HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2434 ,'. to ~ ' .. .. No ~..._..IiM. ...~. U~'4:~~:j:'1l; .~ !bel...... Ji~~..o' -""1t,. I' ::;,~:I-:~~::;:C::~::O;:01;ZI'=;.:Vtb:,O:~~:,::::'~:::r!a~:-:;r. .. of ~. ..Oonl ~~, , . '. . . . i '. ,.' ". ..'. '., '. '.. . .' I .ltne'8e~h, That $Q' 8&14 pet, of' thef11-B't pU~'" iJiooneideratlon of the BPI. of I . ..... "." . . '.' , ' . " . ',' , . . . .' , ','- ! 'en aDd other oone1dera~10ne ~110.00) nr.:t'}'~~8,'t~.her>>&1~.b7 tbe"'l~ J&i'~~ otthe. .\ ..00lld Pan.' (~. l:eOe'1>>t. of ..blob 1. bel'8b, aoknOW1.A8eelY 4ot8 bl the.. pl'e..nta, JWlIU.1 . R~V~~RI, an4~' '~I~-ol.AnI 'tmtoth~h '~cl ~',Of' th~ .e~0D4 ~t,'t~e fon.'1 '.'- .~', .,:...._-'~;' , '_ t>' _. ' , ,,_..,", " "." _~ " '_' " _' ~. _ .,' " ". '. . de.o.rlbect1<ttB, tl'~t80~ peroela Oflancl,' :LJmI.p~.1i18~~ ~tuate 111' the:OPnQol 8~, .' , - . . Iauole 'anc( State of 1l0r1c1.. to...1"t:. c _. ~"__ , .._ d : :-- ,,:,,., , ",' '. - - - - - . -~ -. --- -',.- ,'- - . . I _t..:~__ ~,'_ _____~_.. 0'0 - - ~---- .';-'. Lo~ ,~U:ee(S). .of Seo.t.10n Bight (8) infoWnShi, Wrt,-thl'ee(D) 8C)uth. BJange 'ort, (40),...t'iD 8t.Luo1e' Oowlt,. JlOl'ua. ~ . ' . . . ~ . ,..' 1 - ~ _.. I ,.!rQ ,Haft .~,~o Hold the 8..." W1tla~l the t:lgiite,1DIaam1tleB.J)r~'Vllege,ancl appurten",! I -.. tb.iot.. ~.~.lI/ll.D8. _ ....t.. tho ".14 J>Utt ., tb. ....- )>U'\ _ ....t. 111' bolr. _ a.. I 81sne:tor.'Vel',.o'tbat ~'ith8r _the eaid pUt,. of ,the' f1,rBt ~t nor her heir's'. nor.~ ; I. ._~ >>01'_.~ p.~..D...'.~ bo~ :_ 10 bo~ DelIO..~ 11011011. obo11.~ .Ul~~:!,:'~~ ~ j I .~ do_ . &I\\' ~i~\01' ,\1. U. t.\ho ~or...1.d prollli... .~ ..., >>u1i _~o.:r. ~ll\th.( obo11. : I bl theH .,r'stnte, ,~. exolUCled anel fOr8'Ver barred. I . I I \bo dq I.m ,.... ab":" .~n\.D. I i '1 I I . --c__ . ~'.~ ::,.~T.:.~."'"'Y'/:'" .._J'.-....,T#.~,~~,,~,..;- ..1'~..~:T'-1~'"_;-~'*S:> . .~-:,::<,;;.. -~ :~.~ ,,~_,":~_ ;~_~;~'-;'f;.;-!'":~-:..T~.t":;..,.,~:?"'_:::~. \.'::" ~_~~: -' ....')"... '<< 134: " , . ,. ~ iUtt~ I. onA~~U' . '. ~. , . ':: ' . '". O. B. GoU. :~. !'. In Ii tneB. Wheteof, he _14 ~art, of the fUBt part haa hereunto- Ht her haiul aDd Hal; i SlSDe4.,Bealed UIll >>ellTerecl in Pre Benoe of. 'e~07 1.. Bracldoolt .aoJ.l.en 1I. ,warUn Rattle E. Ohamberlin (Seal) 8tate of, K1BICIQ1"l p()U)lU . OJ Jaokeon. ) laB. ' ~ I l I I ~ I i . . , . . .' I b~l'eb, oertlf1 that on th1e ~\d" of AprU, 1921, before _, A&o8 f01lP88D4 a lIotar)' h~llo. pel'e~~ aplHtuecl Battie B. Oham'berlin to me known, to b,e, the Jleraon 4eeor1bed in . , 8Dd.Who. exeoute4tl\e foresoq inatl'UlDent'bl her Haled &JJd' subaorlbed. .and ~moWUclse4 , , . that ~ exeouteel,tlie __ .e bet frs, aot d 4,",;101' _. uael &Del 1)UI'pOBe. therein men- . . tlo~4. And. .the eNd, Battl. B. 0~1'1~ 1ur\hel' 4eoluedhereelfto b. elng1.. 8114 UI1lII81'- l'1eel'. IJl ~e.t111OJl1' ~l'.of, I' UTe' here~to Ht rq han4 8J1cl .~:t~el Jq offl01al 88al at' uq oft~o.1n JCaneae 01t7, J~kBonOountl, lUBBOUrl"he4a7 and 'j_l"; 11rfJt above W1"itteu. .' . e-, _. . . . Jq ~I'II eSpire. Ja~116 192~. ' . 1l0tv'Rub11~.1I1=if:r~Itb01U1~1 awl 8tate. I . " . ",," y.....~\ . .I11lct .. f.ooz04ect 't.b18 20th !la7 otAp~l. .l~' ~ 1921. . NOT"A.liy . . -, . . ~1,I8L'i~'-:. ~~.UALI - . ::o.;;t~:!ir4!07;. ~~40,.j". 'J-." . ,- .... ." ' \ ~, '.~ ~ ,0(\ ~ () _.Y.O." ~"'-'~~" -__' ,-,:.~,.:,-. /- D ! I I I I l. i I I 1 I I I 1 u " ~ . ;. .' ". ::,:<~}~.l~l~r~~1