HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2458 -'.'-:-:-':~-::~"'~~<',!".-::!f::--,:r:~T:-~'~-~-3'-~. ::-: ~~.:" T':::"'7.~.}":-:;~'~'~ .~. ~~~~~"''';;~:'7 ~_:-..:r..; . :-:<-. ...;. . ~. ~. . . - ...,. i"'l""l!'J" , , ".: '.>; ...~. - ~ -- 158',': .,:'., .."'i ~.~ ~!:::r .' ..,;:: . . .. 101l8Us. 'or 1JleQWla. Il:!Jll''-lnlll8&' I.llll the r."ereloll .ndr....ere1.9DI,r..dncler end rellulln 4er.~ rOA'~ .i..ue:.enl pro:tl~.th~.o" ADd'll'~ Ili 'the '~'~te, r18~t. tl tlt'. lnterllt, I .ep,rate ..tatt,: ~Qwel'. 'en4rlpt ot dower., PJ:'~P'l't" po.....lon, 011111 end demlnd :whet- I ,', ' ',,' " ' " , " i 'loeYer~ e. .~111ni.w .'-ltl'QUltr.. ottbe B.itl'pert, ot tb. -flrlt p.r~. ot"ln 8naiothel' ", ' , ' , ' ' " ,.'.' ' " ',' ' , I .bo.....~.l.'gl1ned .ncl de,oribea pl'e.lee8"end .yer, ,.rt an.a: p.roelthereot wlth the .,pur.. ! ',' , " ' , ' f t,neno... I I I \ toB~VI AID TO HOLDJll anel 81n8Qler the eboyem.ntion.d ,end deaorib.d premi..., tog.ther ..: . . " " '"Ub th. apPUrteneno.., unto the 881d Dlrt7 of the .eoonl part, ,hl. h.ir, ani .,elgo. tor. .vtr. III \9ITD~8S~',- the .'14 ~rt ' ot tIt,tlr.t part he hereunto .et , a'llthe dll Inl7e8r tlr,t, above written. ' h.nel en4 1 I ,\ , 11I1" H.' Br.l, f01'llerl1. ': , ' 1181'7 H.,lsrll, J. B. :Brel, (una IUL) (WjrBR8BAL) a18n~~, Seal.4 8nc1p.llTer'~ in the Preaeno. ot .... ,..n.'..els. Davi4 J. BoI.n" . , 8'U'lBO'Ojt.lfOlWU ) . . COUNTY 0' LoS JUGBLlS ' ) C60~ I. R. stamp 08Doe11.4) to.ALt. WIIGMl! JUt COUCBRJ: B'l~t knOWD tbat on thll 16th d'7 of June .A. D. 1921 p.r.onel17 ; ! appeereel betore me, 8 Uot817 Publl0. the '.bon n.medKer7 H, Bral, (tormei'l;, 11817 B, Or141;,)) 'to me wellltllo1in 8eth.'wfteof J. B. Br.ly .nd a8 OD~ otthe'pereoDe eleisorlb.a in 8nd WhO; 1: ..." " . exeouted thetoregoing Quit-Claim })eeel, who. being et tbe 1:1me aeperete end 8pert tro. h':r- I w I I 1 I I I i i I I I IUAn O. UUJOIIIU I I I I I I,', :,d eo.ol',~,leB88d' -.u,v~ "w.t\ J-. 4JlI n ~ Iheye hereuntoefitzael iii hand .04' .881, tble 16th o..y ot iun., J" D. I, lt21. ' ,I I ~~Co..s...lon,Bxplr8' . .; buablnl, tit. 8814 Kery 11. Br.ll 414 then end ill.r. _Ie anel .x.cut. tt.e tor.saing .oltllowl'd~ "8n~,.b'r naa. being wltbher 0" heq4 Ittb~orlbe~. end ..1.' a~.1.ftlx8d, tn 117 pr.~eDoe. .IfIBSS., hend enel a"letOlenelele, Callfornie the 481 and ,ear ~bo'Ye wrltt.n. Blrr7 11. 8h..., Doterl Publ10 'Kt,Comm18810n Bxplree, Oot. 26, 1921. Loa Anse18. Count" California ) . . ,Coatr of1io8 ~.1'1 ) o.u tB~ 1>"Y PJRSODJt.I,Y. .pp.er~d b6.for. .e .1" Il. Br.l, to me ".11 DOwn .. the, person ele.- , ' , Ol'.lbe4 :1n"lnd1ibo .xeout.elth. tor.solngQult-Gll1m 1>..el, en4 80knowle4geel that he e:nou- teeltb. 88me tor thepurp08. th'l'e1D expr..8.el; whereupon it 1.a pr'78d that the a.m. me7 , Berq 11... Oh.I.. toter, Pabl10 Loa JDsel..Count" Oalitorni. 'Oot.'6,1911. ' 'p,eelln4 're00l'4.1thl.8~.t4'r of .11111. A. D. 1921. ~'. ~,'O."lOz''', Oltrlt Qlroult Oout~ RECORD VERIFIEP ..t~l~'~) .< Brr.J.;~-o.~-.~ ...~. 0: . . ..' ~~~:~~~~~....~:~_~~~~~..~~_~~~~.~~--!'t".~~~~_~~"""~.-"..~~---..-.._-......__...-..,-~_._-_...,_.._-_....f :<:~-,~ii~~~':, '}~,.i" '. " ",', ' /., , . " II, r~..-':_' o '" o I . ~ , I