HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE. CIRCUIT =VW'na%INT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4365996 OR BOOK 4081. PAGE 2317--,�Uft5CZM;'W='01/02/2'018"11:09:45 AM THIS Is 76 CERTIIiV THAT This 1. A aucD TRUEV SC ' ORREdT COPY ANN50 0RIG1 0L OP .THE K BY sY. ST WrIP: MI KV NOTICE. OF COMARNICEMEN The undersigned h=by.ghtcn notice that - .pr im rovormont will be made to certain real property, pd imaccordance with Chapter 713, Florida sfatums the following information' is.provided in, the N.oticemf cormt.,encement. '-DEa'jPn00'PfOPER g, al desci"ption and stree.t_address)TA_x_Fo_fj--6 NuM_BE9-: 3 017— 1,11-0001-0 0-5�tjry SUBDIVjm0jtWTPkCTLOTBLDGUNIT East k of section I township 34s �dnge 39B lying-N&W Ot TUrn ike Feede Road 2. GENERAL DESCRIMON OF IMPROVEMENT: V X 11 , ?�cFe 4 3. OWNER DWORMLUON:-� &Narn&--N*-QnVVMf!nttM -ns! 33 b.Address 8000 S. USI, Suite .4,02, -#SL, FL 34*952 ' c,`intemtln, property— d.,XAmeand-.address-of.I!ee sirnple titleholder (if other than owner) 4 * COMMACrOR-S. NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. Wynne DeVaI62m'ont Corporation 8000 S. US:L,. Suite 462., PSL, - FT, 34952, 772-82A-40,q, S. SUMVS NAME,,ADDRPSS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT, 6. LENDER'S NAhM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. T. Persons-withim the State of Florida detign;ted by �n homr1;!es or other docurcentsmaybe sewed as p;ovided by Section713-13 (1)(a)LFl6ridaStatites: John I NAbM, ADDAMSS AND PHONE NUW4M- I Las CaSita-S, Ft- PiPre-,6, VT! 34951-*7 661553 8 In.additim to himself or hers;lf; Owner designates thdfullowibg to receive zcopy of the utpoesmotice as:providcd in Section 713.][3 (1)(b), Florida'Statutes., NAM% ADDRM AND PHONE N*1l09R. 9. Ex en ,p#aoondaL-:.o,fnafiesofeammeno,ern t(ffie)expim6on.date.i.ilyear from thd:dat6ofrecording unless adifterent,dPttis- ;pecified) 20 Matthew Lyle Wynne, Via e=—Pme--%iAent Signawreof , Owner or print Nam and Provide 6ignatoryle Titte/Office. Owner's Authozized.Oirsetr/Dh-ector/panrLer/M=ager Stim offtrida County .of, St- Tol ie- I**b 9 r e--*m 'A ne-foregoing instrumentwas; acknowledgedre befo.me this A,4 S' 1ay of 20-1 gy Matthew Lyle. Wynne as V I (Nirne of p6hon), (Type ofauthority ... e,g: Owner i officer, trustee, attorney infaCt)' For Wynne ynn auilding Corporation misis type Of m: (Kqmecfpatty 6nbehalf *fw minsjn�jnenrwasr�xacuted) ducedthefolb whom Personally Known—:.— orpro �7 TdRo I H ANN BASKIN my cohj�.jSsj6N i GG 6.36145 OIR66.0�ber2j=6 EX-0 dPA1WUN0*P01icu1r42rWnb1m L reof Ndt - ��ubuc�) SIMI) (Frintcd�Name of Notary Public) (Signature am true 0 be$ f knowledge Under penalties of perjury: I cieclaci thatThiva read the foregoing and that the facts in it t the to MY g and brilef(section W 15, Fj6rlda Statutes). of 0-%Jner(s) or.Owner(s)'A'uthorized Otricer/Dire,c.toripartner/Minager Who signed above: B By: