HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH', CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4386041 OR BOOK 4081 PAGE 2439;Sy�1./0;2/ 018 11:28;19 AM �NIS i0 CtRiIFY THAT Y SISA OFT o µseta nr, u�get,ynuinV-ttmynn ,v Tf� t:. C. RR . Ajuno:D aioni IS Ikea Jry[� ' f�, KtT NUMBER•• ®BNNVOS NOTICE OF COMNO The undersigned'h'ereby.given notiee;lhat impiovement will be made ta:certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter )13, Florida statutes the following ihfotmation is provided ;a the Notice ofcommence,nent. / 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROP1211:7Y FLegal description and street address) TAX FOLIO NUMBERr 3427-11I-0002— 000./5 RRiver , �fSU Dr4S1ON• „a1 :B10d TRACT' LOT,_ BLDG UNn !W.c, Section 77 , Town hin 6 , Ran ae an_ 2.GENERALI)ESCRIMONOF.IIWPROVEMENT: Sing -IV .family residence Q IOWNER WORMATION:• a. Name--W3za;•ne�r1�r,� �r0�,�aticut b.Address- 80_00 S. US'1, Suite 402, PSL, FL 34-952 c.intcrutinproperty d. Name and address of feesimple titleholder (if other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDkFMAND PHONE NOMtER: Wynne Development Corr->orat_ ion 800'0 S. U51, Suite 40'2, PSL FT 34959 272 Ala 5511 S. SURETY'S NAME, ADD72ESS,AND'PRONB NiOMBXR AND BOND AMOUNT; / 6-LENDER'S NAME; ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within'the.State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom noticesor other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUbOER:Douq ,Brantley 1 Silver Oak Dr. P&L, FL:. 201-8418 8. In addition to himself or herself, Ownerdesignatosthefollowing"to receive a copyof the Uenor's Notice as provided in'Section 7i 3.73,(1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUttD M 9. Expiration date of notice of conuneneement (the expiration date is 1 year from the date ofrecording unless s different date is specified) ; 2p WARNING TO'OWN$R• ANY PAYMENT-T MADE RY TUP OWNFR AFTER THE'EkP1RATION OFTkE N6T s OF COM Nr M NT P P 71 P 7 N'LORID6 STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYMG 71ViCP FOR 11vtPR0 VEMENTS TO YOUR PROPER (Y 'A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE XEC09DE04ND >�S_TED ON THE )Qg S17E >3EFORE THE FIItST' IPlSPECTION TF YOU"INTEND TQ OBTAIN FINANCIN�j 'CONSULT WftH YOUR. NDER•OR•ANAMgNEYBEfO�R 'O�M`M�EF7CIIer �ORKORR �r1RD1f7C,v�RNOTIC Fj IMErFCFMFnrr i,✓ Ma,tt,hew Lyle Wynne, Vice—Plzen313ent Signature of Owair or print Name and Provide Signat(kry's 7illc/OMee Owner's' Authorized Olrreer/Direetor/gartner/ Manager Slate'ofFlorida County of St. I j t i e• ,,44 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this A'1 da y of U C= G »�6 E'er .20 17 ay-- Matthew Lyle Wynne as V I Gr. 65:) b far7' (Name of person) (Type of authoritya g: Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in Fact) For Wynne Building Corporation (Name'ofpany on behalfof whom instrument was executed) Personally Known `/or produced the following type oF3D: DOROTHYAN148ASKIN Q Q o`!7•i y f-t Nrs_E-�%Q SAC N 0 - , qa {k, . F MyCOMNiSS10N'X GG 030145 : ExPIRES:Odober:2; 2020 (Printed Name:ofNotary Public) (Signature of t Public} (' A, ,r t aeATtuuNotaryPuNkunde:vrtte:s Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the factuin it'arc Eve to' the best otmy knowledge and belief (scetion 02.525. Florida Statutes). Signature(s) of'Owner(s) or Owner(s)' AuthorizedOfficer/Director/PartnerlManagee who siined above: By: By Rev. 01/SO W(WaNiag) .. '