HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2349 49 A.IIO. lOBI ":,,~'1iJl W10l~. " I 10 " QVlt.-o~ JJID. . ;th1..,JDl.en\v..,....t1l1., f.ll\'b4aJ.',~.,-=~..~.:'fJJ., 1'10. \t~tW~'D 4. Qeo~,ao.. of . ,. . . - .' . - .', .' -. - "; -' '-. . - A.~~... ," ,Iort,a .... .~.te of, .~O.' paa"~ !>>f ~. tll"\ part., ~ ~~. W1.. of tb. 'out,ot It.: t.ao1..., '~t. ot. t10r'1...,,~I'''~tth. .'Oqd, JUt,. ' . .' -- ~ .-' '. . . WI'~88I!Il. 'that thi ..14 put, 0' '\b,t1r.t JUt, tol',04 ,In.ooll.14'I'.tion of the 8111I 1 of' 0..1 4011&1' u4 00/100, ill haA4pa14'..., ~h. ..14 par,t ' ,of \)l., ."0.... part.' tb. reoelpt I Wbd.of.l. hel"l>',.ouo.l...e4. .. 10..1..11. 1'.1....., ul ,uU-OlataeA. an'" b~ tbe,. Pl"e.ent~ ,do".1'.1.e, 1'.1.... u4 qp.1t-olata.1lDto' th~ ..11 pal't,ot ~e .e~OQ~ part. anA hhh.lre I aIlcl "lllps tOI'.....r, ,11'~. "lsht, title. atel'el', ol~1a all.' leMlll whlob thl' ..11 part, O~ , " " ' . ., ,., I the tir.t, part ha.: ill anA to the tollo.1ac 4e.01'1'eel lot pl.oe 01' paroel ot 10el. .Uuate, I ... " _. ~ . J 171_UlC1 'elOC lD the eolultlot :_t. liu~l', .nd ft.tlot '101'14., to-wit: I hl1*D1...~t the IOllt1i .~.too~n~l', o~lot IlUa)ej. two .eoUoll tw.nt,ollt. tonBhlp l , . . " ' .' ' " 'I ~",. ou."...l'l.......~......t, thenol north .10118 th~ .e.tllDe ot .ail lot I t~1'\....~....~,~.-::':~, ... '. --~~r-.~- ~~.:':~: .-,,"---- ."...'., - , . , '_ ' I u., bllDare' aI,ll.S;Zt'.I..~..ib.llo. J!U t.1l (10) :feet tbenoe eolltb paraJ,lel with the nat ! . - . '., ~ . . ,.. ~ ,11n.' ot..1O. ';lot 11. htm4l".elanl .1~t,f..t to ~he louth lln. of 1814 lot thenoe .eat ten , (lO) t..t.to po1ntotbeilJl1l1as. , , . BUD8 . l,tl'lp.: ot lan4 ten 't..t wl1e, alollS' thl ..at dele o,t the aOllth au hundrea ana aut, 'teet ,of lot #2 .a, el"01'1beel .bo..... to JU.1B All) to BOLl) ,thl ~.', tosether 1d.th .11 ~ alnplar the .ppurtenancea thereuntf , beloDa1acol', ~Il anptae ,pp8rtalD1q, ana all the ..tatl. rlpt. tUle., intereat an,a olel. I . . . " ! what.o.....r,otth., eai4 ~t, o,t ~e t1r8t Par~. .1thel' in law 01' equit,. to ~he onlJ propel' 1 ,us,, benetit an~ behoot of the Ball part, o~ the 8800nl part hiB hell'S anel .8ell11. tOI'.....I'. ! j XIUfDSS IBEUO'. ~ho eald part, of th, first, part has hereunto ,eet biB haD4 and eeal; .' I the de)" anel .,.ar t1ret ,.bo.... _1 tten,. ,I elpel. eealed and ,ele11nz:eel ,lD pre8enoe 0'1 Gj J. ..till :&t1 th R. Martin A. Gao. ROBe ,'L. E. Roe. (Seal) (Seal) 1 Itate ot Ilorn. lount, of ,t. Luoie. ,I JI ,I, .no~10er ~u.~0J'1.e4 to take aomowled.._tl '0'1 cleeas acool'ellD8 to ,the law~ of the State ot JI1orlde~ 4U11Qu.llflea ana aotina. BBBDY CJm!lft. that .&0 .. ROil ant hiB .1fe .. E. !Jo.e to lIle pUeonell, kD01rl1.tbt's'4al .Obowle4Sl4b,tOl'e l6e that the, eXIOllte4, the ." >,' .,', _ _ ~.:"__ _ _ _ . _,' _ ,__ _, '., f toresoll11 .'m.1 jL\,'fJUlJl~,ft tbat t bow 'the' lai4 pel'801l IlaklD8 8alel aomo.-j 1e4p811t \.O:be the illc11.-14aa14e.ol'lbed 1i1 anA who ex.outed the .aid . I " llcWIUI88'1IBEBIO'. 'ihtr.uto ',e' .,~4.n4 'otllota1 eeal, at Seba.Uall, aaid .0pDt,.! anl Itat., thle 10th... of Juar" J.~ D. 1~20. I I. w. Vlok.l'a I '(Iota!')' leal) I. P. I I ! . I (ct. Ct. SUL) ~1e1 an4 l'eoor4e4,thl. .7th 0.., ot Karoh, 4. D. 1920. P. C. ~cll".4,Olerk '1I'cnt1tI6un. 11. (l~R ~P. c. '/',' Reeord l1; ~r1Ied