HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2433 .. ..~;;,+.,... ....~... ,t r ~ -Tlf-- .l '. 2" .~~:r,_"~,~,~.;,_,~~r,:.:-'S'-~; _~",._~:;.,-.... :,'''::!. "..V'~-:,?".~-~-~_>__~<;~ ,.," '.: '-'~~i~,"::\.':~-~';:~?:-.' ',', "'r';~ , .. " .": ,.l3H- ~..- ~. .... " ~ . il,! .) '! " ~ ,", . . ~ ~ ". .,. , ,- ' .'. - .. -' ., . < "," . '- ,. - \'.. . :X!aUa.>>aiA')l tl.,~' 'O:1.tf, ~'J' ofth6 ,aeobt })N'\,th.e re'oel>>. ..heJ"~ot iilii'l'eb,aunow- .'_ _.,'-. -'.- .' ~ . .' _~ . .,_'<' ".',' . ,,0.,..,_ '.:.~".' ""''':-''''''~ ,'. _, ,_:'~, - .:".' _: ,'_ ~ ',_ " .' . . ,~'4.di ~1''' l'era1..cl,"I'.l,u~".aiII1 qult-ola1M4,'end b, th... 1'1'....J1t. 'dO. l"'~"', "11." c. --'__'. '.:- "'~:'_"'"' .~'~. _' . '. _",_ - ,-,'_ '-:'_" __', _' '" _":',_ ",,".,<_ .1.,' ", .':" .;_ ~._ ,i' :_ ,qu1t.ol~. W1to'.~~ ea~4pN"tl~ot'\he '~O~?~,' ,aDd h1a,hlll'a.n4 ,ael1pa fore1'el', . .', '~",. ",' ',':" _ ',""Y-, ,.' '. .' :.__' . - .,- . "",," '''''_ ",' _"." "_:;:;;"'-",' -"0 . ~'."_ . ~ " ..- -. _,' ", '" " _ .f ~"l'liht,'~lt1e, llit'F,.t, .,~1a1. '8I1cl 481UD4*.loh --:We' esa~a: >>&r'l'. Of'the fue' part haTe. . -" ," :','," . ::, ,,' .-. ,;' - ' . ',' ,- - - ,." -. :'" - ",. ,- '.',' ,.--. -- ," '" -. :' , " ,', ' ~. '.. in .-'\0 'th.~.: tOllo1dD8 4esoribe410ti, ~tl.oea 01' :p&I'O.l. of'lan4., to-Wit: . ,'.' ", .' "'. . , , '. ,- .' -. .;;;" -.. ',~' '..rth';'ha1f of Ho*,th.a8~ ~uer'er"01BOl'thoa8tQvarte:r ot 8eotlon'th1,rt,-fhe (36), , ,',,' _.,. ..' _..... ,>''! _,_ . "'~ - + .::_ ,_ ; " - / ..'.1." ,.' _ .~~ '" -. ,.'. ,-. , " _' , ~fownehl',fhll"t7"'two (~) B~uth,',~p,th1rv-n1ne (St) ~It. I: ,. -, + . _..". , 1 . . ,. _' I '. ',_ 10 JUVB DJ) to !!~ .'the ~,' 'O$e~'r .1th.~l' ap4 a.1ngular ~e ~pUrtenanoee ther.- tl " unto b.lons1n8. or in ~a. a)Jtio~~n~. and al1 the, eetate. rlght, tltle, 1i1tel'eet aitd , ~;. ~ ~~ . . . t' - . ~ ~ ~,;;: . ~ '.~ . . . ~ . . 'olum 1Ibateo.e1'er of tlie sald parU.."of the first pU'. elther 1>>.'law 01- .qult,~ tp the oDl " . ~per: u... be~n~ ani beh..t .tih.....i.it. .~'7. .t 1ihe ';'..114 118:<\. hlaheira - aa81811a i t~.v.z..' .' , . I .------ -- -,,---'- ,- -'{' I I (Seal) ! (Seal) I I I I ! ,~~~'.~I' . ;', 4:,' ',' -Ill ,iTB1S8& ~~ the eald pArt18e of'the fir8\- ~-hav. hereunto e.t thelr b&n4.e . , - " . 8Dl 8.~.thleth. ana" clq of .AprU;, .... D. i92l. " t " 01847e Gallahan , .' Da1'14. Olt1'elaD4 'Oallahan \~~ .: : ilpe4, e,ell4. and deU...~.t'inpr.eODoe ot: , .". ,",",' '. . J, '.\L forh.... i~',-.~ ;j ni..be~' ..lojee ,: I..... .~. -. ,. 1 .",' . . S~J.D II' '1lm~ >> I oounn'. OJ' ..aIm. ' I I , I: UauYOBR~In.,'ba t o~ We da1 }1Ol'sona1i, appeared before _, an off1o.r 1\111 ! , .' .., .' I " ,..,thorll'clt~'ad~eter oathBadl. take $Oknowleligmente. Glad1. 0811ahan and Devid 01'1'81" \ . .1.-:"i}11~'", to ..;.: ~ell'lmOm to,; b~. thej)8reone,d.lorlb.d in ~'whoexeoutedtheforegoing . I IUetnmentanc1 they aOlD101J1,edge/''i.fOl'e me that the, exeou.tedthe sainefre.ll an4vol1Uitar-l. . '- . . .' l '11~fol' the })~0"8there1n .;ltJ)reSlled'. ; ! mI MfJBRODfIn~!lhat the .~~~ 0~8 Oallahan lm~1IJ1.to me to be the wlf. of the I ...14 >>.vi,c1 ,018ve1end 0a1.1alum, on a ..parateanc1 prlTate e:zalld.natlon, taken end IIIBde b, aDd i . , . '., ..' , ' , -' , '. . I before 11I8, ..pa:ratel1'~. a>>&l't' ~OID heJ:ea1c1 hu~an4. did aomow1edgethat she' exeoute4th.. ,l'ioreS01JlaDe84 tOl'the~pUrpo". Ofrel1Dqv.1'eh1ng,'~~e~Un8 ~oonTe7ina all.h.r rlght, ! t:Ul., ~~~J1tez,.t, ;.Whethel' of dO..1' , ~olD8etead, 'or Of:'e8parat. propert,. statutor, or eqUl~l', 1D.aJ)Cl,toU:l...1aa4e 4.80r1be4 thel"t1D,and that sh. .~oute4 eal4 J)eecl freel)" end To1- I ,.... .' " .... . I un~a1'li,ai1d Ws.~out aD7 o0mpu1810Jl. oonatraint, ap,.l1~.lOD or fear of or from h.r 8&1d I I i I I ! I I ~. ':,.. ~ , husband. WI~,~' lum4"an40'fil0~eJ. seal at JUobJaond, Oountl of WIqIWt .aDd' state of Ind 1 ana , . -, tM.I. 1Jle 2D4 .'~ of ~P'U ~921. . ",,,, UTIt . ' v' "0 .", it, ,,'oTAlty So ... . ~u6 ~ ,e.; " " , . !tipb.~ l~. . tOtal', Rub.' .., .., 00 . 88lon .~11't.' ~. ,18th ..., ot Jlarob 1922. : .. a -~, f tn' I{ ~I .. . /N,bl"rl.t- ~, 1.1184 Md' l"o~.4'We $~~ dqotAJ$'11. ~ >>.1881. . 'I~ o. 'mue4, O:a..~Jt' 0~J'01l1t Ocmtt~, B, . 4~'~;A. ~~J)- 0., (Ot_' O~. BIl'L) . \ ~.. . Oo~ ~k .,~~ .~ .' ~ .~<> ?,.- " ~.'& . ',." ~ . -'1.'- , ::} , ,:\~