her hU8band. ' I I I i I i I I I I I i i j i I I I _I,ROB~')(. S~ITZER.Countj Ol~rt of the CountJ' of Cook, DO HEREBY OER!IJ'l' that I IUD ! the 1'-wtuJ, CUs to41 an' of <th. offioial reoord8 of l'otarte8Pl1!>il0 of B814eountJ'~ and a8 8uoh I offio.r am dUl7,authorl,ed lO,l.eue oer~~~8 ~f ~g18traoJ', that Mabel Riley,who88 name I "ilk 4......-<<A.J.- "'~~t"! -~. "'-. ~ . ~ U~.-u...c:.l.. P-'-r.t o..dr~~h-~. ; 11& 8ubsorib.d 'to ~he proof ot ~6knowl'NaeDt" a Doter)? Public in and for Coot Oount;V. dUly i I ,', , , ' , , I l.ommls8io~e4. sworn and ,aating os ...b ancl'.aut~o.l..d to take aoknowle4grnentx and proof8 of ! . I d.eds o~ oOI:lY'J'anae~ ofl~d8 ,t~Jle~8nt~ o~ 'hare41 t~eDt8. In 8a1dSiate of' Illlnoi8. Ilnd t~ I . , . ' I a4mlnl~t.ro.t~s; a~l ot Whi!h appear8f.rom th.'reeord8 and file~ Inm)' offioe; tha~'l amwe~l aoqUainted .nth thfl'handwrlting of 8814 Hotal')' and yerily b.lieve that the signatur. to S'-14 I . . '.' , . ~. ,', . i , i proof of aotnow~e~ent 18 g'Duln.. ' .~~ I I i I I I i 'I i STATE O~ ILLIUOIS "COUBTt, 01', coax I~S' ' , , In.ltneB8 Whereof, I ha.. hereunto 8et lIlY hand and affixed m;v 8ealtbls 8isth 4aJ'ot Ifo'f'em'ber. J.. D. i91Q. lfab.l RllJr ~, n, BOT ,x ~ , (llota1"J: S.al) S'UTS 91' ILLINOIS ) . J sa COOK Oot1Uft. , D t.'l~ ~, 'I he.. h.r.unto eet ,rtrI hand and, atfixed. the Bea1 of the County It of CO,~t at 1D1.0~fl0'8 in'th. City' of' Oh1oago,ln 'satclColUltJ', thi8,23 d~y ot Oot'.11919. (Seal of tho County Clerk) . Ro~.rt ,Lt" ~eltS8r eouln OIJUUc. I - . ' I I I i I I I ,1 :i I! ~ I '11ed aad !.oor~ed thi8 ,28th 4f7o~ O.tober, A. n. 1919. p~ 0" Bldrod, Clerk C~roult Oourt. Bl dd4/~94P~: O. I (Ot. Ct. S.al) O~/~ ' ~ll:/jJ . . ~ 0&001* - 0_. _ . ;',~';~L};~'~:~E,:"t:l,"' "'~, ........ ~ , . - . : '. - - . . :":'L'..io.pt, '" _~;".t'~ "n- B!'; ','"':~ ~ ,~ I