HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2336 I . . ~ I ";7~:-,'f~~~~'"f'"'-~~T~~-"~~7T~f""~:~::~~~~--:.~ -~;~~~::"":-1, :. ~..~.~:.~ .... ~f"'!Il""C'!~~~~''''':''': ---.....,__"'l'..~. ~...~l ""'a ..::::-:_ .~......__--:.~_.1""'__>..:r~'~~~ " 36, " . .. . . . . . .".I...~."ba114 "'~ Otf~ole1 .eU, .tW..t l&1Ja Beaoh, OOVJ1t)' of h1JaBeaoh an4 state of'Jlo~lel", th~.8'th4qot Jan. .4. D.: 1920. ' ). ,<10" . .:'." t,",. . Mroo~.81o~ exp1t.e KO? 26th 1920. , , UrotarJ Seal) ,B.rtL. B't.iD '. , 1l0t81"7 Publ1o. I " . t' # J . ~ ~ i <l i I ~ ~ ~ '. ~ ~ (9 ~ ~ ~ " I I i I II I If : i i ! ::;~6;r;:}~t 011 \hl.0 .4at pe~~Dal17.ppeu.4b.tore ..; aD ottto.r 4~authO~ ,-.e,elt~a4111'n1ater oath8 and' tate aoknowlo clpent 8 , Bertha Kut1n and Stanl8;r B. ~in, her I huebanel; to me ,eli m~ to b.' ~eper80n~d~~I'~beel 1n and WhO. exeouted . \he. ~OreSOing in.. I stnment ano. ~he;y a,Oknowleelged before _ that the)' exeouteel the' same ~ee17' an4:, -yoluntarll;r ,! , , , I fotthe purposes.thel'ein expt'esseel. ' ' I I , .AJf])'1 PO'R'lHBR ODtIn~ !hat the 8&14 Bertha Mart1n bow to .. to be the wife of the I ..14 8~e;r Bll.l'lIUt1nona 88pe.ratean~.. private e~~mh'.tlon,,' taken and made b;y and before ! me. Beparatel;y and apart from her saiel husband,' dio." aomowledge that sheexeoute4 the fore" I .- . . . t C01n8])eeel fOl'thepurPo~e ot,'reUnciu1eh1nc, aUenaUng anel oon~e;ving all h.l' right, title ,~ an4intere8t, whether of dower, homestead or of separate pl"Oper'tJ'. 8tatutor;y 01' eq,uitable ,1 , " ' ,,' I 111 &l14 to 'the lan48~ae80ribed the1'e1n, and.that iIle exeouted said Deed free1;Y and voluntu-j . -. '" _' f, - .. I 111 and without any'oolllpuleion, oon8tra1nt. apprehension or 'tear 0'1 or from her said hueband~ . . ! 1rl'BB88>D17 han4. and offio18J.eeal at J'onPieroe, nor1da, County o:f St. Luoie ana State 01' nor1da thi~ 24th da;r of .Tanqaq A~' D. 1920. ' (Of. Cf. BBAL) P. C. Eldred O~erk Qlrou1t Qourt. By Je:ff L. DaTie, D. O. 1',', , A , (Cf. Of. SBAL) I ~led 8J14reoOrcleel thi8 l'1th'daY o:f Maroh, A. :0. 1920. " , '>>. o. Blelred,Olerk Oirouit Court. a~(X! ~71A~/' A>>~XAliD~ is'imR AIm wiFE - .. .. .. - - .. ~o- - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - WAT.no 'E.- SExTON. , TRIS 1l1DElTTUBB, lIade this 20th day of' Janu.ar;y, A. D. 1920, between AT.~~~'Q ~~~~l:( , . . '. ~".' - ,::'f;~- and Dorothy L. ASHER, his wife, qf' tho County 0'1 Cook and State of Illinois, parties of ' _ the :first part. and WALDO B. SXJTON. of the Oounty 0'1 st. Luoie and State p:f fiorlda, party 0'1 the s800nd Jl8rt. , .' , ,1I1T~~Tlll Thatthesa14 par~1e8 01, the fir8t part, :for and in oonsiderat1on of the '1 . . ' . En1iD of One Dollar hnd other valuable' oonsideration. in hand paid by the said party of the i . , ' i seoond part, the receipt whereof i8 hereby a0k1'1ow1ed'ged, bave remised. rolessed,conveyed ! . . . 1 sndqll1t"olal~d, and by theBe p~esent8dprem1se. releaee, oonvey and quit..olaim unto the' ! . - '. - . "' ~. -'. ," . - '\ i said party of the seoon4 part and his heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, in- I ~ _ _ ,.-...-1-..., . _ . - .." . (" , tereat, 0181111 amd de~4whioh the said partie8 o~ the first part have. in and to tho fol" I I I lowing ~~80'r1bedlot_. piece, or parcel of land, situated iri st. Luoie Oounty, Florlda~ t.- I I I I PO~n..rf "P"'-f~t:l" B1 D. O. wit: Ip. Se'ot1on ()ne (1), ,~o,ft,@hiP Thirtl:'two C ~2) South,Ro.nge Thirty-nine C 39} East, - . . . . . .-. ~. '-, - ... . '. . , '. . . .' - . , , beg1nn1ng ati.polnt On the East shore of the Indian RlvG~ in sai,4 Section, Township and " ' ~. .' -,.;.. - \~ -, - ~. .' ". ,,-- . ~,.. where the ~orth anA sOuth Sub-diVision 1inerunnlng through the ,oenterof eai4 Seo- . . '. tl~:.~::(i),iJ1ter8eot" 8t\id Ea8~ 'bank. ' )'rom 'thia ~1nt of beg1nningrun llorth alongtl1e -; -- .<','-.'. -. . '._ .". _ : '.: .:' ~ . __ .' ". ." . -, .~,- . __ . - r. - ~. . .. ~ "---' -' " ~,-'" .' ':', .' ..... ., -- .' - . -;, . ,- ,., " :' - : . '. . . '- '. - , irtrb...al'f18j,~):f 11n8:626.4 fe t~ ,'t~eJ1O. Bast ,~:L'1.9 feet lien e a th ,11'1.9 .et th noe We8t . , ' :{,~~., '~~~~ ,th4W.C~'1WJ1t09 t~e:t. more. or ~f ~~:,fft'/#~.'~;.'~f.,;;~:.,i~~~..'" . '1;- " ~ l ,4 ~:fbeglnntng., Oonj$in~ fiv. , " ,. -, ',,",': :';~~,f~1~lf~.t~lf~