HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2362 62j, :,i:~.,. " ~'?:~~~?~ ~,-;~q:'"'-~7. :::~~~'? :?~~.~~' -'-~,-- ~,::~-~~'~~~~~-.~~~~~,'. r - . :~" .,~~ .~ ' """.~ ,'" ~- - --~;r~"t,......,~:-; H: -~~. ':~)''';:J. ."_:~--? ~-f '! 8'''9 oj musot" , ) , ' " . II, OQUlTY 0' 1W48IY ,) ~ . l , . '. ,-; "', :,~ i I I I , , , IBJalBl"QQ'tIn,f.h.t'o~ tllt8 'I.Jl'~r80nallt app'..rea b.to:r~ ..,' an olt1o.1' I 6\\1.' authOl'het'tG aWnl:.tU:o.~~ and,t.a .unowiea...nh.llOBEI! O. 80~Han4uAft~ 80lUlOTJI,bh 'Wit,,-t, III ,..11 eownto be tbe ;pel'eone 4.80l'ibelln ana., who exeoute4' the I , . " 'I ;Ol"'li~' Inetr..nt ,and' the; aokno1fllqel bet~r~ me tlat the7 az.ou'teel the .ame treelr andl ,Toluntal'U, 'tor the purpo8es therein ..".e4. ' " " .,' ,', .. ,,' I , " ,.AIIJ)I I'URTB~ ClRtIft, ~t..14 Jl.lT!IB SOBllOTll,known to 1114 'to be tha wite ot i ..UROBER'l' 0.' S01lRQ1'Bon'a separate and prl..t..z.~natlon. taken ~o4mad~.bJ ana be'tore I me. eeiUat.17 'ad &part trom her "lel 'husband, ~d aomo.led,e that ~he.xe.u'tedth. 'tore.. 1 , , , , goiDl'DeedforthepUrPGseof rel1nqU1Bh1nl~ a11eniatlna and oonT'7in, aU her" r1iht,t1tle. ' and triterest. whetli'l' ot elo~er, homestead 01' ot separate propert,. .,t.tutorJ or .qt11 tabla I in and to ,the : landed-eeol'ibed 'therein~, ad that.8he exeouted' said ~e.d fi.eelJ enel ~1u:ntar1t7 " and 'without ent oompulslon, o,onstraint.. apprehension or' 'tear otor fleomh~r said hU8~8Jld. I WI 1'BESS',' m, band and otfiolill ee.l at at. Paul. Count7 of Ramee7 and statinot I , " i , }l1nneaota ,this 84.th ~af 0'1 jpril A. D. 1920 i ! , j , f , John O. Z.hndel' Botar7 Publh in end tor Bamee,Oount7. CBotar, Se~l) , ~ 00lllll1e81on expire a .1uhe 18- 1981 'ileA and' reoordedth1sl4th deJ O't'JlUl" ".' 1).1920. Minne80t8. P~ O. IDBBD, Olerk Oirouit Court. Record Ve'lied B1.'O)4Ar~.1 C\1LAA n ..1]).0. COt. Ot. Seal) ________________________~M---.---~_~----~-------------.____.._~___________~--------------- D I WAJ,TIB Il. J1UIQ)BtJBEB at al i j I . , I I I I i I 'I , WlTIESUTB. nat the 8aiel partie8 ot, the firat part, for a'o4 1.. oondderat1on ot the . sullt of T1rent1DoUare (180.00) ao4' other ft1.ueble oonB14.raU. one, ln hand paid by the said! I part, 0'1 the S'o~dP8t', thereoe!Ptwhereof 18 here'b7 aokno.ledged, ha~e' rem1&lel, r8le8Be~ I anA q1l1t~01a1l1e4,1J1~ 'b7',th.ee p~eeenta 'do 'rem1ee, 1'8188ee 6nd quit-olum lUltO the 8814 '! I part1 of the se0Clll4Jlal't~a4h18 hdrs and assigns '~OreTel', all'the :right, titl.. lntere8t,l .: .., .... . ., -' . - ..: . ! olea 8nd~.mand whlohthe _alAparUes of, the first pert haTe in and to the tol~~w1118 ." . . ~. '. '. de8orlbe4 lote, ,>>1toe8 Or Jl81'oeU of lan4 ,situated 'in 8t. Luole Count" 'lor1elaa ' , - the ..at Ten anel'hohUl14l'.dths (10~02).or.. of Treot 'an'en ('0 ,ao4 the Weet Ten (10)aor,. of Tr.aot El$ht (8), ,l71na8a.uth of the ritht-o~...wa7 ot ~be _111 oanal;ln 8.0t10~ "", ," ,,',,'," ,. , , i 'enn :('1),"oWl1eh~, thlrt'~tbre.{~h~llth,;,B8D8e Tbirtf-nlne ,(89) Beet, ,8'.1401'- oountJ!' , " , " " , ,,' I llor1cla,aelllOd'onthe p~t,ot t~Ind1anR1\'.1' 'a~8 Co.pan" tibel lnthe ottlo. of th~ " ,"' _ _ ',... _ _ " "-'''''. ','. . J Qlerk ot the 'C~l'oUl t C~ur' ,at 'ort ,IJleI'Oe.'.iOr1cla, and reoord.el In'Book a, pas.. 21, 8ame i beins iaore pert101l1al'17 duoribeel a8 ,~oUo...' _, ,'\ , .", , " , '.' J, , , , ,', , " , " , ,',,". , ! , .~~~lX'lntont~ Bouth,1ina O,t:8814 Lot8~Y'Il,{'1)wh.tO!i lSSeY.zill~_~aa , Blgl1tv-.na^(,el,",) t.~".~.t otthe'eo1lthw.,t oome" 01 ea14~t _8~,.,.n, (')J tbt~'''.>~,.~t' , al0Dft)).. e~ut!l i1i...~tt.ot8...al (').'11 "'B~e:. fhb'''.~Il' 6n4;Bn:~".tl1.,(....',t), .f.'ft.'~ ....tlI.... . 'or""'~ ..f ~t'!"'''I. t~. . ,;.~~.o.. tho ...t~~'f~(~;~"~('i ro f1UR B. ,SOBBOft QUIT...CJ"AIlI DUD THIS IBl>I.Bft1BB, )(ad. thi8 ,athdeJ of Mal' A. D. ,1920, 'between ULTER B. BRAlIDHUBIB anel i BUL.ALIAQ'. BlWfDBUBIa, 'hl~ "1'1., 'AKALIA B.BBODUIl and BDWJ.RD A. BEOr.ttTH, her hueband. I MBLlft'A o. BJWtCB and LTLB L. BIWIOB her husband, anel BEB'lBA II.BIWf1)HUBER'u.nmarried, all o~ the CUt of Pierre.Oountl of Ilqh.. and State 0'1 8outhDakota, '8I't1e. of the 'tbet pert, . ,. .' ". . and JlUBI: ,I. SOJiBOTIl, o:tthe 01 t" o,t Chioago, Oount7 otCook and8~ate of Illinoie. partJ of,' the Beoond part. - ,::s:;. I . I I