HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2376 -::~:~"-~"~- -;c:",.---' ....'-".~ ~;.-.-r.''"'\-- ;,,-~. . ,- :r". :::-.. ~.--' . .. < ,.,.,~ ,. . . ':~T',7~-':" \~':::"i-':--:'-'--';'- . . " .. .. . ~ A. t.utR' UIUWf I., W,,'.,~ .-, I: Ii Ii I: I: " " i I I I I I I ! ~ i 1 . j I i t I I i ~ I , , 1 . j i i ! il I, II II [I rl ,I , I I ! i i i I i I I I I I I I I i l to' , ..' . QUItOt.1.11fillQ' ,', ' '. ' ,,: '"." ,'.,,", " , ':'"., '.'", ..,',. :", ,.', " ", ,,' , I . ".fHIS 'tlfl)UfURI',~'t'h1l 881~ ,(~,".O~,.PI.~A.' D., 1920, b,'w.~n ,8A1WI' A." f~f.~~o.), .j ot "t;h'~O.ountt o~ ~ad' &Jl~, ,8tateo't 1l0r1ela, ,>>~t, oft'he. til"~' par~, Nlel BElUWf Il. aAnl ,ant D.' I.. sum o'tthe~ount;' ,of st.? Luoi. and Stab of I'lorlda ~ftl.. of the .8oond par,I, WIfllBSSB'lB, that; the 8&1el>>ar~, of the fln~ :part, tor ,and' ~noon8ideratlon ot the .um! oto-~ ))~1.;aj! &Del other valuable oon8ider~tlOn 1on' hand palel b, the .ald p&rt1elot tbe I . .- . .- -' . ~ - . .. . . . - Beoond~~~,::thereoelPt whereofle henb, aoknowl~clpd. 'ha. rell1a84. tel.and and qlli ~- I I ~i&1"'c1i::!..t~('),':th...e 'presents does relltse, reieaa~ and qU:it"Ol~1ri unto~88ai~ p.rUe. ! ,'of .the e~~~ht:par'. ~dt~dr heirs and a881pa 'fon'Yel', all the right, titie ,1nten~~. I '. ' , " " ,I CJla~."and demand whioh' the 8ald pBl'-':iot the tirat p.rt,' has 1n and to th'e fOllO.lnS de.- ! ' , '" I erlbeel lot p1808 or paroelo:t land, situate, lying and being in the Oouri~, of 8'.:~uole [ .State.. ot 11.0rlda, to-wit I The South two-thirds ca/aria) 01 th.::'tOl101'dng de.orlbed ,traot of lana.I ! . Bes1nnlng ~t' a';p61nt tiTe' ohainsandtbir,y-..ven links ffor'th of the sout~eastoornerl ,~f Seotlon tweiv. (18) t T01mehlp fhirty-tWo C 32) .South,Range !thirty-ntne;(89) .Baat; thenoel, run Jlorth flve oha1ri,s and thlrt;v-elsbt ilDltBto 'the'line of landot Reg1nalcl' !urton; thenoel . . .. West to ;Indian Rhe~;thenoe Soutl)warel &10118 tho marg1nof sald rivet to a point West 0'1 and OPpOsl tethe Point oi beginning; thenoe .Bast on a line p.rallel to the .eoonel deaoribed I ,> a line to the plaoe ofbeg1nnil18. . ' The traot; fit land hereb, oonveyed 18 alao de80rlbed 'as Lot Three (3) of plat 0'1 f. _ . . parts Of8eotlon 12, Township 32 South,'RaDse 39 Jra8t. -and8eotion'1, fOWDShl>> 38 80uth, . - . t RSl18e 40 Bast, ~de by R. D; Oarter, 0.1. Reoordeel,on page twootPlat !ook 4; St. Luoie Oounty reoords.' , , 'TOHAVE.A1m TO BOLD tbe a~ together w1 th all and a1n8\llar the oOllllllOn 1.., rlpari8~ I ' right. and appurte~anoe.thereunto belongina 0,:1n 8DlWlso e.pp.rtal~ln8'. &Del all the estate i I' riS~t. title,' ',lntere~te.ndOla1la Whatsoever o:tthe aaid party o':t thetin~ part, ~1ther in t ,\ law or .qUi ty, to the only propel' use, 'ben.'tit and behoof of the said part"-s of the seoond: I part, their heire I>>1d aesign., torever. I'D WIflfBSSWHBitEO't 'h. "BaU, party of thetbst ]l8r'\ has herewito set her hand and aeal the dar and ,.ar :tirstabove written. ~,I~,; .-~'i , 't. Sarah A. Parr (Seal) . .' . .. .. Signeel, 8eal~dandd.llvereel lJ),'presonoeo't , f. J. Bannan Glaq. V. 8ulU:vail STATE 0' I'LORI~I " cOlJln 0)1' DADI , , I, an offioer authorized to take aoknowledament8 of deed8 aooordilig to the law8 , of the State, ot PlorJ,ela. dul, quall't1ed and aoUns, HBRDY OER'rln that SMWJ: A. )lAD to , , me >>ereOnalll ~.:thlSel" ehe ~kno.led..el betore me th~,t she exeouted 'the ton.fins De.4,~:PPI !tURf" OBlltXn, 'that I know, the .aid Jl8J'80n 1I8k1n8' Baid aokno.l~elpent to be ~ . .., ,the1nUVlcl.ual ele8ulbeel in 'and who exeoutea. the laid >>..4. t~ WI!DSS WIIJIUoJ.. l'~unto .et~ hana. and offioial ..al, at .aid OOUnt7 an40tate, thie 23rel d81 ot Aptil.. n. 1920. I (lotaq'ell1.l " ela47~ V. ,8ulllY~ " " .otaq Pub110, 'tate 0'1 l1or14. ~ o~i..lon expire.;Iert'. 1"19.' f . .. - . I I I " ' ":";,~~~!}~lIIt'l\l:l~