HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2354 " ''-'" ;,....~',,: ',1r;~.f~llt-f~ ., "'---"-"~"-'7- .-'~:-. \ ; '-t,-.. ,~:_",::-:::.... ...,~.:~. r:--c ~~ 54 , ' 'Fe "':'T':"~~"':-:';'I""'~ .'T ..-...~..-,,......,-:r__':"""""""-;:-'.""'~.";-:~-"'~_.--':-'-"'~"f. .,": <.....~ ::~~~',;: ",-~,-c, ~'..'~'---'-'-""'. J~ 0""'. .~. UJ) Will. ItALi' to 4VIt..oWa DDJ). W4Ll>>O I. PlIOI,." " - . ~~ . 'axa'UJ)JUUBI~ lId.thl. 18th la, 01 J.''-I'UI7,i A. D., 1~20. bO.tlp r.OJl~';L" alJlORJ) .... J'ADm.1. GIROD, hi. wit., bt :DHUL I. no.. U4, J. .O.:1'1tAI".__,I',h..b....' ~1, otSt. '.01. Oount" 'JIloS'!"', ... IUBY 8.,IIIJt'~""...ri-O.'~ Jan.~at.l'. h~1i"",,'\h' oi 111:.. 1101'1ela. IN'1" .1 ,'hi lil"" })art, ant WA:LDO I. Uuoll, ot the Oount" oi 8t_ '"ROi.. o . . . ..~ ot~el'i"'. l'Uti'ot t!lo ..oonl. J&". I : WXtIll8lQl!H. 'hat the -ll Jl8\l.. of the lir.a1lJlUt.fol' ~ in oon.id.~tton .t tho I . ' , " I .. of Oil. '>>.oUar In hu4 pala. ~, tho a.ia. party.of 'tho "o,ona. part. th., l'.oe1~t "her.of la'l , , I hereb,aokno1rleel8la., .....1fl_..... rele..... ana. qult-ola1M4, an4 b'"th...p'....nt. 10 .1'.- j laU.e, :Nl....,6..l~qllia1lfi..nY."anel' fOl'e.'1" ,Qll111-ola1. _to '\11, l&i4. pal'ty ~t tho ...onl' ! I ~" ~cl hi. )1.11'8 a4' ...ip. .for.Y.~. &11 the 1'18ht. tUl.. .1nt.reWt. 01.1a uel lnu4 !' IWhi.h.~e Mil parUe. of "he fil'8t ~ haY. lnu.4 t.:th. foll'.1q deBOrlbe410"~. ' I I pl.... .1' J4U'Qel., ef lanl. .i'h.ate. l11n, ana. b'1IL8 ln -the OountF of 8'\. Luie, State .t I J'l01'i4a, tollwit: ' . . .. "IIi. th....r\h 1>.1;( .t \h. ..r\h.._.' _or .t 8..~lOn OlIo, ~_~:p l!Il ...th, Ban88;39 Baet. EXo.pt \h.,.orthw08t ~t.rot t.he Borth.llt Quar1tI'~f ~.~Grthe.." · QlI&rttl'of, 1&14 S.oUon One.Alao e:.nept~ "h....t la&1:f ot th. .or1h~IJt~"~~".,t. ~. korthe..t faartel' ~'t the'~.Orihea.t ~tel' of _U.80o"ion ane" ,.uIO""Pt;t.N:.t1J.'.~~~' I ::1: :I'::::~::t=.:t~:;=:~:::: ;:ri: ::::~:=~~a.t" I the .Ol'thea."quart.r~ et'-14, ..ouoil QuI a], 10 .xe.ptiq t)1eW..t; halt ot the ~~~ea.~ I ' '" , " , , I Qurt.l" otthe Borthe..t tuarter of the 1IOl'tb.,_1Jt Quart.r of 8&11.' S~c.tlon One~ i t-' 2. the Borth ODe':'fouth 01 the 8outhe.8t Quar"r of-tu BorihJr.et quartel' .t. I ' ' ," , '" I Seotion One, :!omah1Jl 88 SO\1:th, llaqo,8t Baat. J" , I " ,,...;. .,' ~ I.' , the JlOrthOne-fouri~ .f., th. S0l1thea8t" ~.~f "he .o~~,a.t ,4uariel' of 'j SeoUoD'Ono.' t.wneh1p 18 SoutJa. llalp 8~'Baat., " ...' ,_, ' " : I ".~ The .er'Ulea.t Clurter ot'he ..rth....t bal"tol' of th.lorthwe." ctca.ut.1' .f I ' ' " . '..,'" , ' ' ! Seotion On.. !r01t1l8h1p U South, Banse It But. . ' , + '" ' " '.J I. the South WI of tho Borthe.at Quartel' .t ,the BOI'~...t ctuarteio.ot,Qe'\lon .' .., ..~. r . One, !ewnehlJ88 So~, balse " ".t. , , , I All 0,1 the ton,011l8 4esol'iption. are aoOOrdiJ18to Ui11t.4 State. Goy.rnaent Su'T.J' I anel 'p1at.. ' " " , '0 HAY.lJ1I1) 20 BOLD the .11I to.ther with aU and. .1np1ar the .pprhuano..ther.unto \ . . '. . "'. ....... ! beloJ18iq,.r in apl.. appert&1n1Il8. &D4 al1 tho ..tat., rlpt. 1Ii~l... tnte".8t ~ ol~ .. !- what.oeyei''' 'the ...iel partio. It the fir." part, either iil'law .1" .,1l1t7. ...-~. OnlF pl'O- , " per .... benefit an4 behoO~ ot 'the eai4 puty ~t the ..OOM part. hi. hell'e ,&114&881811.. , . ' I 'foreyer. , ," I I ' UWID:I88 WHBBBO~* ,he I&iel JlII'Ue. ot thef1r8t p81"1; haTI 'h8l"eunw, ..tthe11' han4a ".. , ..... . ~ ad ..~l. the 4V' &D4 ,'J"I&1" :f1r." ab.Y.f>,..1ttell. , , 8lgaet. S.ale4 &D4 DeliY- vet 111 the pre..no. of. ,. Oharle. Giftort I I I i (Seal) I ' I , '.. I (8.&1) i _' ,I "(Sea1.) ! "!seai) I: (leal) I (Seal) ,~ . " Aete r. Oharl.. ,'iffort an4' Wif.. 'uni.. M. Gi:rtort I. O. PODD7 IhabF S~ P~ ,lut.. J. ik1n> ' II 'J" .lro.k..1th ' "I. I t - ,. O. h'uco .ottie M. O. ~ ~; 'Il. '~.1'1, .',' o. "'lfIuaI.'. A.to l.tU. M. G. ~..", "0' "_:"fL. c. ._....... "1.".4"';';':,.' ' " ,~~~ " 'of~i'}~;~_';'.. .. ' -. ,', t ,. , " I , , .1 ... i , I . . 1 ! i i I' ~* ' Jj u I