HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2370 :<~'?l'r-\ ~"~~.'.>~.~" .~ l-I"';'-~' ,.;'-~ 70 ~,", .-: '~- .... , " ~ .., tt.e'OJ'..1"tthe' 1&7,. pal'fti-e' _bon nl't.n. " " ", ~", , ", ',' .... );JJQ), OOJlJ AllY . B~ ' J. I. Insral:1811." , h'..lele~t, (OQltI01lAlI' BJU,) .waHs .e14ne, RQ1l'1eoa' , , Be 0 retal7 . .. ~'. j ~- .. . " . . ~ ''-',,'''' -" . 81~e4i1,eea1.e4-"'-~.li~.i"e4-m'th.',p~8tnoe. oft aea:U1"MoD8nlel thoe. :8, 'Btnnett ,"'AU O' J'liORIDl .' ) at.' JOHl8 90VDY. ' ) ~,,:lRDJmYOJIR'xn, fhat on thieatjh d&7 of lla7, A. 'D. nineteeJ;lhUDcll'ta. ana.t"ent7, be- . '. - "" '.". .. . -. " .' , . for. iie~l'~nallY apP'U'ed ,3.B. ,Inpahaa ancl 81dner Haz:rl~on, respeotiT.1y Pre.i481it ~a. S~or.tar7ot"the Jlode1tana. Ooapanj-, &,oorporation un~er:,the la". 'ot tht Stateo:t 'lorida, to~ ')mown tob. the ~~on~de80~ib'el in and who exe out ecl' the 'toregoing oonyeyanoeto 11. O. JOl'gen8en, , an4 se~ora117 aokno.1eclgeel the .xeoutlonthereot to _be their floee aot and d..ela. 81lOh of:tioer., for the .88. ana. pUiopoeee therein tltntioneell and thatthe)p affixed . - '. . - J rthereto the,off10ial .88al 'of s&1d oorporatioJJ.~ &nd ~he said inatl"'llllentili the aot ana. d.ed 04 ,8&iel OOl'pont1on. ' i , i i , .1'.r.8., .18'1ature md O:f'tiOi~ ,88&1 ~t ~t. Aqu8t1ne, St.ieO'tRoI'1da, the dQJ and J8&l' laet afo,.esa1el. ,(!lOWlY SMJ,) in the County ():f st. JOhn8 and ! Mr 001lll18810n expire. Ju17 19, 1921. '.rhOB. B. Bennett 1Iotar.vPublio, State ot Florida. I ' 'I'i~ed' 8.n4 reo'ora.ea. th1e 181'd dq o~ J~et A. ]).' 3.920. P.O. ~ldre4, 01erk"Oirottit Oourt. (Ot.Ot. BaAL) Bl ~ ,x?, tlY'4.L-)D. O. '~ eCOrq lI'eHt 'qeq , , . ----.--.--_._________________~___~----------------------__4_________________________________~ WILt!AII),. a_, " ,', to ' LdUISB A. ~~Ia i . QUIT";CLADI DUD' TUIS 'ItfDBHT1IU1' Kade on th~ 16th ctq ot Karoh, A.. 'D., One Thou8and !tIne Hundred an. hentl,b7and bet..'1l .ril1aa'l. 810k anel ~i.ab8th D. 8ick 'his wife ~1l!lt7 0'1 ,.1aok80n,atat. ol'Kl..oui. par'Ue8 otthe tire' part, and Lou18e A.6.,~\~j!tl.i.ot the count7 .' - - ....,;, .~. . t . ' ot JaoksOD, 8ta", of 1I1!18ourt, part)' of the s.oond 'part, ' WI!!BS81f~,'hat the said par~ie. 0'1 the :fir.' part, in oonsideratlono:fthe Bum O:fQne(tl.,oo) :D~l1.ar,tothe. P&iel'i~, the,.,~a1d party of the .,oond part, ~. 'teoeipt 0'1 ....... ." - - - .... '.',' " .hioh is her.by aoknow1edse4, dOb1,.;the.,e pr..ent,..REaU8I,Jl.BLUSB and IOJIVJ:R QUIT-OLAW ',",.-,;:"'"~,,,,,tm, ',~P . the ..i4 par.ot the '-..004' i>aJ:t, . the 'tcillOl1iD& d,., Boit.bed lots", trao"- 01' para.ls 0'1 :,-it.', , ~ lanA. l)'lna. beins ~ s1 tuat.1n the Oount, ot 't. Luoie and 8ta\. of 1101'144, to-witt );,~Ji~ ';,.<;',' ','", ' " 1 ..;~'Jk~i:l:.fo::;p:::~:;:~~::~;:~:::;:~:::~::~ .::::::::::~~:::~Il~::: '1 :~;~~t;;~:l'~.;.lt thellol'lda Ba.t Gout llea1t7001lp&n7"ana. rlool'd.4l1ar. a~. A. D. 1916 1Jl the' ! " ~ '~/?):-: .,t,'~~~~-;()f.u~'(ii,ed:O'lro~.~ Oo~,t ',' ot 8a14 ,',a.. ' ~ 'L~1e;' ooliJlt;7.hO'~lcl~. ! (;~.f;~f A:<'::""::':~;,:~;~:;;~,:J}~~~:;';~,!9:..;r,l)tHJ' ,UMi:,1rith :a11':'h',:r1ght.; 'ma~l~1as. pr1yU.,88. I' '::'-;~.'E:J~~~~/oe.; 'b_l.i~~1.qJJll,118ml\O ..1., Jl&r~ot the 8eoondpar' '_8Dd untO h.~ b.b~. and I :;/::.,i~~~_:'f~~~t~,~,.,!. ,~~' D.1 th~~ ~h"';:.,a~j~'~__,~i..' Of: th.~tirstPar'JlO;' 'hetr bell'S, DOl' I '. . . . '..--- . ~.~' .,-~;)\:t~;;/~:,;~i.'\~.~: ::~:'. :- . ~: '~~ _~~~~~i. ~~-~~C;;{C~~~= ~~~~.~': ~~. ~ ~L. ?~~~~~:..t....,~-.J.~~~~~~~-!f'r'.:'.,.- - . '. -- :~:.~;l~~~t~~i~:tt~?~~i i I I I t I I i , i I I I D I: ,.; ;