HomeMy WebLinkAbout0804-0166 RESIDENTIAL HVAC LOADSuL S` GAN NEE BY st Lucie COOUMY The Dimeo Residence - Zone I HVAC Load Calculations for Mr. & Mrs. Dimeo Hutchinson Island, FI V HVA Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 3700 S. US Highway 1 Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 772-466-8115 Friday, February 01, 2008 #it+v� Residential`�Ligtt�Camenere�t#3vYACttoa+ds�W � � � ��, � �. �� �� 5 Elite' t+S�t�i1AaC�"�@�'elopment, C ln @r$_Oi111Zef1)aSE�.iv�CQtiiiC'ks l"rc r rs Kid�ie s Ss 3 € t fsn 7 4 i{ dRes{d@I'iC@''OtiB i Project Report Project Filename: C:xEIifelRhvacviwrojectswimeoZnl.rhv Project Title: The Dimeo Residence - Zone 1 Project Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 Client Name: Mr. & Mrs. Dimeo Client City: Hutchinson Island, FI Company Name: Nisair Air Conditioning Company Representative: Jose Company Address: 3700 S. US Highway 1 Company City: Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 Company Phone: 772-466-8115 A&W'F.�4,.a.,.,..,�� Reference City. Fort Pierce, Florida Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: .27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor. 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor. 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor. 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor. 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor. 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter. 42 0 0 72 0 Summer. 90 78 50 75 61 Total Building.Supply CFM. 1,383 (5.3 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.828 Squareft..of Room Area: 1,670 Square ft. Per Ton: 589 Btul l(Owwo* $$`� ,�'�"'`zi j c�, i 3 '.i t r w a we HIS `xSr� f 1 ...... a . a. .v+?.,," �.. "S' di�i. ,.�e:1.s ' .�'Fi0.. , SIM>..f��r'Y�; xrm�F.. '+'m�a;t�'i:;�r''m�,':k t '�'"fli�t-�'k'��i��� Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 41,288 Btuh 41.288 MBH 'Total Sensible Gain: 30,406 Btuh 89 Total Latent Gain: . 3,646 Btuh 11 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air. 34,052 Btuh 2.84 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ��1cStes�"�f+sr�.i4.�=`yry i'�si t� w ad- r S ru e Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:Oite\RhvacwlProjectslDimeoZnl.rhv Friday, February 01, 2008, 9:42 AM Y V u uGi • 4L 0 30 72 3.44 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0, in. 0 in. =1a�� �:.� .�sti y ram:r szi `x vf Via.b2k"nk' $aa Winter Summer Infiltration: 0.300 AC/hr 0.150 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 15533 Cu.ft. X 15533 Cu.ft. 4,660 Cu.ft./hr 2,330 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 78 CFM 39 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier. 16.49. _ (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 'C:1Elite\Rhvacw\Projects\DimeoZnl.rhv Friday, February 01, 2008, 9:42 AM t�hvtatC Res►de�a1 lgtrt CommercialiyAC,toadsx t j El�teS�j��/are Develo me tnc '��T,. CYr - xu`v '`r � -c ��A �,,,e, �t f+ +eau �. � ^& � 72 >1 +�-'i, � j,.'�et^` ,! ♦ x Load Preview Report ,Zi4 ". ,.; ,ti^: � '�" � a±..� '«� ' v9'` n�'.`, �� �. « ±�s'r=ay`��, 5MS'.: G '� 4 � , .'; r� `"is'e�'' t `� ; - �' �: �Niii��f . • � �� Building 1,670 30,406 3,646 34,062 41,288 537 1,383 1,383 V- 1 N ors"� x:zw System 1 1,670 30,406 3,646 34,052 41,288 537 1,383 1,383 16x17 Zone 1' 1,670 30,406 3,646 34,052 41,288 537 1,383 1,383 1-Pdr Rm 30 335 284 619 716 9 15 15 1-4 2-WIC 45 ' 226 126 352 608 8 10 10 1-4 3-Bath 66. 439 434 873 1,201 16 '20 20 1-4 4-Bdrm #2 210 5;782 648 6,430 6,211 81 263 263 2-7 5-Hall /Foy 396 6,426 287 .6,713 8,375 109 292 292 2-7 6-Din Rm 210 2,074 299 2,373 . 4,494 58 94 94 1-6 7-KWNook 255 5,637 821 6,458 7,764 101 256 256 2-7 8-Pantry 35 276 207 483 909 12 13 13 1-4 9-Fam Rm 423 9,211 540 9,751 11,010 143 .419 419 3-7 -C:1Elite%Rhvacw\Projects\DimeoZn1.rhv Friday, February 01; 2008, 9:42 AM Total Building Summary Loads 'IA-nb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat- 130 4,212 0 5,902 5,902 absorbing, metal frame with break, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, light color drapes with medium weave with 50% coverage 10A-m: Glazing -French door, single pane clear glass, 120 6;012 0 11,942 11,942 metal frame no break, light color drapes with medium weave with 50% coverage 1 B-hm: Glazing -Single pane window, fixed sash, heat- 6 203 0 205 205 absorbing, metal frame no break, light color drapes with medium weave with 50% coverage 13A4ocs: Wall -Block, board insulation only, R-4 board 1046 4,486 0 1,554 1,554 insulation, open core, siding finish 18A-30: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1670 1,703 0 1,422 1,422 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-30 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1670 19,287 0 6,432 6,432 no insulation, carpet or hardwood Subtotals for structure: 35,903 0 27,457 27,457 People: 1 200 230 430 Equipment: 700 0 700 Lighting: 0- 0 0 Ductwork: 2,826 1,134 2,078 3,212 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 78, Summer CFM: 39 2,559 1,612 641 2,253 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 41,288 3,646 30,406 34,052 tsunaing buppiy/ r) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.828 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,670 Square ft. Per Ton: 589 Totax yy l Heating Required With Outside Air. 41,288 Btuh 41.288 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 30,406 Btuh 89 % Total Latent Gain: 3,646 Btuh 11 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air. 34,052 Btuh 2.84 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. `C:1Elite\Rhvacw\ProjectsM)imeoZn1.rhv Friday, February 01, 2008, 9:42 AM System 1 Room Load Summary 1 Pdr Rm 30 716 9 " 1-4 175 335 284 15 15 2 WIC 45 608 8 1-4 118 226 126 10 10 3 Bath 66 1,201 16 1-4 229 439 434 20 20 4 Bdrm #2 210 .6,211 81 2-7 492 5,782 648 263 263 5 Hall /Foy 396 8,375 109 2.7 547 6,426 287 292 292 6 Din Rm 210 4,494 58 1-6 481 2,074 299 94 94 7 MYNook 255 7,764 101 2-7 480 5,637 821 256 256 8 Pantry 35 909 12 1-4 144 276 207 13 13 9 Fam Rm 423 11,010 143 3-7_ 523 9,211 540 419 419 System 1 total 1,670 41,288 '537 30,406 31646 1,383 1,383 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16x17 in. Velocity: 783 ft./min Loss. per. 100 ft.: 0.065. in.wg .. .a ..:_ .. f�. M±�!tY ".. 3Fr'R:-.J��1i.rc4`�rl�'^'t,'��''��a ...0 §`.Y�k'i:N cam. +��.»L17 LO6�� �T..Tl���ei-0'^�+y.�'�Y" 8. �t• rhfi*i`,r�h,�.F"�P°nS�cu't"YK�"?1��"����.3W�y-yr f"..� � �.. .,. .:<O w '��t') [ � `�"`.�?^6. �` '�'4..'E,,�" Net Reeq�uired:. -2.84 89% / 11 % (([p 30,406 3,646 34,052 <.:A.,- " "'% r'=`'` Pt?,y€, ". x z } `' '' E ta' '.z!w^M..;. ..av �z ^ `'' ,.¢''1 i 3(Sv. ai+sL'f `"a �r `p•N (s"G. Heating System Cooling System Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity. Latent' Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh n/a '0 Btuh C:%ElitelRhvacw\ProjectslDimeoZn1.rhv Friday, February 01., 2008, 9:42 AM