HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2393 01 ;'1 q i:;j ~ :;; '\: "l ,y Zi; ~ :t1 Jj , ,) I ,. ~ ~ " , i~1 ~ ~ ~' ~; i: i" I: rt r t~ ::':. 'J'. i ~, I ';':-:: ~ ;;.<:- .:', h :f ! - ~..: t;. i'O c !~-~ ~~.. [';, ,,', t I ~ ~) ."" I ,,-,."!;" ,';. ':c- - "~;;.::-:"'" --,'. ~~~;o_ .,....-'.-.:~7.-:'; ., --.--"..---..- ~'_ '.-~"'5,'7'~,:_' " I.. i.. TO' , QUIT.O~lI'j)D]) , otft Ol' VUo TP-18 I1fl)EN~UD, Made.thie,18th~4.q of hne,A.1>.1920. betwe,n L. A. )l)ELt.4nd , . : OPAL>>. II>llLL:IR hl~ wlte of the OoUnt, of st. Luole. and Stat, , ' Jlal't( and OIn 0:r'v:s:aO,81;. Luole'Qountv. of the Oountt of ~' o'tFlorlda,])art1eB of the fh's and 8tate of I , i I . _', _ _ _' . " '.' . _",' t BUll 0'1 Jive Dollars and o<ther valUable oonsiderations, in hampa1d by'the 88id party of the I seoondput,tl1e reoeipt whereof is her~bY aOknOwl~dg$el have re.mlsed, released and 11'0.1 t-ola1mbd _- 1>ythe.. pre..nts 4p.. r.m1... r.l..... 8114 qu1 ~ ola1m ""to tb. .a14 party of tIl. ..oollll .1 'part and 'he ire end assigns toreve't. &:\,1 ~e righ.t. title, iintere.st.'l~l. and deDmld "hloh .~. . , 't~e Bald part..:"ot thetiret' J)art ha..Jo,.uiend, to the following desoribed lot.,pieoe or -paroel of lSnd,1n the Oouilty 0'1 8t. Luoie. 8tate 0'1 l'lorlda , ,to-wit, . .' - . ,. All our BIGHT8, TITLB, and interftst in Lot'S1Xteen (16) of Blook three (3) of part..;. of the ,seoond part, ; WlftES8lSTH, Tb8 t the said J18rt1ea of the first Jl81''\, for and in oonsideration of the i I ! i ..,,_....0. , - ".,_._.u~-'l I , I I TO HAVBAND TO HOLD 'the s~e,' together wi tl} 141 end siI6ular the appurtenanoes thereunto , ,! belonglngor in mlYWi~~ apperta inlng, and all the' e state J;'ight, t1 tle. interest and 'olaim I , I 1 whatsoev~r of the said ~rt1es 0'1 the first part" -e1 the r in law or ,ell:d ty. to the onl;v prope1 . use, bene:fit and-behoof of the se1d part_ of' the seoond-part, heirs and assigns, forever. ! ! Bdge1'iood.A.dd:lt10n.Ver~. St. Luoie Oounty~lor'lda. IlJWITDE8S WllEREOl',' ,the Said P&t't1es 9f the first ~rt have hereunto set their htl.nds and seals ,the day ani year first above written. L. A. Koeller ( Seal) i ,j !8igned. sealed end delivered in I prosenoe of 'G.' o. Bartlett ,I L. Dorsey . I 8TATB'OF ~RIDA .1, f oOUlln OF ST.tUOIB ) I ' , I I I I authorized to 8dmlni~ter oaths and tWce aokno\'.~edgmentB, L. A. JioellerMd Opal E. Moeller Opal E. lloeller (Seal) I ,'HEREBY OWlFYfhat on ,this day personally appeared be:fore anoffioer duly me, hlei,1f1:te to me v.~llknown to be 1ibe:J)erson desor1bed in am who exeouted the :foregoing , instl"WD:tnt am theyacknO'flledged before::l8 that they exeouted the same freely and' vOluntnrnt . ' for the pu,rJ)Oseu there1n'eXj)ressed. I I ' AIlD' '1 ,fURTHER OEBTIJ'Y~ That the said OJ)al B. KoeUer knorn to me to be the wife of the I I said L. A. Koeller ~ on a separate aid 1'1' Ivate examination, taken end made by am before me, I, , ' separately and 8J)o.rt :from her said husband, did aoknOWledge that she exeouted tl!~:foregoing . i I ! i I I and to the lants elesoribeel therein, ant that she exeouted 'e8id Deed freely end voluntarily I I ! j' 'Deeelior thepu.rpose of relin'lUishil'l5. a1ienati16 and oon'\"eyinR aU her right, titl~ end 1nterest.whetherof dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory 0,1' equitablb, in and without 8Dl oo..pulslon, constraint, 8J)prebension or fe8rof or from ber said husband. lII!BE88, III hand and o:ffioiai seal at Vel'o, Oountl of 8t.Luoie and Stateno:f nor Ida this 12th c1&1 of J1.U1e A. D. 1920. (Notary Seal) , Wl111am' Atlt1n ltots1'1 Publio, 8tate of !'lotida II;V oommission eXpires Aug. 14, 1928 , , J'lled _>>4 reoorded this 6th c\a.J', of Augu,it, A. ]). 1920. l40t. O~,""11 ll~oo . ~O If. ~"'f:"~o t ' : '"":,~:'''~:':1i~.1~.~fi.