HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2363 J1Jl.ilun41'Iel ~.1.. .(.11') t..t to tho lou\aerlt{.llnt 0'1 1'18ht-ot....., ot. the lIaill oual1 , 'tb_.no._a'outl1l1l~~.r17 aloD8 _8.1~'.ou_..r1J,rltJb1;..ot~w'iln. '1\". Bunva" 8.vent,.el.tn .' a~'tou tentha (J".f,t)-t..tl,th~oeeoutb.l'arai)..i witb' tbe' wee1; 'ilne 'o;"-LOt aa.enf')' . '. .' .' ,-,,' -. -; -" . . . -. -', '.' " ...., , :.'-,8.:~i{Jl\Uldl'eetelx 8nAt,.o: "l1the noe.ant..t,tobtllllillll1t. oontalnlneTln ,~~ ~' hundl'edt,-" . ,'(10.08) ~or'8,' and b~linnlll8 at thl eolltb...t oornel'. ot .aU Lot Blaht (8), thenoe .ast I ~10rilthe ~oUthnn.~t Lo~li8ht (8)',ro.1iundre~'1'h1ttJ- 86.ln ano, 81~ tenth,' ("'.6i) 't.at thenc. north tu.ll.~wi th the ,,,elit line 0 t I.<lt Etght .c 8 )'Ten' Hundred Se.tnt;..e18ht and . .' , - ' .. nin, ten~h6 (10;8'...) teet 10 .~he 80uthel'lt liile ot ,the l'i8ht.bt.....J ot the ma in oanal & . - . . thence eotttiiweeterlj alonl' la14 8outherlJright..;ot.wa, 11l1e J'our Hundred SlxtJ-tlght and ~. ...... - . . . . , .' .. . ':, . . . -' . . .. . .- sixtenthe (468~6') 'te~tmor. or leslttothe '"est line of 8ald Lot light (8la thenol soutbaloJig the "eat line ot',r.ot ~l8ht' (8) line lIundreA Twel.,.(912') teet to beglnning, ooD.tainlns Ten'Cl0) a~r'IJ.' ,To HAVE : Alii) TO HOLb I - , ~ ce""H<.L, ~...JiJJj 'I. - I t'i ~: ? . - ;~;j~~:1:"'~_;-~~{7,~ - ".i~,f :+......:-:-"~'/-'..-:r.-r_ .:-,.~~~~~-,,'~ .:_.:~~~'...~ _~ r l f ~ t. . "I t I I I t thereuntobelon81na orin ,aDJ*1ee eppert~1Jiing, '&Ad a~l thteatate, rlght, title, lnteroet 11 8nd ole1m whateoe.81' ot the e&1d p~ tlee ottheftret' part. 81 ther in law'or equi tJ. to the , 'only proper l1S~, bene:flt an4behoo't of 'the s~1d partJ of tho Beoond part, his ~lr8 and I I I the same, together with' all and e1. ngt1lar the appurten~oes 88sisnS 'tore.er. IIIWIT~SS WHERBO't The sald partiee ot ~etlr8t Part ha.e hereunto set their hand 8 and Beale the daJand year firet abo.ewritt.n. I Walter H. Jrandhuber Bulali. G. BranAhuber Amalia B. Beoal th Bdwarel A. Beokwith >>el1tta C. Branoh LJle' L. Brenoh Bertha II. Brandhubel' (Seal) '(seal) (8ee1) " (8eal) (Seel) (Seal) (Seal) ,I Signeel. eealed and delivered in'preeenoe of , A. r. Tillman 1(. V. Le. ti STAT. OJ! SOUTH ,DAKOTA ) I se COVlITY' or BtJGD8 ) ',', , " ' , , i , , 'IBEBBBY CER',Uft t !hat onthie da)' pereonallJ appeared be!orellle, an offioer, dul)' i " .' ., " " I authOrhe~ to aelminleter oaths and take aOlmowledpente, WALTER B. BllUDIWBEB andBULALU G.I BBANDJItJUll, M:s wlte, to'me well' mOd to be the porlone a.soribed in and who Ixeouteelthe I foregoina instrument aM the)'aokn:ow1eciged before me that the, exeouted the same 'tree.1J and I .~lWlterll)' for the puPas.. ther.ln expres..4., ' I , · " " I MDt J'URTBERCRBTM,lfhat 8aid EtJLALIA G.B1UfJ])HUBEB. known 10 me '~ be the wite! o~ said ..ALTBIl~ ~~, ,]ijWtDBUBEBt on . separate and pr1Tat. examination, taken ana mad. bJ and 'I betore, me, e'p8rate~i, and apart 'from her eald hU8band" d1c1 aoknowledge that eht .x.outed thetor"Ol~ D...' for tbe pUrpose 0'1 re11nqu1ehilll..Uenat1n8 an4 oon.eJ1ngall her rlsJit , title,' an41J1ltoi-.et, wh.th...'ot dower. home8tead or .0'1 separate propertJ.etatut01'1 or 8Q\l1tsble. l.~ ~~d 1D the.18J1'd8 deeorlb.o. thez:e1n,' ud that she e~.outed sa14 Ded heelJ .and yolunter~lr,ancl t'iitho.llt allJ O,OII,pu1;.idon, oonstratnt, apprehe~don, or tear of or :trOll . . - . her, slllA ' hueban4 ,: .' . . .,' '. l1'tllBSQ,m,.ban4 an4otfio~.1 'seal ,at' Pierre, 00unt1 of ,H11ibe' ~d8tllteot _' .' ~ .. . , . : ..- _' - . . ,._ . - : . . . . . 1'.. . - . . . . ~u~])at.6ta, 'th18'8Aa7ot1la7 A. D. 1920. '( .'1':r~~-f--ILL) .' '. '63, . ,i.! ~. .~-..;,~