HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2346 ."- ~ ',',:,-" ".'-""-'-' 1~"~. ;'.-'_''''_'1.~. -- 46 ,atu~ Q'~~~;~" ) , .' . ',c.,,"..',' , . .1. OOt1nt,O"~. ", , >> ,""', , ' , " ,~,BA~~ ~ptJJ(:,J.~'",O~1 a~~I'.,,,~O~.,I,~ ~~'\l,I~O~~ .~tI"'y! ~olp"'~t1a .,Ml,...~,.~,~~.:,~~v.'~~..'ot~~!,.~.,.,I"lfOI'. t1a, P1ll'JOP' ,.f l".i1Jl~1U~1Df.*II4, ..,,.\ .OQDO~~,. ;l'laht, ot:. 4o"1't'8tlI;"il; w.i'1..,.:tt1~11..1.~el'.~t~1.' ad to.~. a~~ .,a"l"'!' , , p:re.l...uA 1u4. ,ozi paroe).1 ot lQA. ... I,.~ hl")>>7, ll.eo1ar.that I U'OV.\t1 ~e ~I;.' , . .' , . 'tl',,17 aa4'YolUJl~I'~17.,ut wJtho,at".,. ~~,~o"" ooutrunt. apPI'eh.nelo,ol' tld' ot, 01' .1:::;.:::'~=~::;"~~~:::~~::~1~;:- :::-.;,~:~~ ...let, .1 , ," ,. " -Uj;~,i~. a~~o~ (Seal) I I i e'i.ltB 0' lIIJUllOt'A .) . . .1 ",'I OOt1ftY OJ 1WI8BY.; , " I I~ 1. Job o. Zlhilder'. .0\er7 h'bi.lo'ln anc\':tbl' the e.14 00U\7, do hel'eb7 oel'UfJ that I .1 the to..SOlDS.' 4.0:lar.UOD ...~ Wi:.. __40 \,. the . .aU umIB 8CIuloB. ".hr. .... ..par"ulJl ! ',' , . . ',' " ,I ~D4. ~par,~, ~~'; her ~ h~~ -the' "ll~Ob'l't Sohroth: . ,ad that, hA"~ '.en.".8, , , 'I ..cle aoqwllted Wi th the oOlltenta 0'1 the ..lel a..1 ,.tor. the aqning ther.ot bt her. anI ~et' , ,I lq.' " ..~ . .nain...' eepuoaw ani apart tro., h.l' ..14bueban4, aoJaaow1ec18e4 th~t' &he baa ..,,1 ' e01lteelthe ..... u4. r'l1ntil1ehell~'1l4 reDc>>llJloea' hel" dowel', ani all hiI' ript. t1 Ue anl1il~ ! " ,,' ,: ,.:,', . ", " ""', ,< ' ..:., ,',',', ",' , I tere.t 1ii aDl"to th.' pl'eai.... GOllyetell. tre.1, anA YOluta1'117, anet without OGap1l18ioD, oon-j . :'J' ,~' -.' .. :. .... , . (-.- "~l- ," . " l .traint, appreheneloll. 01' teai'",o~...'or ?fl"o. h.~, ~lel h1Ul~." .' ' . " ,I I. 1I1!ftSS1lHJtRBOJI, I 'he.,e 'hel'etinto .et iq hanel ani ..ttuea rq ottloia1 aeal. th1130thj dal ot M7'. A. 'D. 191,; (iotaI'7'Seal) , I t I I I I, ! I tlotar' I.a:'" '1' I 1 I I I I I, I, ..JOhn"O.Z.ller a .otu7 Publ101n anl'tor 8814 tount7, 4o'''~ -l.oel'tl'tJ that, on ! - . . . . . i 'th1e ela,~peI'80Ilal17 appear.. be'tor6 ..':aOBUt 8OJIllOD, aleo known .. Robert C~ Sohroth, , I who.e 'n~ appears e1sn.el t.o the tore80lDa ele." otoonyeJ8l1o,,' ani .bo lepereouU, Down to.e to be'tbe 14.ntloal pereO:".Who" !l8IIe1e aublorlbe4 to aaid .eeel ae ba.,1D8' ezeo~te4 tht . , ",,' ,,1\1 ',' ',' , , ...e. _ aoknowltaa.a that he,.,exeoutel the IBM ae hie 'YOlutal'7 aot anet el..o:, tor the 118.ej , , I iuIa ~~;:.:.::.o~:.:~: Il.r.unt.o ..t ., _ ...4. atftxe4 ., offlol.1 ...1 tlllo SOtll I la, 0'1 h1., ..' D.'l~l~. " I I I I (lot8l'7 aealo) - ..' .-.-'",\ 0' . , , John C.S.bel.r , lolaI" '.P1lb~lo ill __ f'or R...e7 Ooutt.M1nDelOta.' , Mt Qo."~'810nlzplrea 1ane 18.. 1921. 8!A'fB or ~.B8OTA COVf'l'f OJ 1WIS8Y. ) I 88 ) .otarr ..8-k;:M:~ Rule., I OOUllt,. MiJlt!elota." , ' I . Kf ,qor.1e.lon ,xpu,. ,.1U.,. 18 .. 1~21. ! I . I I i I ! I j ~1e4 ant. raoor4... thia 2Il4 4aJot APl"11. A.' D. 1920. 'P. O. 11ar'el, Olerk Cl*ollit Oovt. ., ,C11-P/ ~47~' D~O. ...t., RecordV~rlied tC1'. ~" a..u,) I I' 11 . II t.< _\. ~4}.;:._- :;.!'_~~~~ :;;i~~ ~J-...<<~!;.~ " , - ,'-'" i'l<c~~~;c,,-'W ~$-.ii:,,!.-~~.6 ' , ':, ;: '~i~;?~t1~!It~t1&~~:;