HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASESCANNED BY St Lucie County B0111 hV';'8E-Gbd6' IN 7'72461-1*-Mi�- Fax 772-:40-6443 REC�ETVED O'C F 19 '), -) ST. Lucie County, Permitting Permit -R0mber.\_nL2t__ _C)n Piojed Add rem THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECMCAL POWER TO THE A13OVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED MiIRTY (30). DAYS, - , FOR THE FUR SE OF'TFSTING SYSTEMS AND EQLaPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INS'PE M*QN. IN CONSMRAMON OF APPROVAL OF THE AEQUWE'Hl� A 13 GE Alb AGUE AS Fto.OWS; 1. This temporary -POWer r06M is r�uested for the abo*e stated puM onkandt -n be 0-iP_ here va no aa7vancy of any type, other than the permitted tjr barjovaon during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we. herebY agree tb abide by all tefTris and conditions of this agreement inciOdffig Building Diviftriftlicy, which is indorporated h6m!h by reference, S. All condffions.'and teijulreftpts- listed' in the atta 0. ed document en.tirded "Requitements. 1br 30 Day Power for' Te0h91' Mvebein fulfilled *arid. the'premiso_ !s ready for compharke inspection. 4. All requests for an, extension beyond 313 days mtk ba*made in wrlUbg tc)the . Building Dffidal stingreamthe ream for the mq'vM PoWer maybe removed" . moved"fmim the site and/or ar Stop -Work Order Issued N the ' Fi6al-Inspeftn hat riot Veen approved within 36 fts. A fee of $100X0 Will be requ'lred to lift the Stop Work Girder. - WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COLIUM AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALf U-AEULITIES AND 0 -AIMS -OF ANY TYPS OF WMCH MAY AKSE NOW OR IN 7HE FUTURE OUT OPTHXS TRANSACnON, INC LUD.I.NO ANY.11AMAGE' .44AY BE ilg;Wk '1).*'0,U WH,Iqq: . . RE - E- To THE Dr3C6AqS&a6N OF ELECMCAL POWER R4 - THE'EVEW 6F' VML"AnON OF MiIS AGREEf WU, ON TT'v_; 9g8-i w00/3000d to-1 999L8L8ZLL _Woaj Lv: L L 8 L 1-6 L-0 L