HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCc�c c� i `�- - J JOSE CLERK OF FILE 4386004a,OR 8 OK 4061E PAGE,2385�T � T/02/201:8UNTY 11:09:45 AM 3T. ., THIS IS To., CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE OND CORRECT C'OPy/OF'THE . ORI Ni G . ®1 c� i3 a 6UANNtU BY. St Lucie County •r NOME OF COAV 7t c undersigned hereby -given notice that improvement will be made to'etl n teal property, and in accordance with Ctiaptu 713, Florida;statutes'the'•following Wotrmtion is provided in the Notice of eommeneernent. dcscr I ipdon agd street address)fiMX FOLIO NUMBER.- 301-11j —00 01-000-5 t WaRAL DESC HMON OF I1►0R0VE W+ NT: 3. OWNER D ORMAIXON. a. Name• wvn. r 3,9E b.Address. t3y0y S. US3i. Suite .402a -PSL, FL 34952 c iaterestinproperty d. Name and addtrss of fee simple titleholder (if other thin owner) 4..CONTRACTOR'SNAME,ADI)MsAND.P$ONE'NUMBER. Wynne Deveioament Corporation 9000 S_ USI, -Suite 402, PSL••, AFL 349 77 87R-r,R1 -1 S. SUP17— 'S:NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NE MSER AND BOND'AM OUNT:, . 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER,: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Own u on whom notices.or other.documents may beserved as provided by Section 71113 (1)(a) 7„ Florida Statutes:; John Brenn =Dan- NAM,AR nANDPHONENUMBER: 1' a asitas, Ft _ Pi t�rrr� rr• 34951 772-4.66-1553 S. In addition to himselfor herself; Owner designates thcfcllawing to receive a copy of the t ienor's Noticeas provided is $ecgan 713.13 (1)(b); Florida Statutes. N.4=, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUABM. 9. Expiotion date of notice of.commenccment (the exPiiadon date is I year from the ;date of recording unless.a different date is. specified) ; 20 Matthew Ly2e Wynne. Vice—Prgygent Signature of Owner, or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office Owner's Authorized:OtTcer/Director/Partner/Manager State of Florlda County of 'St. T.» r_ i e - the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _% day of -)Fefr"M,6 6M 2LLi By MatthewLyle Wynne •_,.as, 1/t•ce Aegrbr)-u (Name.ofperson) (•type of authority ... e:g: Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) For Wynne Bui..lding Corporation (Name.of party on behalf of whore instrument was executed) PWoniuy Known v or produced the following type of M:' {.S .,ti v040TfiYA4N9ASKIN [7AS14.� , r h h�Grin+n,rS5t0N#.GGD020 EXt i4c3014 a caobet2,2a2o (Printed Nam:of.No*Pdblic) (SigtafrreofNdt Public) iSeal) I.,. ,,,, o„xcTarNo:7a u d�`"�s U;Wer pensltics of perjury . i.d'eclate that I have read the: foregoing and that'the facts in it are•true E6 belief (section 92.52S.'Florida Statutes). Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized,0. ieer/Directnr/Partner/Managec who signed above: Ry. By: x�.. atnoitnmia�a�rJ