HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCd c� D i i JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT. .COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4386032 OR BOOK 4081 PAGE'2430', Recorded 01/02/2018 11:28:19 AM SCANN90 BY St Lucie COW W The undersigned hereby given. notice that improvement will be mace. $fz'xrt ' o ante wt Chapter.7l3, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice ofcommencement. L DESCRIPTION;0F P1?6PERJ'Y (Legal description and streetaddress)'TAX•FOLIONUMAERrA 3 0 6 — •1 1,1- 00 01 o o /p all that part east of 95 2. GENERAL DESCRTP'!'ION'Orr"kOVEMENT:, 'single family ees :denc.e- 3. OWNER INFORMATION: • �• A. Name_ _ w=a np Ct; i i1d i ss g Gb r�3r� r i3 t i GLn b.Addrems_8000 S. U81,. Suite 402, .PS'L.. FL 34952 c:interest inproperty d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME$ ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Development Corporation '8000 S. US1, Suite 402, i?SL, RT 34952 777— Rj.8—SSI R 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND'BOIVD,AMOUNT. b. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND'PAONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated byOwner 'upon whom notices or -other documenmmay be served as provided by Section 713.13'y(1)(4) 7., F.loridaStatutes•, NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMIBER��fr`�S�S•paniah Lakes Blvd.. Ft. Pierce', F,,L. 201- 8AA addition to,hiinself or herself,• Owner desi aces the following to receive a co 05:90 . O@) gsi g py of,the Lienor's Notice as in Section 713'.13 1 Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND THONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration dace:of'nodi a ofeornmencement(the expiration date is 1 year hornhe date of recording unless a different date is specified) 20_ Matthew 'Lyle Wy'nn'ef Vice —President Signature of Owner or PrintName and Provide Signatory's Title/OtTtce. Owner's Authorized Ofiieer/Director/Partner/Manager State of Florida. County of Rf'. T.tirie - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this . ay of i FC:El� �S 20 f 7 By Matthew Lyle Wynne as VIC RPSf,b (Name of person) - T'ype of.auihonty... e.g. Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) porWynne Building Corporatiori �. (Name of party on. behalf of; whom instrument was executed) Personally Known—!!!�or produced rtie following type or.iD: DOROTNYANN BASKIN A my COMMISSION 4 GG 030145 Zo9-141-ty �1A-SKr1 e EXPIRES:Octobet2.2M0 (Printed Name of Notary' Public) (Signature of Ndkhy, Public) t8:) ' Br�t?�° BorgsdTKrj taryPap4etJndsnvriteis Under penalties of perjury, I declare (hat I have.read the, foregoing and that the facts in it ate true to the best of my knowledge: an. belief.(seetion92.525, Florida Statutes): Signatures) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized Otficer/Mre.ctor/Paoner/Manager who signed above: By. ace. oB/I.WW(R",d'v+t) . By