HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2442 I '~'~~,:":':"r~,:~,,-"!""'''''::-7C',,",'.'-:-''''=:'- ,,-~:"=Y~"F~"~""""'.';;'~7'~'T~'~~>~'''~1'<~J''''< -u ~7"""'~':t~':C?-:;::~-"~~:','''~~-'~ r~--c"_-''''-~''" ,- . " T 142 ' I I d II I I i I , , .' . - -.- - . - 01", "quJ._b3.'~,s. u4 to the 'laIII' le..rl'e4' thtl"1Dt uA 'ha' A' ..ou~. ..1A 1Il.'n.at ft'e.1, >Ul4 ,,:OlUDtUUJ an4*ltho"t -;0011>>1481011.0"""', a,.elieu1_ ,01' teal' ot .. " ~_' 1l,1' .a14 hll.b~." ~' ,', " ' ~ItJll8," __ '&114 ott~la1 ..~ at Uo&1&, Gout, of Mll'loa, aD4 SWot. 01 1'101'14&, ~. tbo'8~ Ul;' 01 .lp:rU', A. J)~' i..a. ' , ,~ .' , -.' , , +00" ~It04,.. .., \ , NOTA'RY, .. ~ ,'" ~ PelS r.. It.. ~ o~ 1,," tI: ~ <>,;., PI' ", -~11.cl ~ reoorcled:'h!1i 8eth clIlr ot.lpl'U" 1..1>. J.'21. , IO~. U~;'~I:;~it;l~ka:.;Jo~:o. , . .' :Rhoda '1UL~ ' ' , " .otu, h'bllo,. , Mr 0oaa18.1on Jlzpll'.. 'JuJ.,13th, 1928. , , Record Verlle(\ , - , - - - - - .- - - ~ - - - - . - . - - - - . - - - - - - -.----- - - - - - - - - - - ~ \~\ }\~(\J' OI~Y .. lOaf 'IBOB . !co QUI1-oUXK ~. A. A. H'IOm1Y. I ~ I I tJI1Sl.lO)BftUU, ~. ~1. 4. de, 01 .., "'21'- bet..ea ODY U Na! R._, a ~101pal oOI',ol'~tion 01 the state ot nor1da, J&l't, 01 'h. ill'et JU", an4 .. A. HMe.." ot the , ' Oountlot 8t.~uoi.e au4 tstate of norUa,pu'1 of the 000114 part, , , WIfD88iml, fhat the e&14"paJ't, of the first pert. 101' &DA1n oonuderatlon of the BUIll , ' , , .' ,', .,,' " , ,,' " ",' t of ~,~ la:haD4 paid bt'the..14 ,utI of the '..00114 part. the reoel,t wheZ'.ol\l. h'I"b"aoknOWle~t4.' aD4 111 Oo~elel.rat1o.u of the d..4ioation 01 \h. .trle1;. U4 ali.;,. ~~ lli , . ", ' ,j OIl Rlatof 1a1"na,1'laot,'ha. "lIi..ed, ~'l.a.e4aDl q1l1t-ola1JMC\, aDl1 bJ, \he.. ,_e..nte 40.. %ea1H, 1'81.... 8114' ,u11;-o1,&1111111W ,the ..14 , JUt,' of th. ..oonl' ~t, aD4 hie helrs, . -. . -' '. .. -. - . - - ". '. - , - " ': . act a..tgDI fonytl',. all the r1ght, t1 tll, intel',.t. olai. and 4e-.n4 whioh ,the..14 ~t7 . ." - ....,' -, - ." . - .'. . ,.. . . t '~,..~,~:-~~ftt Jan UaiJi'aJIA"tOth.. fol1OW1Da deeoZ'ibe4 10t8 Pleo..oZ'~~el. otlaJ14, !eltua'ti-.Jl)'1Jlg'and beiDa iDthe 01t,01 J'ort Pieroe, st. ,I,\101e uoun~~,1'10I'1U.~1;_0...tt: I' · ~l of Loti OM III " J{1ut,.three 'I'~), inolullT..ofJlat Of'....., l'lao., a . '.~bellrl81on 01 p&x't of th..o~~w..t quarWI' Of-"B01lthw.t~tel'ot ~eo~1o~ '10. town.hi, 35. 8. a~ 60 ~.t, &Ooo1'd1118 to ,la\ I'lool'cled on"'__'ofPlat,:Book 4. ill h. offloe.'of the - ~ .' ... . 01erltofithe 01roUit Oov' Of St. Luote Oount1, nOI'148.' . to np JI]) to HOW fU ..... togeihll' W1~ail aD4 ~"~d&PJ>~._," th.reU:bt+ :..<',' - . . '. _ _,: .-..- . - -._'" . , 1 ,.,~., "_ '.' ; ..1....,.7\. .. in urn.- .,perta,lni.,s, .D4' aU the e.tat.. right,tUle. lntm"'-,,a1.aa [ ,'.'<" " ' ',,' " . ,,' ", ',," , . ;.>; " " I ..t.NTel' o~'1;he 8&14 pUt, of "ht,fll'et pal't~ .1theZ' 1A 1.wol' '/Jv4'" "o'the.onll prOJer I ~.. b4a.~lt ~ .behoo, of the pid ~ of tla.'!8.00Dll ~~..' ~il.htU" ~' ae.J.p.,' fOftyetr , . . .'.' --_. _' _ _' - . . ".,. .-.;..-,"; '.' ';, "_,, , i !hi. d.e4, ii '.:uo,u.tlct_ 4tl1Te"4 u4'I'l;~aathor1t;, ot' Nl 0:Id~. of tbt' 01t, 01 i . .':';. . -. o' -. ',. - . . " "... ..-. ..oj, ,;'.: >-~ . ,'.- :.... '. - . . . - - ".~:.\ _ . .. ,,_- _ ' i . , l'O!' "leJ'~" 'l1orld~, 'DtlU~,~'... '~iuDOe "'JI'~Y1..1;hel'lat o~ Pu~"R~" ~', MO'Pt+ -- ',--'~~''''1;, ... ~.,.: ~..te4._tM,.b', -,J)eoluiD8 the ...... b.Rabl1fa;-..t. aD1' I '.- -~";"--" .<'",' .":-_-"...:-,_:~;-..., ~., t_.~.. ,-; _.:_:. ,;.. .:-5;',-',," '<,_;,"J-'-,_.~,," '.~-_._'-:- : ~_' d~.", . _ .- _ :':~, _ - f"- .': --:~. - _' 1 ~lj:'l~.__,j.U~~1nf _"0u~1. U4 ~iYi~., a, ClatMfaua.J)e'd fro. ~'01t, ot ! f,'.~.::::'::~-~_;,-:-'-':~'_;:/-~'~;';~~'~ :'-"'~~;~:: '."~. .-:t-..:'. .<'" :'..: :..':....._--.II:::-..,._.-~-..-, ',: ..',.:' -,~<':,-~.:'-:->; ~::'>> _.i.-" ,j.. - ;r~' _.-: ,,-,',',- ;,,~,."_:':-,~>" I 'I'on'4el'oe .,0:.- A, 1tDA.., '01" l,Ow on. ~ .bt',-~e, lIloluUY.'- of..14 ftat ot "~brq! ,~!!r~~~,~~;"r~'I&"" ,.."'. , " c.', ,'. i ,~~E{~;.:' ~.~,~~. ~~,~.,. ...~~. ot the f~l~ PU',~~, o~ct. ~. ~~~4 ,'" b..a~~1;t4 b, I K~~t~~',~'~~'f~f"~t~f~1," O;~~0~th~CJ1~r:O~ J!~ R,WJ:o" :'1oncl&au4 it. .eal,1 ;~:.ft"~~Jit"u... &U~".,~~".,.~, .,'.. cu. y. qlck" / ,;' I ri~;lii~~;~;;:;~~~:;'f*~tr~1~~tt. ~~I~~> .',' I ,,~~~~~~1i~~']l~lk;C~'~~~f:~ao~:' !, .. - .. I ! . I I I I I I ! I i, ! I I i , i I u . 1 . :'f I.:,' ;.