HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2381 ~1'.~~"'T~"~':-~~..'~"" -. ~"<"'f"""';-f.:.." ~"'~T:"'~ ...,....... ~.~~.....,....:r:~n.,~.';~;:~~ ~~'W!I,,:.........~.::' ."...~~~" .'J" J .~ , ..'~' ~I l'tl,,'I' ~t . r~ f\ . ~. . ". , , , :'-8-1',. , J ' ! ~ ._' ~- ::..~':, 4.- ~ . '-." '" '-. . . . . - . "the eeoou' PU~' 8D4,~. ,h1.,h.ll'.',aii4l....aiP. tOte."i>.aU t)f' , '" "'.', r,~'"Io~'t ~ri#;Jt*o~_.'J'~"ilo.!:~'U~l.~lo~'~o l.I'~,~l~I'O..., a. ,~,r,'~'" ," J. O. . 1;..... "'.','. .~ ...~... " _ .-. .",,--".-. ~".:"'--,-':."'...... ;_.........."-~:. "'. '';;'' ~';' -:.... " '.~ . . 11'1......' th. gout, hrftPI'{ anA,on,reoQ'" "1!,,~((ottlo.:o'\h.', Ooun~,O~u'k' .." '.1''' . _: . .:'. ~." " ; ..' .. '-'." . ~ : '. . .'. '> _' _'- _ .-, - '. , ., .' .' - -' ",' . 1 .. 11t~1 i '..10r1O,a." , , foptht" ~ th, aU and. '~.u:' th~ tene~~"..', her.cll__~". , _ ..ppul'...~.. ,:"h.~.unto , , b.lo118lnt 01' In' anm., "p>>-~lJllua; ad th. "ITereion an4,I'ITI1',ion., t'.~elel'~ 1"- , ..' ..-., -. " ":- .' -',''':' '.-- -' ., '.. " '- . . -. . -tD4.n, '...nt., .1....8i14 Pl'~flt..thlt"eof'a &1'14:1110 &l,lth...tat., 'right, 'UUe, ":. . & . . . - - '... . ~. _,: ,'" . . . '-. :-. - ", : . .~. ,_' I _ '..' ".' "".. :7' . -" ':' ~ . ,". . . , interest! '.e~.:t. ~.~t...40"'.t' &.04' ~l~'ot.cnr.r. PJ:'Opel't7. pO.BeB.ioD..ol.~ ~d elemancl I . : -...... , ' . " . . ~,. . . ' -;' . . . : whateo,vti!' , , &.wel1 '~1aw.. 1Il.e~~tt~t>fth' ea1el Paiot7 oftheflr8t part, 01, in ancl ~o . :. . - ,. -, .. ", ,.." " '.- '.. --,'. '. - .._ l .' It ,"'-',:" '. , . -,- tho, .b~v~::a.(t.ol'~be4P:r'li1e.. ,~,"~.lip~t ~,p8l'Oe1. .t~.u:e~t" ~itht~e a:pp~t'nanoes. , , '0 Haw and to 101el, A11 an4' 81qultJl', t~e ab'ovI 'mentione4 ,&D4' ae.oribeel premi.e.. . .',' . : . . . - .' ":. ~. -.-.. ..- ..'- . . . - . '. . .,', --'.-. ~'" . .'. - .- -'. .' . ...... ." .' ,~. '- - . together .rith the a))purtenanO"8, unto the 8&ldPart7 otthe Beoon4 part, hill heire 8D4 aeligne fon"~l'. j I I ha.'here~to .e~ I I I I I In 'Uness Whereof, the 8&14 put, of the fint part, b7 ite ;reelelent, , ". ." . '. . : - . ....... .-" ". '. . its hanAand seal'the d87 and J.ar litetabov, wrltttn. It.'Lucie 00unt7 B8nlt. ~. G.IIoJlDl1tn President. (Seal) Signeel. sealed and eleliTe~eel 1Ji presenoe .of ,Uw1Jl Ba4iDelq B4pr LeWiB 8tate 'ofJlo~lela. 'r ) , ! i I i . On thi. d&7perso~117 appeared b'efol'e me J. G. IIolla.llen, P:re81dent of St. Luo1e Oounty! , , ,I Bank, JortPleroe, no,lda..to DII w.l1 known alithe person desol'ibed in aziel who 'exeouted thei . ' " . ' , I ,'toregOing Deed, anti'e.okno..le4g.d thai he exeouted the same for the purpoee tlierein ex- I I I ! i j I I i j 'I Oountlof:st.Luoi.~ I pre.eed: Whereupon it 18 praled that the same maybe reoo:rcled. IzlWltu.8 Whereot..lha.. herem1toa::t:f1%ecl, DfI hand ancl seal,this 'ourteenth day 0'1 Jull A. D.One th01llJ8.J1el tWent7 . (IQUU IWL) Edwin Radin., (Seal) M7 0-.1'810D expires Bept. ,8. 1923. - 'Ued and reooJ'deel th18 14th dal of July, A. D. 1920. 1>>. O. Blelrecl, Olerk 011'Oult Oou:rt. B, ~~/ '~. ~~ ,D.O~ ~ec 0,"(/ ~e 'l'fIect , i i i I i I , i ---) 1 I I I (OT: OT. 8E.lL) .. - . ~ - - - - - - -;- - - .TOHlI J; ~QOD, 'B'l AL. \ '. - .' .. .. - - - - - - - - - - -... 10 QVIt~W.XK ' J>IBD. ft1t1)() a. 8BD'Olf. th1s'ln4entue. JIac1e till. 26th clq' of l'ebna1'1.l. l>. 1920, be~ween John J. L8l"oohe, xal"lcnt'H~ wooi:L..' 1.:8~ r..aoohe',B1i..b.th~;LaROOh.; Ifart ..'Ldoohe,(.lelow) ,W. I. idoohe.,. ~ ,o11r.,La,ll~OJte,B~B.t .~Ohe'~ba,'B. ,LaJlOoh.~~". ta1ioohe, 11I11)' J. Lalloohe. )I. 8. Whale,. A~ J. WhUe"JI. H. .1eDJd.J18, I&thel'tne -x.&rooheJellJtlJ'18" 'J...., L. , . . '-.' '. .-' "-' ':.- - ,>' " .- -.'. '-.' , -. . , '- -". . . - . .'- . Je.1D.,t('f.n81.~hl"lf~,~OOh..,.~'~LaROOM, 8. ,J. Lall~.~ ~...til...'!J.. :L.aRooh.'- of 'thlQOltnt, O(B~e...ari U14 8,ta'.:otn~l'u.a >>&i-tl..otth~tlr..~. .ant' ..,.elo'B; Bexton. .--', .--.'- - "'-'-- -'. ,~: -. -....-~_..---.,-<::.."\.-..~:;~~_...:__.~:-:-..~.__...,. .'.' ,:._-,._;"'"'~..:'-_::-:->' .__....<--~,:...__., .~:. .t.."h~0~t,of8t) :L~~..'~,8-:,\,'ot,nor':la..i'""r t>t~~...~ODl*~tr,' , ~",,-'. -. < "".-,'--:>.: . ,,-':.----,.-:-')....'.,:-";.., ~..-.;:<.:-.-"".. _.,":-<'.-;.' . -,:--.;,.:\--:-:~.....~':~.--<.:-;<.'_..---_._-,<..,_._' "--.-"- . ,...." . '.' 'tttD88JP. 'hat.' 'Jle_i4'l'a:rti.,...t.'~. ,,1i.B~PaJ..t.r....:'iJ!,oonalde,.tiOD.'of "\lie. ~, '. '.'. '.'" , ',', " ,:'" '::", , ;'<. , '" ',''''.'<'....:'' ><,'_>..,,.,,.'...'.. ., ',. .' ' "'.;..i.'-- ftIl, of 'Qu'~l1-M 'lIl1t.wtu1I1OJ1e, ,f~ 'h. tJ('~':,,:~~ ...~" ~1~,~..':.O~1.a..~tiOJi " "11"'./", -' :--' ,--. " ~_'~!:"'<"- -. --/.\'-/,-':0/'-":.' -