HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2392 ;. -' ~ec:" .';~~,v'T'~~~~'~7r~;::~'~;T-\"""'~:- ""''Z.r?""T~~,~,,~ >":':~.'>:-"-';':'~'O, ' I .92 ";O"~' ..~~~~.~"f'~..~"''<~ ~ " ~',"_ Y::~"r:~.~~'7~r..,[;l;~~ ~~H,~V'-;--""-~'~-"'- " , , J~ J. ~,~ 'UAlltt.TC)J ~nclW1t' ,> .~' tt TO, J; K~ )(ORGU I QVIt..OLADl DID ..' ~ tBI8X~TURBi JIaclethlf12J14 4a,'ot, Auguat A. >>.1920 betwe,n 'J. J.. P.' Hamilton t ' '. " .. ", ' ".,"" . '" ", ' , . '" ' 'an4 Ru.~h I~~aal~ton hil,W1fe ot<tb.o~untt of 8t~LUo1e and State ofJl01'14&, 'Partieeof '. -' -. ...._ . ~,- . "'. .' ~ "".' , . .~. .'.' . -' ..' . t". . " -' '. -. ,. ,".' ,-' -'. " ..., . . . -' . , , '_ the first part,alul J~ ,M., Kgl'88D O,ttheOol1lit;v 0'1 IN.va1 an.d 8tateot Jlol'ldapart1 of :the . ~ . . , . aeoond p&l".. t.. . _ . ' ,_ '_: ~_ _ ~ -' . . . _ '., ,_ , ,WXT1fB8QT1l,fl1at thes.~4 partte. of the fust part, 'for ant .':' . ~ - - . , I: ..'. .'. -... . ~ ,. . : . -' --' $\UIlof One cl.()~1ar. end ' othel' Valuable' oons1del'atloniJ in hand paid b7theeald Partr of the r . ~:; . . ,.' _ _ :. . seoond part,' the' .reoeipt "'here~f18:hereb7 aoknow1~d8e4haVel'emised, released, end qUit.. I ola~d!' ~n\ b7 ~'-8' presente do r~tJlli~e, l-.leaBesndquit..o1a1m-1uitothe'8~ld put" of the I , . ' " , " r eGoond part ~d:hl~:.heirB end aBBlsne,;toreTer, all'the rlg.t, ti,tl" ,1nte,reBt-, Olaim arid"" I , deman4.h.~9~ t1\'-:!I_~~~..,~P8l"t1ee ,of thef1rst part have in~nd to the ,:f'OllO~,mg desoribedlot'l pieo,orparoelof1and;ln8t.LuqleOounty,)la..to-wit: " .' " " ! ',' '. ". .-. ..' ., , ',:., , , ",' , ", ", ",' I ai-ofBi ,o:t ~wt' of lfBiSeo. 'l1..T 32 S.R. 39:1 oontilining 'tenaoreB mOl'e orl'ese. l . ....' . . - . . _ _ . . 'fe. ," ". . . . ' .- _ .' " ~ _ '. . l TO}LlVB Am> TO, HOLD the same, togethe,..w1 th all arid 8i~arthe appurteumoes : . _". f. :",..... .',.... . : . _', ., ... . thereunto belonging or in anywise apperta1nl,ng. and ell the ..-tat.. r18ht, titl$t'intel"8st ! I and olaim whatsoever' of the Batel pe,rtieso:f the first part., ~i therln 'law or equ1t7, to thel I . , ' ',' I I' onlJ ,proper uee" bene:f1t ani behoof, of the sa~ y.8rty of the seoom part, hie he~r8 and I assigns. forever4.., ' . ' I . IU WITHE88 WHEBBOl'. !he said parties of the first .pert 'have hereunto set their I , I hand811d se81,the' d~ end 7ea~ :t1 rat above wi"1 tten. I I 'I Signed, sealed and d.livereel, J in JI~"IIO. o~ I I I I I I I " I 1nOOnSld'er~tlon 0'1 tht I I II II !. " " II II I I i t I . ....... , , J. J. p. Hamilton' (Seal) 6(.udv &. i:J~' (~~) o Waldo E. Sexton . ':Ralph Trioe," STATE 0,. .FLORiDA , '1 oOUBTY 01' ST. x.uom, ) r i ! ' , i i ! 1 BEBBBYOBlf.Un. That on this day personall)? appeared be:fore lilt, an offi08r dU17 aU121o.rized~0 adm~letel' oatJ?,e and take aoknowledgments. J. J. P. Hamilton and RO.~'E. , " Hamilton. hie w1:f~ to me well kn:own to be th,e person deBorlbed in and who exeouted the fcregoing ins:trament and the}' aolmowle4ged before me that the1 exeoutedthe same free17 and voluntarll)? for 121e pur~~s therein expressed. AND'I FURTHER OEBTII'Y, Th8 tthe said Buth E. Hamilton known to ID9 'to be the wi:fe i otthe &aid' J. J. P. Hamilton, on a separate and private examination, taken 8.D1 madebJ an4i befOre me',aeparatelJ 'lWd 'apartfr01l her~id hU8b&nd. d!d aoknow'ledge that she exeouted th~ faregolngDeedfCJiothe' purp08Q of. ,relinqUiShing. allen8t1~ end oOnTeying 011 her right, . '-', f i I i I II Ii I I i title.',am interest, :whether of dowel', homestead or ~ separate prope:rt)? statutory or I equitabl.. "j,n iulA to the lanle ele80rlbed therein, ana that she exeouted G8id Deed fr.elr an. " '_, ,..;' ._,._ '. , . :,- _ _' _ ',' _ _ . - , . _ _' - - 1 voltmtarilt. andW1 thout an)? oompu1810n, oon~tra1nt,' apprehension 01' :fear ,of fir fr~~ her sait '. " , I husband. j WInESS, rq naDllancl otf1018l 88~. at ve~o Count1 of at. Luoie and State of Ela I :tb182n4 'el~10t ~ugU8t, "'.1)' 1900. ! I I Waldo B. Sexton Hota1"1 Publio, state ,of J10rj,d& . ooDDis.-.1on .xplreeJ!J.17 11.,1921 , &tb,~llqof~8':tf' A.D. 1920. , ' , ." ,'O."lL:DuD "01e'r ;'Oirouit Oourt , ..., .. '".,:,.., '" "J, .' Itr !IIO,.OQp' . ffO .~ , ""e., , 1t1J:'/~ . .--0 , _:"~ \~~~~i~~~~~1<~~1K~,,~~~ : -.. -" ::"!0::1"~"- .,.r.;~~.......~.;'1~~~~~;..;.~~.. _ -'. _ .~ -..-_' ;/.~~;~~fJ~~t~'~~~~~:Etl:jtkr.~~(~i~{~