HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT' OU FILE # 438'6003 OR BOOK 4081, PAGE 23,8RAT TRUE qR1q- SCANNED BY' ay PPJtMI't NUMBER: St Lucie County, L: NOTI — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY AM The undersigned heneby.given notice that improvement Will.bc made to certain'ra'propertyj and imaccordancomAith Chapter 713., Florida statutes the following information is provided in theNodce-ofcomm=ccmcnt 39E 2. GENERAL DESC.RDMON OF II_ . Lyi-N&w o 'to ngi- ami 3. OWNER]!NtORMATjON:.-*-- b.Address.80.00 S. usl, suite .402,A, -PSt, 'FL 34952 c. interest Kpropexty— d. Manwan&addrp" of fee simple titleholder (ifother than owner) 4. CONUAcrogs NAmE, ADDREss,AND PHONE N I UMBER: —Wynne Development Corporation 8'000 S. US1, Suite 402.�, PSL, FL 34952 772-878-9;5-13 5. SUREWSWAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE; NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT- 6. L6MERIS-NAMX, ADDRESS AND PH0NE.NUM3RR: 7:Petsons within the State of Florida designated b QMOntSpo y DEWry� notices or 6ther'documents,rapy be served is provided by. Section713.13 (l)(a) 7, Florida Staaltcs: by_ frennifi.— NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NU' MER; 1 Lab Gasitas, F1,- Pi . PT- v 3423-1--772--466-1.553 E. B-0dition to himself or hersqlf; Owner designates the following to receive a:copy of the uenoes Notice as provided .in"Sud.on 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAM, ADDRESS ANDTHONENX)MMER- 9. Expiration date ofridtice of eommenoencnt (* expiration date is I yeaeftom.the date of ricoidibg unless adifferant,date is specified) ..—,20—. 1. Matthew Lyle Wynne., vice —Pry dent Signature of Owner or pj;jjt Name and Provide Signatory'slitte/Q61ce Owner's Authorized 6tticte/birector/Partner/Manager Stateoflnorida Cbuntyor St, r.11 i.e - The foregofing instrument was acbowlcdged before m6this, ay of E 20 1.7. B Matthew Lyle e Wynne M, (Name of'Person), (T.Ype Owner.officer. trustee, �attcrrney:jh fact) For Wynne Stiildiriq Coe6oratidn r produces the followingIYPe Of ID: (Naineof party on behalf of whom instrument was ex.equtid) ?6rsonally Known —!:�'-- 1) YA -4.5 &1YCQMM1SS1Gr4-.rGG30-45 AQJ d6AS4r-s (3 (Si sit I (sell) EXPIRES:OclonerE2.2020 (Printcd Name ofNotary PubUc) on I,, P�;' as,*d Diu Nwoqkft V.90r,6466 -7 Under,penalties of perjury, jd'ecjarc that I have read she foregoing and that the facts in it are I beticr(scc4on 92.525. Florida Statutes). Signiture(s) of Owner(s) or bwg%qr(s)! A. . iiihorized Officir/Director/partner/Manager who sighed Above'- B P.W.=0=7(R—d4,z)