HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASEC Ve *1 ...... ft v ap men, all bivistan ,da A ve r -F.046k Pax' 772446 2-64143, Reqtieftlbr -30-0ay-Tla�Paver `Rd Permit Nt2imber-. "ed Addrom Q'Q_Av"-7' . RECEIVED. 1 0 0 C T .0, 4 2,9';,3 ST. Lucie County, Permitting THE UNDEMGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELE=CAL POWER To THE= A]30V.E DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A. PER100 NOT TO EX. CZEED "11iIRTY,(3 0) - DAYS, S, FOld THE P VVOS1 OF TES71NG SYMMS AND 'EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A.FIkAL.IN' PECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE AEQU EST WE - H B:d W ACI�IqOWLED � E AN b" A G'FT:E S FOLLOWS: I- 7h[S teMP=rY Power r0ease Is re.yiestedibrheabo4eSatedpuWse only, and there wM be no oi:tupanty of any type, gther than that P-e*rM'jtb'd by.boftSOucd'onduring this limo- period. . 2. M witnessby our signatures, Wq heTaby agr;e4_ tb aoiqe by all V2fts and conditions of this agreemerit, indadifig BUilding DhAaonftficy, which is indorpOrated her&n by reference. 3.. All conditions.and tequireri L:pts. fistNf in the atta &.. ed document ent-MdORequiremmts. for 30 Day PoWer'for'Tesffng,'hc)ve-bP-en'fulfilled'6nd the premige is ready for comprjaa(�e inspection. 4. A JI r.eqtfestZ for ari od'en§lon beyond 30 days must be' made in wrMizg to ire l3tillffing pfricial stating the reason for the request. POwer maybe removed'from the site and/or a- Stop ' ' -Work. Order Issued IT the rinal-InspecUdn hat riot Been approved within 3bdays. AfL;,6 of $100.00 Will 66 required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HERESY RELF.A$E AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST, LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LjABH,=S ANP.CLAIMS -OF ANY TYPE. dr"NATURE VVKCH MAY AMENOW ORINTHE RnUTOUT OF THIS TRANSAMON, INCLUDING ANY D�NA8E -W1qk-R---'kAY QE 1WURRED. 'DUE TO THE Disc6mkftohop akcmcAL PowER.IN'THE, 6EW- '& WOLATION OPTHIS AGREEMff4T. DATF 89z-j 9000/6000d 8tiq-1 999L8L83LL -wodi to: 3 L 8 L 1-to-0L