HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2374 , .. "" 7fj' -: . , - - ~-' . :-~; .,' :.' ~~~. 0"': -, '.'.;-:~" ~' _:l-~ ~<~.:- .~ ?~--~;~:.~? i:-r~_'\; ""'.'~;,:'~~~~~/-~.~-~~~~~~&-..~-':~:;.;~fit:.~"".'~71~)~~ ~:'~< -' _?? ~ ,"".y~~r~~ ;: , , ' .lOBlW.IU.TOJlltt ','0:10.:, Q'l~QJ...WI PID 1D~'I1I~ . , !HISt~lfTUBB, W. ~b. 16th' 4., of 'June. 1n ~he ;.arofou.r Lo:r4. on. "hou.~4 ' nine hWlclr.d and t~.n'\l; 'be"lf"~, ,John W.' JIa~oh''\t ."Oh.lort:,O'f~(Oow:i'\, of I',. Luo1e and th,e ,Sta'. of 1'10Jltapar\, of the 't1r.t~l", anel' Illwart Xi...' ~t'h.' oount, of ~" I t.uole an~ Stat. of 1'1 or ida partJ'ot th. aeoon4 par'\, ,I 'WI'llfl88ftB.nth.t the aaU pai''\7 0'1 the fh.' part, for ant '11100n8id.~a:t1on ot~. "I 8U11 of OneelOl~ar aDel' other vd: uable oon814era'\1ona lawfUl mon'l otthe <Unit.4 <8'....'.0~ I Amer~oa,' tOhla lnhand palelb7the a&1el ~t7" of the '8eOOnel :pari, a'\ 01' be't01'8 t~~ ~p"alQ I , ' , I 1ns anel del1TU7 of, '\l1f"~e 'pr.s.nt., the r.,elpt whereof 1. her.b7 aoknow1.4g.4, hail re.hld,! r.1ea.ed,anel quu-olala'd,' anel b7 '\he.epris.nh eloes 1'8m188, r.lea8. ondqu1t-01aiJI' Unto I " " , i I I ! I the saldpartl of the ..oond part, ~nel,to h18h.lrs and a8'1~. tor...r, all of , 'b10oka on.. , two and thr..Heli Oarter and J8IMB subdivision ot Pel1'amere Pa1'1D8 traot8 148Vant '1440..'reoOrdeel in the Olerk of theOlroult' oourt otfioeo~ sald,ooUrit, ., " , Al80 all ol blooktour~ 8ix and e1ght,ubdlY181on ot lellemer8 lume exo.pt two lot. previoual, bedeel' toKaok KoRal' and Ruth Barre.tine. ! I All' OtlOtB 12 18 and '14thiook 81'~own'ot ,.ll8mere. - i !OGBfBBIj with ell...4 .inSUlar the 1en....n~..h.r.41t...ent. i1h4 .ppurt._O..tll...~ I ' ' " , " , , ,'" , ' , I I unto belonging 01' 1n'~88 a}ipe:rtalnlng, and'the reversion and reve1e1on8; :remainder'and l I remainder.,rent8~ 18BU8' andprof1te thereof,and alab a11the .eta'\e, r18ht. tit1., <'1n~er~st. I s.parate ext~te~' dow.l' and rlgh~ 0'1 clow.r, propert,. pOsa.ssion. olatm arid demand What.oev., I &S well'. lnlaw, ~81n equity. 0'1' the S~lel ,part, of the tiretpal't,' of, In, and to the above 1 i I, '.', ,i Id8sorlbed premiae8 and ever, plr1; 8.nel paroel there 0''1, with the appur,tiJlianc... ! I ' ' !O JuVBAlID foHOLD, All and singular, the above mentioned and deaori'blelprellllsel, i together With the appurtenano'8, unto the eaid part70f'the seoond par~, his heirs and .xoept snOh lot. in above b100ks pr.viou817'eleeeledto indivldu81 purchasers o~ lota. traot .~. i f j ! I I I I i 18154 I D assigns torev,er. .' tB 1flTlIBSS WHBRBOP, The said part)' '0./00 the tirst part haa hereunto eet his hand. and : I , seal the el8.)'and lear first a~ove wrl tten. .JODI W., KATOBB!t ( ~ea1) Slaned, sealed andd.livereel in pre..no. of , j)~, a'. S'aun4.n I " " J. B. 8aunelei'. · I, '!AD or PLORIJ).t. ~',,>> ,1,,', " ' , , ) f OOOlIY or Sf. LUCIa) , ' , ., I , On th18d8.1 persona1l7 appeared before IDe John W, Katohett to lit w.ll JQlown .. the i ~ ~' , " ~ persond.8orlbed in and who exeouted the foregolD8 Deed,' and aoJiCnowleelse4 tha'\ he, .x~ou\ed '," .' the... 191' the purPo8e therein expre8.14aWhe:r.upon it i.p~"8d that "he 8ameilq be reoordeel.' IJ~.I'nss "YBBllIOl, I have hereunto atfix'd rq hand ancl .e~, th1a16tb .., o:t ",un., A. D. on. ~ouan4tw.nt7' 'J <<'otUl _.el) 'Ut' &Ilt,l'eool'el.d"hl1 80th el8l' otJuo.; A. ,j).1~20. P..O~ ILPQD, 01er~O~J0Q11;' Oo~t'., " b. O. De.a. 8aunelera(Sea1) '10\81'7 hblio Mr 00.-1'810n .xplr.. lov.80 1'21 .1 ,1tecorcl- " ' , ' \fel1Jed " , . .' , " "', - -.' , ,-"' , -- .- ---.--~..~~..,... ....~~.~....~IlI!'... - -.- - -- ----.----..--.. ---..~~.-...~~.~...-..---- -- ~ ..~.-