HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2368 , , : ~:-'~~:j;,::)~:~.\O:' ;_:'!!';~~;'~.~~,-';: ~:'~~?, ?~~)~~:'.~~?~",~,,' "'-:'~t:.~~ '~:::T":7T:j~~:"1"~i,,--~. . , , " " ~, Pl1__004 ro'. 'o:r..4 'tl#,,' 01;.... 1.tli., 1 ,eo'lle<1Ord 'V ~rfJed ~ "~P.:O'~'It1lUD~ 'Oi.r~:Ol~O~1t ciour't., " B;~;~{ '.;q:lA,.~W~~ '])'...0, : (Ot. O~, 8.aU " -. -...... '" ......;...... ~..............: ..'.. .....(~.... ~...... -,;-. _......~.. "'..;. ~ - - -...... -.. --..;,;..... _...;. ~ _....;.............. ..'...... _::~............ ~ . ~ ~ . - I I , ;"-" , WALTBR. SOHROTH 'and wit. TO , , '.. . . . . Qt1X,:"O~IJI DIRD ~ I. SOaROD . .... ~ " , $ .. TBI8I!iDIftTURi" *l..thh'Sth cle)' otJune'.. i..D. 1920,bat..eQ WALTBR aOuRo'l'Ji'lld I I . " , .. I icATBI1lIRI ;0'. S,OHROm, h18wl't.,ot' thei'91tl otSt,'Paul~ Oounv of R8JQ,e8J and 8~t. of "' .. ::::~/:::~:. .:tl~rln::;tp=:;\:~:a:.:~ ::ra. .Of~. 01\7. .~ Ohio.... ~oua\71 " , " ",' " " , , , , , , I WITNBSSUH,fhat' tlU(8aid partJ.'8 ot the firltpart; fO~ and in oon'elderatlo11 of I f 'the 8wn,~t ,JaiTe])Olla:re 'cle:()()) ,and o'ther V~U.bleOon81der8t10n8,"ln' hand paid b,Y the nit part,ot the eeoond' J)art,there,Ge1 P1; .her.otls 'herebJ aokno.i.edge4 have remised. re- I 1e88ed:8n~ qui t~olailll.d,' a,lid b1 the~. pr'8e'~t8 dOi'emhe,;'ba. 8ndqU~t..o'i~1m unto' th8 i 8ald: party 0'1 the 8800ud 'partancl'1\1I,}1.i~8 8nd a8~18D8t~rever, allth~ r1ght, tl t1, ! and'lntereet. olalm and demand Wbiol1 't'he,8.rl.d parties' ofth. flretP8rt have ill cmd to thel ' . , , , I following 'desorlb.d' 10\8. p1eo~sor ,paroele of land situated in 8t. Luoie Count)'. J'lOr1da.! Thl! h8t Ten and '.0 hundredths (10.02) aoree of -Traot "'Yen (7): aridtheWeet Tenl ' (10) 80reS of 'trsot Bight '(8) l,ing south O':t th. right-ot~waJ of the main oanal. \0 S.0t10~ S6'Yen (7)', Township Thirty";three (33), South,' ntnge Thil'ty';nlne' (39) Baet. St. LUG!" count~ .' . I j i , i 1 l I I I i 'I I j I , ! Florida, a8 shown on. the plat ot the Indian Ri'Y8r P8rmsCO~psD7. filed in the oftioe of the Olerk of theCl:ron1t ~ourtatPort Pieroe. florida, alld reoorded in Book' 2, page 26. 'I ) same being morepartioularly desoribed a8 follow8: } " I I , - Beginning at a point on-the Bouth'line of said Lot Seven (7), whIch 18 Seven HundredElghty-one and nine tenths (781.9') :fe,t eaet of the southwest oorner 0't:s&14 Lot i 1 ' Seven (7); theneeeaet along the eouth Une of Lot Senn ('1) t 'iTe Hundred Thirty-nine I 8~d eevel) tltllih8 (1S89.'1IY:teet to th~ .Southeast oorner of ~t ~nn'('1)1 thence no~th alO~ i the esetline of Lot Seven (,) Blne HundredTwelve (~121) 'teet to the souther11 11ne 0'1 ' right-o't-war ot the main oanal; thenoe8outh.eeterlJ along eaid southerly right..o't-W8Y Une Pi.,. BundredSenntJwsenn 8114 tour tenths (I)'1'1..I):feet~' thenoe I!outh parallel w1 thi the weet line ,of Lot Se'Yen C.;) Se'Yen BUndr~ds1x and t-., tenthan06.21) toetto beginning! ' " ! oontaining Ten and two hundredths (10.02),aoreB, and begli1D~n8 at' tl"~ rout,hweBt OOl'ner 0'1 ! " , Bald LOt Bight (8h thenoe 8aat 810ng the eouth line of Lot Bight fe) ~our Hundi'edThll'ty ee'Ytn ande1x tenths (43'1.6') teet; thenoenorth parallel wi thtb..est line of Lot Bight , .",' , , ," ", d' ',,' , , , , I (8)"T811.Bun~~n~d~~:~~0'l8.~IV:~t,t~e~u.=~~f line of tbe I rlght-o't..wa1:.. U~, rou Hundred ~lX1!J"e1ght and~enthB1i468.6') 't;e~;;;r :;rt;;;t";;O I . " ' " , " , '" , I the weet Une of 881dJj)t lUght(8); :thence 80uth along the west 1111. otLot Blght (8) j . - - i line Bundred1'wel". (.121) teet to beginning, oontain!." Ten (10) aei'ee. j. - . . ~ ~ TOJUVI JBI) ~O HOLl) theeall1e,tOgethtr with .1l~ncl etnaUlar the apputenance8 I . I ' . I thereun!O .bel;l1S1DJ' or In aD7-188 appertaining, and~:~ll' theesta.te, 'right, title, Interestl and olata whatsoever 0'1 the 881el partles ot the 't1ret part. wither in law or .quitJ, to i '., , ' . ! the,,~?lr proP~8', benefit and'behoot of the 8814 plt'rtJ otthe 'seoond part, hie helre andl j a8eigns 'tore.,er., I i I. WlT1lISa 1IHERJQJ, The ..1d partie.ot' the 'tlret' part liave her.uta 8.t their ' : I I I .~. I heMS end ee81s the dar 8114 ,.ar t1rs't abo,ewrliten,., ..' - , .aU.I', Sohroth ' (Seal ) " , ',. htherlneC, ,8obroth(S.aU .:.' -, .-. . . - ..' '. . - . ~ ";", " . ,,".,~- . .,' ',' . '. ,',.: ~ SiP'I\,:' '..aie4,*Q4'del1".,.A.;,~ Feee,no. of " ..',' :>".' i....'ra.ok'." , ' , . ~~;:~~~;;~::'-:~ili~~~~~~~~~~~ . - ,,,~~~-:.'~~~:'t:-,,~,,,::.;e.i".s,\Ti:~.iS.;ir3~"~-:.~rf . _ .. - ~ ~ .~~.:-~;~:?{~~{ik~~~?~~~:.?i:~1:~4