HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2478 -,,-;~~ ''-,~:-:OOl'~-:- --:"",-,.-~, -r.."....., ..'" ""::'"'-?~ --:--"~'~;':-7".,"C~~?~c'V'::',~~'~^~'~:"-'~~-~""-~~7_ - ,~~ ",. "~"'..-,.',.f'-~_,:"'''''~,_~;'~,"~~~?f,":--~~"""'lII'r '" 178 .J , -~ ~, ,"" , J), ~tUD wtn ILIu.uU t. DVPUISa to. I' " .Q~~OLUJl .... , I roI tBI OOI8IDD4tlDIOJl'OI . DOLT,,,, I. a. '1), Dl1, ant *11., XU,OeoUlaX.U, I 'lh'~'_'\l1t Ol.1a,'o:m.b."~ X.'IqU.au ~U ~1P""U1.~aa41nteie.t in 'u4 to the to1-1 110.111I ~.u ..tat. .1,~,.41a the Oou_ ot, .a,.z,aol',.8\aU"ot Jlo~l4a. ,....it& j I lot II.... (~). in'l1.ook Ill".' (8) ~ ',ot t.anwo04 4441\1.0. .tolo~t :fluo.. bel118 the I Boul.",U4:De'ulopaen' ooaJlU7I.' Sub-41fl.toll O't ~"I' ~!t"'O.t1l'( t) of S.otloa Itn..n I . . ,~. (16), f01iulllp n~t,.t1"'(8e), loath of:aease JO~_ (~O) ".', aooOl'd1q to th. plat f11'4 '1111 th. otflo, ot ~e 01.~k'ot 001ll't ot 8'~' Ltlol. 00U'7, Jl0l'14a. ! . ',' 4110 ~."~t8ht'to'WI,'\1ie 400k~1l ~. IDIllaD Ill.....r atth. foot otth. rod l.au.nal ( .. '. ~ -. i to~e 'xua al,..r throup ),a..ood Ad41_10n to b. .reo1;ed b7 11. X. KoOu~, .. Jlr oon'rao~, : " . ' - ~ - . . Ida"~ JaDuq 20" 1913,. &Dd r.oorcle4,in~tcl B~Ok16. 'ea' 862 of S1;. 'Luole Oount, :a'00l'4.. la1sae4 ~1'1~"4" of A~t, A. D.1921. . I ' , I ".: I I l~~,. .~ lOa .. Blohard D. X,11" xazJ 0.0111a "11, ;1,.. XeokU Oout, , . On' thl.lt" d.,. ot Aqut. .1. D. 1.'21. before _ "r80ul11 .p,.area. Il. D. Xell, ana wif,. liar, Oeo111a KIll" to .. knoWD to, be 'h. >>ereon. __4 in aDll 1Ibo .tou1;.4 the tor'gOlq in- I . . , "1;l'UJMnt, and aokDowl....:. that 'th" u.ou1;.d the ... .. 'h.ir "o~UDtar, eot an4 4..... I ' ' wa. B. JlaDk1.ll8 ' ! lotH' Publio 1 aDA fOl' Pl1 Gount1. i , ~"""'If, I ~1l04 aII4 ....r4~ ~i. ;'4 _ .~ .OY"~" .A. D. 1921. '1" ro;;A ~. ,',' P. O. 114red, Ol.rk 01rouU Oout. ~:---. I (Of.' at. sur.) B7. Cl..J A / cX!.. t.1y..t.P D"o. i t- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - .'-. -_.. -'~ ~ - - - - - - - · ~ - ~ - -.- t j f. M. ~tJLLIVAtf 'AlID WIPE ' . " I QUlt-OLAlM. DIBD. f . . ~ i , !hi. -........ 1104' 1;hl. lIw.UUl _Of _.,.~.. &. ~. n21. bot.... 'fOIl" 811111"'., and wit, ~Uh f1.Sulll1'&Jl ot 1;he Ooun1;, of St. l4.~i8 aJIIll ~~te 'of llorl4apart, ofth. tir8t part aa ; ',I ", " ' " , ; Jlct4el Lant Coap$Dt, ..00rporaUon 401'.,'81;&)>>11abea. and, al"tlD8 UDIl.rth. :law. of the sat. of I !' ' ,'," ' , ,,' ~oril", 'Jl&rtJ' of ..':8.00I14,ar". ' I '. '.It....th fhatthe .aid ~t" of 'he tud par', fo~ an41n oOllll14e~aUon of a. s. of i , - .' - . , . ! ODe BQctrel Dollar., in haDd pal4 b1 the .al4 }lart1 of th. 8'OODd part, 1ihe ~eo.ip' whereot I ' ' . 118 her.b, aonowle4ae4. bs rea1..a." ~'1.ea.'d aU q~t-olal,..d" ani b,theae pre.e.u 40.s I relllo, 'rel.as. and qul......la1. ~ the saU, par'" of the' s.ooDd part, an4 lu ROo'.SOI'. and t.a..18D, ., ~~..m, 01], tho .1,.8h~1;,:1 U.,~,. int....,. 'l,aia and"...el .1, O,h , the 8&14 P8, r', o~ the fir.' ~al'1; bal In ana ~t.h. foUowiq 4e.o~lbe4 lot, pleoe or paroel of land. 1;0-.11;: .1'11&0, 1,lD8 and beiDa 'ill the Oout;' of S'. ~UOi, aII4 ata" ot l1or1'., w.-wUc , ".~' Sou1ihw"'quarwr,t.tM lou1;hwest tua.r1ier o~th',IOI'~"" quU'1;.r'(SIft of .ft !,nt) ,ot 8eotlo. '~'"'Jl (1') toWlu,lip fhl.t,-f1"" (N)' lou~h, Ba12s. 'ort, (~) "st, _ ,i"o."ln.t.1fC '...,(10) Ipi.,.~ aor. or1e..'~.". ,.' , " .' " ',', ' , I '.'}ff~*~~~~~-~~~..;.~TJ.::~~~;::.::=.';:~'.;.7::'=::" t:~::tt '!"I~.~"o#"~'~'0.:jitt:"~0~~t:ft.' it... b 1.. . ...~". -to ..~ ...1, ~ro"..l L.~ fc'-v , ~~~ f!:.<> ~cP ~ - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - '. to MODKL LAJLD 00. t o o j j I ! I,