HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMITOFFICE USE•ONL-Y:CAhJRlE DATE FILED: BY St Lucie County :.: - p�- :. -• NUMBER- :. BP # n -. � PLAN REVIEW FEE= �C9d RED EIPT N •� �p O � Q - .....:..::.:.....:::. CON URRENC PERMIT O 6 'Y FEE: � RECEIPT No.- 1-7 -- -P. N : SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE.'CIE COUNTY 'ST LU._.. _ PUBLIC WORKS . BUILDG -Z W�ONING-DEPARTMENT ZONING LAND USE 2300 VIRGIN(AAVENUE . _ LOTCVG%: I2 TAZNO.: - f �0R10P FORT PIERCE, FL34982-5652 eJ _ 561-462-1553' FLOOD ZONE .FIRM.MAP #: 1STFLR ELV: . . ,• ..•.- -_;. , ' APPLICATION -for BUILDING- PERMIT , CST TYPE MAX HGT: V (� OCCPTYPE3M/soP : __ _ _. _CERTIFICATE _of_CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE qy - # OF FLRS: WATER SEWER --~PROJECT INFORMATION—P{ P �r r. - �• � - _ sroRMwgTE LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: /$oa wac/ca f- code R.•- (Overall Site) FL 34949 LOT(OverallREC' LOT OFREC(aftrt/90�_ LOTSPLtT 2 S/D NAME The Sands, Lakeview SITE P NAME: Riverpont`e Phase II l REQ'DP SPLIT 6 Zo QO ¢ i?- OO-(�' 47 RV D 3_ PROPERTY J/ _ - �, r DECAL • _.. NUMBER UeY /dfI pys ' 4- LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attacti`extra sheets if necessary): + Lot -55 f Riverpoint- at r tMPACTFEE r f PERMfi" - :1 • the Sands= .REPORT- _ - - .., -•� L / IMPACT E CODPUBUCB ABALE _ �..> Ei 'Phase II r . .. ( ©� ON FEE 5 PLAT ''IMPACT _ rh. I RADON _ ✓�� cM Y 6- PAGE 1 6/ 1` 6A a7: BLOCK _ . = -BOOK-. 43': - NO: - ROAD 8- LOT :.� .._.16B NO. _ - NO ►MPA _GROSS ROAD Y N T _ = y - r : <r r - - :t 55 CTZONE - IMPACTFEE ' ` r CREDIT TOTAL ROAD`` - -- - _ - - DUE IMPACTE_EE = 9 PARCEL SIZE: ACRES/S t C ) !y 1 t: - =• ..: _ .ENS FT. irr ular LOT DIMENSIONS irregular (see survey ) (see survey. -- - - 1 :. = - 0 s _ c Y DESCRIP S L C R - - N IP =.F< T10 _ N O F N - S - -- TRUC - - O - - - N - c -_ - PRRED - OJ - - E ri`- — C n - -- OR WO One sto IMP -.f::. _ : - RKAC r sin ACT - - - - - - TIVITY• 1 e family FEE =� Y• g • <...- .v.?}.: .. a-r- v:r- r•TOTAL. - _.,--';<-;:r»> _ SCHOOL C - x - P -&Room - - • . - residential s -structure :.. ;r-<- IMPACT - ---�=,�f. - 11 �.� ETB - ACKS (ACTUAL) - p - ) FRONT: 3 0.5 �• oucE FEE FIRE - , BACK 8 0 , - RIG LEFT FEE �� HT' MISC FEES: ` ' - :-- -- -� - TOTAL SIDE .61 SIDE: 6 ' eS ` POUCEIF(RE/": + 12 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Check all a Y N _ M(SC. FEES>...': - _ - :, :: appropriate boxes) - - ;., ADDITIONAL / - PERMITS SPECIFY: ��YliJr/ILI /Ile (f A - k] NEW CONSTRUCTION REQ'D TOTALALL� - _ 4=:<; _ r r'. �] RESIDENTIAL" �PANSION/ADDITION- [ J INTERIOR RENOVATION [] FEES OTHER_(SPECIFY)-- . [) 'COMMERCIAL [ ] INDUSTRIAL 18 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: REVIEWS ZONING ZONING PLANS - Si nQl a famI 1Y. rPSi denti a l cz1-71-ioture REVIEWED8Y EXAMINING �r _ "'� '�J�G IAT3ON___. fSETLE .MANGROVE 14_ Sq- FL/CONSTRUCTIO -- Z DATE,.,-, ~ . vL . , �R IV: �� 15. Sq. Ft. 1st Floor. 3�'Z COMPLETE / p�at _ [� L = 3 { `i �i { - ce -Og / >-�s.�:r t-.'. ► z VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 1 5 0 o IN'fT1AL_'S , , - ..!- f -- ? - . - . _ - . • The value of constru l , 5 indicated val otron is used to determine the amount of permit fees. to be assessed. SL Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modify the ue of construction if if is demonstrated that the submitted figures are nat consistent L L ' or more.; RECORD s Y _ . _ _ .of Commencement must -be s rtt unl(ar types of construction activities. If the value Is $25(X) NoSce ubm' ed with are of consistent n. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 i THE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME FOR. MOST BUILDING PERMITS IS TEN (10) VIORKING DAYS OWNER INFORMATION: : rw CERTIF[CaT10N- NAME: Brandon '.Ri'yernoi rZOration r �;:: ;Y- - Thts appliCatid is fid by, made to 6btam.a ADDRESS: 2O1 O Harbortown Drive - Suite 1 o n s obtain`a certificate permit to d the work and installaho s a indicated, and to of capacity; _tf app6cable, for the permitted wori<. I Certify that`no work or installation has commenced prior to tile:issuance of a permit cmr: Ft . `Pierce STATE: FL 'zip 34946 and that al( work wlll be peifoimed to meet iiie'standards- of.all-laws-regulating construction in this junsdic�tion. 1 understand that •a separate pemuts may be regttiried fio� ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING. SIGNS.WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES; BOILERS; HEATERS, PHONE (DAYTIME): U72) 460=38 -i AN CONDITIONERS' ` ` - T KS. ANIJ AIR CON ONERS,' ETC:, not otherwtse:included with this building permit application. - ; k IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. The_foUowrng_.budding permit applications' -are exempt from undergoing a fua concurrency review room additions; accessory FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: SW( t s S s_ _ on- structures (aA;ty es), mm'ng pools, ferces._walls„sign ,'screed room , uhGty substations i accessory`_use to another.n - . residential "use. p 'P---- se. } ADDRESS: - - F _ ; - r• , Y. > _ NOTICE TO OWNER; J . FAIL URE TO RECORD:A.NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN_Y,OUR.P_AYING CITY: v, ; ,j r z STATE: ZIP TWICE .FOR IMPROVEMEMS TO• -YOUR: PROPERTY: "IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN NANCING PHONE (DAYTIME): 1 . 1 - _- - - --� _ �. CONSULTYIMTN ;YOUR, LENDER OR -AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING NO; CE OF COMMENCEMENT' . , ;. - • : -- ,...:�-Ems.-;.-A•-•'->�.-..""' AS`TNE=APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT _ IF (TIS NOT YOUR RIGHT �TfTLE. AND z w , TO ..'PICA > I TICE . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION , ; <;i _ :: ;. ; ;4 ::_r _ _. _ :.INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECTTOjATTACNMENT AS A CiONDITI,ON OFT- HIS PERMITYOU _ _ : PROMISE IN, GOOD FAITHzTO DELIVERACOPY OF THE°AiTACHEO CQNSTRUCTiON. LIEN ST. of FL REGICERT>€: CGC. CG-CO- 4 8 TO 8 ST LUCIE COUNTY CERT _ 17 Z 4 8 ' `.:-.; , , .t. '" LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. BUSINESS NAME: Brand&_ •` d petal Investments of Florida Inc _ Y - _ _. --'-, .. •:- ;, ,- ..-; ?3. ,.'S mow. .. - ti't' b_ QUALIFIERS NAME: `..: _ Frank S "Plata :-- . -_ OWNER` - S AFFiI)A I certrfy that aIL flee foregouig mforinat<on is acarate and th f 1I woiic will bedone in Com rarice , City.BldADDRESS: 3700 N.Harbor:plicable aw,regutatrng= construcfln Wing , CITY: Melbourne FL' STATE: ZIP 3 5 PHONE-(D 528 AYTIM 13.211_2.5 9— 7 Fax No. f 1.) S 9- 7 S R J 0 ER/QIoR SIGNATURE ; 3 CTOR SIGNATURE= ,. ..y-s,...a -..c ._...�, —..—. - _ __ -- S RI A , OF FLO D � r K ARCHITIENGINEER: Barbara Kiick CPBD / Dad; r; T - - ' STATE OF FLORIDA :` Rr a n fi , PF - COUNT OF Brevdk, _ ` t - - 1 =COU Breyer ADD >. c ham " "- REss. - ... 00 .-North .,W ' k Road '' '- ' • _ - '- .. --- !h omg. Instrument was aCkno. e'd ed - e foreg g The 'fo oiri - cmr: Melbo r - - =. _,.. _:__----.r..._ P I before: me this 1 4.. da -arch, : 05'r"$ 9 STATE:....__._F,T�.. _ t q n?9 Instniinent. was • acknowledged -- . _ 9 5 Y�a 20—. by).rk befo_ r`e me this 1.4 day of ,Mr arch - "20. 0 5- .: by PHONE (DAYTIME): 13 211 2 5 3 - 3 5 0 0 : / (� 1 1 9 � uP� who Is personally known to me'or-wfio ' Frank S'_ l -a t a,. 7 3 = 9 9 0 0 who is personally known to me - I ties produddd ' - as identification. or wiio has produced - as identification. - _ s--- -- _ - BONDING COMPANY: y — - - � Slgna a "gnaturofalloa ADDRESS. - .,Iw R. Beni amid .El°liott II R. Benj ainin Elliott II ctnr: STATE ZIP , Type or Print Name of Notary ' Type of Print! Na ntme of Notary _ _ _ —Notary Public ite Notry Public ~Tite ` MORTGAGE LENDER 3DD01024'ZCommission Nurnti, r R. 13ENJAMINELLIOTT u.4 DD010-247-Commission Nu' hibe R. Bi u►AMINELLIOTT.11- Carom Ems. 4/2I05 �_ Cornm t ' ' EA• 4005 . �t7Y: - M, _,.(Sean No. DD010247 ZIP t b _ .(Seal) -- ' -- t No. DO010247' MY tt al -Kwn [1OtherI.D Wwwn I i:� u r.1 QUkr I.Q.- ' _ ', '. .,.' a ,' :.... .: _ _ - - ., •.n _ .. .. ' .- , NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED: EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. MPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and tt'ts not picked up wifh�in 60` days _ _ z " ' IFAPPLYING FOR THIS;.BUIL'DING PERMIT'AS=AN OV1(NER/BUILDER.'THE OWNER MUST,PERSONALLY APPEAF. affer notii>Fdcat;lon-_it will be voidedand return'ed to you. by maid. TO"SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED 0N THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. C28 ARC LENGTH=31.95' CENTRAL ANGLE=30'00'47" RADIUS=52.00' M AP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CERTIFIED TO: ANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA, INC. 15' UTILITY EASEMENT (RADIAL) S 79 20 5.5 FOUND 5/8" E 56• 12' IRON ROD LB 5419 (TYPICAL) N W � N O (r 1 'u_ 32.3' N O I^ • N„ W x T 3 m T 121.7' 0 Y 4A FORMBOARDS LOCATED 5-16-05 TOP OF FORMS=8.09 t 19" ABOVE GRADE A W ,6.7 eB,6.7 J O W 0 280 .N LOT 55 6.s• O^,� c t� D z r2, Lb rn °fb Na,oe' 0% FOUND 4"x 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT "PRM PLS 4210" (TYPICAL) EASE7MENT 18.90' N 88.52'50" W 1� �o•g1� G,rO� WILDCAT COVE S z • o wo13913 1 MAY 19 2005 a DESCRIPTION LOT 55, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS — PHASE II ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGES 16 THRU 16B OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTES: 1.) BEARINGS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE CENTERLINE OF WILDCAT COVE DRIVE BEARS S 80"57'26" W PER THE PLAT OF RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, -PHASE II. 2. ELEVATIONS "EL.=6.50" BASED ON NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929. 3.) LOT DIMENSIONS ARE AS PLATTED(P) AND SURVEYED(S) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4.) PROPERTY LIES WITHIN SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST. .WjCMLIAM J. SIUTER j.,LAND SURVEYINGmc. 1849 CANOVA, S=T. S,E (32>) 72 -WW PMX BAY, RORDA UM FAX (34 739. M REVISIONS NOT VAUD WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A ORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER PLOT PLAN 3-9-05 FORMBOARDS 5-16-05 PF OFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE WIWAM J. SUITER FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 4210 STEVE P. CARTECHINE FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 4895 MICHAEL C. FLYNN FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 3281 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #LB 5419 FLOOD ZONE AE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12111C0181G COPYRIGHT 0 \ SURVEY DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 SCALE: 1" = 30' IFIELD BOOK:103 DATE OF SIGNATURE VALLIAM J. SUITER LAND SURVEYING, INC. ALL RIGHTS PAGE:15 JOB NUMBER: 05-21 0570 3--- oq6 3 I ROAD`NAY SRACT "A" BRICK PAVERS 30.0' —_-q79`5E 52.Op� c \SA9 m g" RAISE � N `r2\�8, r CURB z � ;IGNT OF WAY (OPEN) (,Moll-1 vAR�Es) DTM�VCARAEjS) 7zR6VE CC CEN`�YA "�pOS OO z Gum C28 ARC LENGTH=31.95' CENTRAL ANGLE=30'00'47" RADIUS=52.00' MAP OF t�1 BOUNDARY SURVEY CERTIFIED TO: BRANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS OF FLORIDA, INC. —I N :0 n 1 G) D i cn 0 Co ill i u T c/) {(� Uri. V L T7 I Ill : 1 15' UTILITY EASEMENT NAID/AQ S 79 20 559 C FOUND5/8" C OD IRO56,12 LB 5419 (TYPICAL) PRDosFA m 'ot• � . r4 VO+ O �a N„ f 3 6. 0 15.0 iA!� ►l'3' 24.0' N� 3Z 3' .0 121.7 -0 36 1,. o O � PROPOSED RESIDENCE PROPOSED FLOOR EL�18" ABOVE ROAD -+ O .p ti 4- N„ OD 40.0' 6 r t6.7 Be'6.7 J PORCH 4 e �' 8 0 5.�� LOT 55 80.2' co o FOUND 4"x 4" aP h CONCRETE MONUMENT CONSERVAP "PRM PLS 4210" •0 EASEMENT (TYPICAL) N MO 2 18.90, N 88-52950" W 1Q0" 91� Fj6� WILDCAT 5 COV E DESCRIPTION i U) �W RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS PHASE II ACCORDING TO THE PLAT AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGES 16 THRU 16B OF THE RECORDS OF, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTES: 1.) BEARINGS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE CENTERLINE OF WILDCAT COVE DRIVE BEARS S 80"57'26" W PER THE PLAT 'OF RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, -PHASE II. 2. ELEVATIONS "EL=6.70" BASED ON NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929. 3. LOT DIMENSIONS ARE AS PLATTED(P) AND SURVEYED(S) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. PROPERTY LIES WITHIN SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST. W I SIM L�►J. SWUR LAND /00���SU�RV�EYINGmc " CANOVA SMUT M (no T aam PAUK BAT, ROWA 3Z909 FAX (320 7Z%4M .c , , REVISIONS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED PLOT PLAN 3-9-05 SEAL A IDA LI SUR OR MAPPER -7 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR A D MAPPER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE WILLIAM J. SUITER FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 4210 STEVE P. CARTECHINE FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 4895 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #LB 5419 <'-5 `0 —C) DATE OF SIGNATURE FLOOD ZONE All FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12111CO181G COPYRIGHT 0 2005 WIWAM J. SUM LAND SURVEYING, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED \ SURVEY DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 SCALE: 1" = 30' 1 FIELD BOOK:103 PAGE:15 1 JOB NUMBER: 05-21 p�a3- o9G3 Brandon Capital f. -RAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGES,,,' "NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Read the 1 -7. O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires Decembeo1� � 2005 SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION I For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. /gc7oWildcat Cove Drive CITY STATE Ft. Pierce Florida PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) Lot 55, Riverpointe at the Sands -Phase 11 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, Accessory, etc. Use a Comments area, 9 necessary.) Residential LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: (J GPS (type): _ ( ff-##.##" or ##.f -) LJ NAD 1927 LJ NAD 1983 III USGS Quad Map Company SECTION B -FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION - - - B1. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COMMUNITY NUMBER B2. COUNTY NAME B3. STATE Unincorporated Areas 120285 1 St. Lucie Florida B4. MAP AND PANEL B5. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD B9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) 1 (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) 12111C0181 G 6-30-99 11-4-92 AE 6.0 , 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. LJ FIS Profile FIRM (_I Community Determined L1 Other (Describe): 611. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: I y q NGVD 1929 LJ NAVD 1988 1J Other (Describe): B12. Is the building located Ina Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? JJ Yes J No Designation Date: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: LlConstruction Drawings* LBuilding Under Construction` uFinished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the' building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed -see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations — Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1430, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.a-I below according to the building diagram specified In Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum NGVD 19 2 9 Conversion/Comments Elevation reference mark used "Local" Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? L.1 Yes LXI No ❑ a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) 0 9 ft.(m) m ❑ b) Top of next higher floor N/A. _ ft.(m) ❑ c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) N/A. _ %(m) 60 ❑ d) Attached garag&(top of slab) 7 . BOG ft.(m) ❑ e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment w m �,p servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area.) . 5 ft.(m) .89 �GS . Ll`, ❑ f) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) _ 7. 5 ft.(m) z 1 ❑ g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) —7. 5 ft.(m) N ❑ h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade N/A / 17Zev6 ❑ i) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h N/A sq. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data avallable. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME William J. S u i t e r, PL S LICENSE NUMBER 4 91 () .. I VYIt-MI T IYHIYIC President William J. Suite-"'Lian Surveyincf,- Inc. ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1849 Cano treet SE Palm a SIGNATURE DATE TE 0 7-zw6 321- H 6553 FEMA F 81-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions i IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the'--.,. isponding information from Section A. For Insurance Comparry Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, andfor Bldg, No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Policy Number . Bhp Wildcat Cove Drive CIS STATE. ZIP CODE Company NAIC Number Ft. Pierce Florida SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, jOR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent(company, and (3) building owner. SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items El. throt information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completes El. Building Diagram Number (Select the building diagram see pages 6 and 7. if no diagram accurately represents the,h E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) (check one) the highest adjacent grade: (Use natural grade, i E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the.ne IJJ ft. (m) iJJin. (cm) above the highest adjacent grade E4. The top of the platform of machinery and/or equipment service (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, i E5. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is th floodalain management ordinance? I I Yes I I No I l I. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER The property owner or owner's authorized representative who a (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO E5. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting host similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — iilding, provide a sketch or photograph.) if the building is Li_i ft. (m) UJ in. (cm) LJ above or Li below available.) t higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is . Complete Items C3.h and C3.i on front of form. g the building is LLl ft. (m) I—L—1 in. (cm) L1 above or L1 below available.) top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's nknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)' CERTIFICATION tpietes Sections A, B, C (Items C3.h and C3.i only), and E for Zone A ust sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, C, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. i PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS IJ Check here If attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer 42 nr \nC A Q !' !Ar M o�.d i1 Af 46ie Mawnff n rarfifl Mfn !'`Amni I the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete , 4Ma �nnliMhla ifamle\ anri Ginn {.aln u .,......w I.., \....y,...................-.......,..........................,..7.........rr......,..........\../ .... ...y............ G1. IJ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. "A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. L1 The following information (items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. PERMIT NUMBER G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED G6. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/OCCUPANCY ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for. L1 New Construction G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: Ll Substantial Improvement is: _ft. (m) Datum: _ft. (m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS U Check here if attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January 2603 Replaces all previous editions Grp EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT AC O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 *AL IONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGR�4f Expires December31, 2005 0S-0 3 - 0% 3 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: Brandon Capital UILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIC Number Op Wildcat Cove Drive U t T STATE ZIP CODE Ft. Pierce Florida Lot 55, Riverpointe at the Sands —Phase 11 OUILUIINU UOC (egg., rcesment a,, non-resmenuai, Acanion, Accessory, etc. use a comments area, n necessary.) Residential LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTANADATUM: or 983 SOURCE: LJ GPS (type): ##. ) IJ NAD 1927 I_j USGS Quad Map "Other SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COMMUNITY NUMBER B2. COUNTY NAME B3. STATE Unincorporated Areas 120285 St. Lucie Florida B4. MAP AND PANEL B5. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD B9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) 12111CO181 G 6-30-99 1 11-4-92 AE 6.0 Ulu. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. LI FIS Profile I XI FIRM I -I Community Determined I_I Other (Describe): B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: I XI NGVD 1929 LJ NAVD 1988 I_J Other (Describe): B12. Is the building located Ina Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? IJ Yes J No Designation Date: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: I —(Construction Drawings* LXIBuilding Under Construction` l_lFinished Construction "A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations —Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, VI-V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.a-I below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum NGVD 19 2 9 Conversion/Comments Elevation reference mark used "Local" Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? IJ Yes I X I No ❑ a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) 61 . 09 ft.(m) ❑ b) Top of next higher floor N/A. _ ft.(m) r., ❑ c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) N/A `ft.(m) ❑ d) Attached garage (top of slab) ft.(m) ❑ e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area.) 5 ft.(m) E ❑ f) Lowest adjacent finished grade LAG 5 - 1 (finished) (LAG) _ft.(m) z_v D g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) 75 ft.(m) ❑ h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade N%A D ❑ 1) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h NSA sq. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the Information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data av I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001 CERTIFIERS NAME LICENSE NUMBER William J. Suiter, PLS 4210 TITLE COMPANY NAME President William J. Suiter Land Surveying, Inc. AD RES CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1949 Canova Street SE Palm Bay SIG ATURE epews- 3 21TE72 5 3 FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous edit s h IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy thlOWsponding information from Section A. For Insurance Company Use: ILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. INo.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Policy Number CITY Wildcat Cove Drive CF t . Pierce F$1 o r i d a ZIP CODE Company NAIL Number SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER; OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. 1 11 Check here If attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items El. throi information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be complete( Ell. Building Diagram Number (Select the building diagram see pages 6 and 7. if no diagram accurately represents the t E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, i E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the ne I—I_I ft. (m)1_I.—Iln. (cm) above the highest adjacent grad E4. The top of the platform of machinery and/or equipment servici (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, i E5. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, Is th floodplain management ordinance? I I Yes I I No I I I E5. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting nost similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — iliding, provide a sketch or photograph.) if the building is I-1_1 ft, (m)1-1-1 in. (cm)1_1 above or I-1 below available.) t higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is , Complete Items C3.h and C3.1 on front of form. g the building is LI—I ft. (m) LI_1 in. (cm) U above or 1_1 below available.) top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's iknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, C (Items C3.h and C3.i only), and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-Issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO t ust sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, C, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS I 1 Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete G1.1 The information in Section C was taken from other documentation engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local I elevation data In the Comments area below.) G2. 1J A community,official completed Section E for a building located Zone AO G3. I_1 The foligvringpin�ormatiar (Items G4-Gg) is provided for col the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, i w to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the in Zone A (without a FEMA-Issued or community -issued BFE) or munity floodplain management purposes. G4. PERMIT NUMBER r `/E 1 •''', G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED G6. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/OCCUPANCY ISSUED G7.:ThIs permit has been'issu'ed for: I -I New Construction 1 G8.-Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) 'depth'of flooding at the building site is: 1 Substantial Improvement Is: —ft. (m) Datum: —ft. (m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY'NAME"� �­­ TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS I I Check here If attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January �003 Replaces all previous editions A., Mr . ENGINEERING AND STING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 461-7508 FAX: (772) 46.1-8880 REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPACTION Client: Brandon Capital Corp. Site: Lot 55 /gUO W #1WCa4-C4L--*-Vr Riverpointe at the Sands, St. Lucie County Foundation Pad Report Date: 4/28/05 Project No: Report No: 5499 Permit No: 05'0 3 „ A7 3 Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dr Densi ef) Percent Com action In Place Proctor 5499 4/25/05 NW Comer 0-1 106.2 108.8 97.6 Center 0-1 105.8 108.8 97.2 SE Corner 0-1 106.4 1 108.8 97.8 * All elevations are below slab grade. The depth of the fill was approximately three feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). No soil borings were performed below the recently placed fill. TM Distribution: Client — 2 D MAY 1 1 Z005 , rD Submitted by: A. AV ENGII1EERING NpT TIt- Rebecca Grairt.-Ascol„P.E. Florida Registration No. 51863. J _0 ` F.-UMELOG BOOKWouse JobslBrandon Capita! Corp15499-Lot 55.doc � �,,� � rig, a�,' • :�f .l CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction, or use. For the following: 3uilding Permit No. - 0503'=0963 Parcel/Folio Nbr: 1425-620-0048-000/0 Lot # 55 Block: . Subdivision: RiverPointe @ The Sands Occupancy: Residential - 1 & 2 family dwellings Building Address: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr Legal Description: RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS PHASE II (PB 43-16) (OR 2045-1006) Permit Job CONSTRUCT A NEW ONE STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Description STRUCTURE - 3/3 Permit Finaled: 04/05/2006 Contractor PLATA FRANK S. BRANDON CAPITAL CORPORATION (321) 543-7528 3700 N HARBOR CITY BLVD VERO BCH, FL 32969 DENNIS M. GRIM, CBO Building Official Wednesday, April 05, 2006 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building'Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Feb 20 06 08:22a �13randon Capital 1.-[772]460-3823 REQUEST FOR 30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER REL DATE: �- ?,o 6 PERMIT NUMBER: PROPERTY AuDRESs: t�O W / U FEB 2 0 Z006 St, Lucie County Comm. Devel, Dept. Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34882-5652 Ph. (561) 462- 2165 Fax (661) 462-1735 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE 05 ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPEC ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: CON51DERATION OF AL OF THIS REQUEST WE HEREBY AC NWLD 1. This temporary power release is requested for the aber ove n that permitted stated purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement, Including Building Division Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. 3, All conditions and requirements listed in the attached document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing" have been fulfilled and the premisae is ready for compliance inspection. We hereby release and agree to hold harmless, St. Lucie County, and their employees from all liabilities and claims of any type or nature which may arise now or In the future out of this transaction, including any damages which may be incurred due to the disconnection of electrical power in the event of violation of this agreement. r: s- St stale -County Ir:" -. ectrions 2300 V irgi a Avenue Ft Pierm, M 34!9v8_ (772) 46 2172P CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATiiMNT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT T PERMIT �► � - � � �-3' � ADDRESS 1204 PEST CONTROL CONTRACTQ3� Bi3G MAN PEST MANAGEMENT, INC. PEST C014TROL LICENSEE # 5694 TERMITE — DACS LICENSE# We. the taindasigned, hereby eertify that we have pretreated the gdavv "cribetl conArtiction for subwrranean serjWtes in accardance with the mlandardq of the NatiaAal Pest Con"l Association. fir' feet of area. trea".qAQ-- €sere cotage of solutiow fmw of treatluem; I /--T®—c:s,-" Foodug let Treatment Re -treat Slab U 1st Treatment U Re -treat Q Driveway ist Treatment Rr-Re,9i Q JPows 0 ! si Treament El Rc-treat L) lst Tmall'.�iettt Re-rr�at "I Per'Meter for Final Inspwjorl Total galiom used: Time of Treative at; `� S - FHC104.2.6 Cerqiettte of prorenive Tm"awat for prevention of ton asks. A wember ranistaru jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certiftemes as arch required prowaves treaernetat is torr+pieted providing a copy jar the: person the permit is issued to and another copyfor ;he banding pem tfd". The 7`reaauetat cert fware shalt p+rnn,ide the producs used, idenno- of the applicator, time and dwe of the JTo~•atawlt. SIM location, area treated, chamtical tme4 pemanr roncensrapon and nueaber of gallons used, to esrrb.14h a verifiable record ofpratectsve trearene m If the .oil c/r%mictel barrier mathod for termite preveruion & (wed, ftnal e-utErior rreXmem rhall be wmpleted prior ro final 4q.17dMg approval. 9E Lucie County requires for the .final iYtVtoderzt for CO, a ra7t1B)"CDT Sdckor to be p1mc d on the eleewicit pattet box cover, lisftg a!E ibe treuttttent9 al€,d dates of applfCtatioM. '(l'E: Sia Ature exlex tutor Y7aere rraeest be a cornpletedfonw for eiwA required 1!'!Y wnzen, or re -treatment and dds form rtsust be an iite, 05 site to be pick-rd asp by the impectVY'Of Fide 9f each hmPvetlan or the scheduled i►tspecc`aoa willMOVI" oil3ac Z JMg .tom and a re-impecavo- fee charge-4- . - -L�-.em- S-o Building Receipt Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 Date: 07 February 2006 Receipt #: 0000032955 J Job Address: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr Permit Number: SL - 0503-0963 Received By: counselb Amount: $123.03 Paid With: CK Credit Card Number: Check Number: 2237 Paid By: BRANDON CAPTAL INVSTMENTS OF FL INC II Sign: k a Jan 23 06 10:38a BrenAon Capital Corp (772) 480-3823 p. l p• Professional Insulators of the Treasure Coast JAN z 3 2006 FTC )lnsulatioa lnetallation Certificate To: St. Lucie Date: Jaoua 19, 2006- 77777 i,;,; Re: 05-030963 Lot/Block: 55 Address: 1800 Wildcat Cove Drive Project: lRiverpoint The Sands --- - _-- The underslened herehv rertitlec ►hat :nciant:o.. hn. hean inetallnd 9.. tt.-A.... -0...d1 _ -A.. -- 1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with: spray -on Cellulose Thickness in Inches: iFiberglass Blankets Manufacturer: Fi-Foil Rock Wool Blankets Density: X Aluminum Fop R-Value: R-4.1 Polyurethane Polystyrene Other Exterior (frame walls) have been insulated with: Spray -on Cellulose Thickness in inches: iFibergia7s Blankets Manufacturer: Rock Wool Blankets Density: Aluminum Foil R-Value: Polyurethane Other 2. Ceilings (level) have been insulated with: Spray -on Cellulose Thickness in inches: iFibcrglass Blankets Manufacturer: Green Fiber Blankets Density: ss Blown R-Value: R-30 LRockool e Loose Fill Ceilings (Vaulted/Cathedral) insulated with: Fiberglass Blankets Thickness in inches: Fiberglass Loose Fill Manufacturer: Rock Wool Density: Fiberglass Blown R-Value: Cellulose Loose Fill Other 3. Interior kncewails have been insulated with: Fiberglass Blankets Thickness in inches: Rock Wool Manufacturer; Polyurethane Density: Spray -on Cellulose R-Value! Other 4_ Garage partition walls of A/C living area have been insulated with: Rock Wool Blankets Thickness in inches: 3.5/8" X Fiberglass Blankets Manufacturer: Johns Manville Spray -on Cellulose Density: Polyurethane R-Valut: R-11 Other 5. The following have been insulated: • ona rlc tt . Bra 11 C till Corporation Prnfes9iAn hsuleloi9 eit t . Tr�asare Coast Cen Contract/Builder TED Building Code Compliance Division Fee Receipt 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 Date: 02 May 2005 Address: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr Received By: counselb Paid With: CK Paid By: BRANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FL INC II Sign: Receipt #: 0000015579 Permit Number: SLC- 0503-0963 Amount: $7,769.29 Credit Card Number Check Number: 1523 Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT Permit Number: SLC- 0503-0963 Contacts: Property Owner Property Owner Contractor Job Address: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr Payment Slip Building Residential (SIR) Perrilit Date: 25 April 2005 Claude Hessee Patricia Hessee PLATA FRANK S. Fee Description: Build163 Building Information Management System FireE141 Fire/EMS Impact Fee Inspe234 Inspector Trust Fund LawEn277 Law Enforcement Impact Fee Libra190 Library Impact Fee - District A ParkI108 Park Impact Fee - District A Permi243 Permit Fee - General Publi118 Public Building Impact - Correctional Publi605 Public Building Impact - General Radon206 Radon Fee RoadI545 Road Impact Fee - District 7 Schoo104 School Impact - Single Family (321)543-7528 Total Unpaid Fees $ 7,769.29 Amount Due: $2.00 $294.00 $21.19 $172.00 $182.00 $456.00 $1,248.91 $231.33 $115.67 $21.19 $1,903.00 $3,122.00 Total Unpaid Fees: $ 7,769.29 Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 Paae 1 Issued: 05/02/2005 Conf #: 605 Permit #: SLC- 0503-0963 Job Location: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr City: FORT PIERCE Permit Type: Building Residential (SFR) Job Description: CONSTRUCT ANEW ONE STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE - 3/3 Subdiv: RiverPointe @ The Sands Lot: 55 Block: Parcel: 1425-620-0048-000/0 Contractor PLATA FRANK S. BRANDON CAPITAL CORPORATION (321) 543-7528 3700 N HARBOR CITY BLVD VERO BCH, FL 32969 Property Owner Claude Hessee ( ) 215 Glengarry Ave Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 Property Owner Patricia Hessee ( ) 215 Glengarry Ave Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 Setbacks Left:6.00 Right: 6.00 Front:30.50 Rear: 80.20 Zoning: Number of Units: 1 Floors: 1 Buildings: 1 Square Footage: 4,238.00 Minimum Floor Elevation: Flood Map: 181G Flood Zone: AE Elev: 7 Roof Type: Roof Pitch: Total Roof Area: Additional Info: Job Value: $190,710.00 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required by the Standard Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further, he/she acknowledges responsibility to to comply with all requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this County, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10), F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s.713.135, F.S. Building Official Date For Automated Inspections, Call (772) 462-1261 For Questions, Call (772) 462-2172 Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 FLOOD HAZARD NOTICE PERMIT NUMBER: 0503-0963 LOCATION: 1800 WILDCAT COVE Dr FORT PIERCE CONTRACTOR: PLATA FRANK S. DBA: BRANDON CAPITAL CORPORATION OWNER: Patricia Hessee NOTICE This Notice is to inform you that your property is in a Flood Hazard Zone. 04/25/2005 This means that the elevation of the first floor must be set at feet, NGVD ( mean sea level ), or 18" above the crown of the road, whichever is greater. NO CONSTRUCTION is to proceed beyond the 1 st floor / slab inspection, or just prior to the second floor pour of a multi -story structure, until the required elevation certification has been completed by a registered surveyor, and received and approved by the Building Division of the St. Lucie County Community Development Department. Violation of the requirement will result in the scheduling of a public hearing before the St. Lucie County Code Enforcement Board. The Board is empowered to levy a fine not to exceed $250.00 per day for each day the violation continues. A fine not to exceed $500.00 per day may be levied for a repeat violation. The fine may become a lien upon the real or personal property of the violator. The elevation certification may be submitted anytime within 21 calendar days from the above; however, no further construction should take place, nor will any inspections be made until the required certification has been received and approved. gn�„ature ,5- 01� ^©�� Date FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 IMONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGR,' Expires December 31, 2005 ELEVATION CERTIFICAZ zK" Important: Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION iFor Insurance Company l)se BUI INW// R' ME nD/ Pg11Cy Nufgber s� BUI DING STREET D RESS Including Apt. Unit, Suite, nd/ Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIC Number o c� �veUZ STATE ZIP DE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Blojok Numbers, Ta)eParcel Number, Legal, Description, etc.) /vaH -/� •7,rJ-- i�IS�U/Q RI uu�wG IJgR (e.o.. Residential. Non-residential, Addition, Accessory, etc. Use a Comments area; if necessary.) LATITUDWILUNUI I UUr. (ut- i 1UNNL) MJIAILwl1 . — �^ � SOURCE: 1_1 GPS (Type): ( ##° - ##' - ##.##" or ##.#####°) 1-1 NAD 1927 1_1 NAD 1983 1_1 USGS Quad Map 1_1 Other SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION BAj�MBER B2. CUT l IB3. STATE�M�/. --�W� B4.;MAP ANEL 65. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD B9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS) U IBR DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. 1-1 FIS Profile 1_0fIRM 1_1 Community Determined 1_1 Other (Describe): B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: IVNGVD 1929 1_1 NAVD 1988 1—I Other (Describe): B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or'Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? 1_1 Yes kzl�o Designation Date: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: 1-1Construction Drawings* 1_113uilding Under Construction* 1_1Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations — Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1430, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.a-i below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or -Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum Conversion/Comments Elevation• reference mark used Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 1_1 Yes 1_1 No ❑ a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) _ ft.(m) M, ❑ b) Top of next higher floor _ ft.(m) ❑ c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) _ ft.(m) C,0 ❑ d) Attached garage (top of slab) _ ft.(m) w C)e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment - M servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area.) —ft.(m) E ❑ f) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) _ ft.(m) Z g ❑ g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) _ ft.(m) ❑ h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade B ❑ i) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h sq. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER; OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. 1 certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. 1 understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER TITLE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE FEMA Form 81-31, January, 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions •• Sr. LUCIE COUNII** DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEJAPMENI' C` B'UII<DINGPEFtMU Riverpoi.nte PUD -Phs II SUBCONTRACTOR SU[1'IIViARY Lot 55 Brandon Capital Investments of _ Florida Inc._ will be using the (oompany/uidWusJ rumm) 1DN1.425-230-0001-0105 following sub-cordractors for the project located at 3 2 01 N. A -1- A, F t. P i e r c e (svW address or proPOrty Ux JO W) tt is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the partidpation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, i will 61mediateiy advise the Community Development Department (Growth Management Division) of St Lucie Courrty. ...,.r.......,.,. st tom. courril Tmde NN" of Compury/CotrUWW Stso of Bodds Uoon" NUMbof Tom Tryon Plumbing Inc. 20966 Plumbing, 900 S. 3`d Street, Suite 101 D Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Thomas A. Pytko Electric 16932 4995 43rd Place Vero Beach, FL 32967 ER0013299 Action A/C & Heat, Inc. 21066 JJy„r,J� 1688 S.E. Village Green Drive � 7y Port St.- Lucie, FL 34952 CAC056896 Roof Tile Specialists, Inc. 19771 Ja4o�na 819 S. Federal Hwy., Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 CCC58129 G" GLCCM FORM NO.: D03-CO PE:Ma NUMBER ' EWE DATE: N N ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERAHT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St tie County ConVackor Ce ff=Waft Number: StMe of Florida Cw fi gon Number pra &}. 0�969G( 0 has agreed to be (camparryluidivldual an") the sub -contractor for (type of eonsbuc n bade) - (name of no Pftw embadar) for the project located at (street addMat or property to ID 8) . It is understood that, If there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,) will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Departrnent of St. Lucie County by personalty fling a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. OD4 0), BUSINESS QUAURER (009M 't so" requk"; signawre • print ttarrla date business name: L addles: U C ty Stwe. ip: (, phone Su".CDV FORM NO.: 002-00 PERMIT s I 1 ISSM DATE 00 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: l b 90.�b State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): F'% 0V /�Aq 69 wwwwwwrrrwwrwwwwwwswwwwwr,rwwwwwwwwrwwwwwwwwwrwwwwwrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the=�Fc'�'izl C-fl- (type of construction trade) has agreed to be (companylindividual name) sub -contractor for � � M/W'qC7CMEw-rcla(Ar for the project located at (street address or property tax ID #) (name of the prime contractor) . It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 004-00). **wH'4#i*wirww*www#w/wwww/nFfwwwwwwwwww*wwwwwiwwtwwwwwwwwwwwwwiwwwwiffwwwhFwwiwfwiwwwN 1 BUSINESS QUALIFIER (original signatures required): print name date business name: '(ItVMA5� PAII& ELF lIkl C" address: ) E rMC_C city,state,zip: VF-'QO 9EA- C4 �L- Ia9V7 phone: i,q-5ba-_6 OFF;ICEW.SE<ONLY SLCCDV FORM NO.: 002-00 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE G ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT R BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 2- tcxo State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): 1a C—H 01, a 1C_ .+ (Ap OJ I n L have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) v sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE. REQUIRED qiU '� � . �� ► I (i ��-,r, 1--I� �r�i �-iL-gin �r . SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Business Name Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: (11 Z) 13-i _62-41 email: OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT # ISSUE DATE r ST..LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 19771 State offlorida Certification Number (tf applicable): C C+ S y 1 o �/ /45 i -s - have agreed to be the (Compan Name/Individual Name) .�N el sub-contractor;for (type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #)' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participationvith the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. oaa-oo) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) O \AL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Si N T �ce i �.&X ., GA?F/o_y �^ / PRINT NAME DATE iv Business Nae: - � Oyf 11I e_ stQcl Address: City/State/Zip; Phone: ?-7y I�J 1 - �f6`) a OFFICE USE'ONLY: Lt9 email: 1NC - PC. t Vi" 0 J s cam. .i h --, eb 6'd SCLT 29-b 19S 015 2utuoz 2u-rPITng e10=01 20 JbT AoW N ST. LUCIE COUNTY C) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2200 Paw' XA 1►Vn=, Ikon 202 sorer rx"—, n 34312-3652 401-413-1353 ,T,FD LANDS AFFIDAVU Riverpointe PUD Phase II Lot - 55 i, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property,. Parcel ID# 1425-230-0001-• ....3201 N.A-1—A; Ft. Pierce, FL .34949 0105 ff= fOVW;W dAc*.I*Waddr+s) for which I ,have applied to St.. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, SP' Humber . . I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate • drainage so that the immediate commynity WILT. NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this perrhff for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which. will not adversely affect the immediate community. Mark' :...Hessee' 03/14/05 Property Owner Propaiy Owrnr DM P" (UriOXV) STATE OF FUOppA. COUNTY OF Brevard i THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACI M&EDaM BEFORE ME TM 1 4 th DA y OF March 2005 "0 IS PEnONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR WHO HAS PRODUCED — AS IDENTIFICATION. R.Benjamin Elliott II {N+4 TURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY R. BENJAMIN ELLIOTT If Ev.4005 NOTARY PUBLIC-.,- TTT1.E D I��01' 0)2 4 7 ON NUMBER My Cann No.010247DO •�t • , • ersonaly Known (,1 Otl�a I.Q.• GLCCDN FORM NO.: 011-00 la►1 JD-- L IOI�a_�I�eAnILfl11�w11��1a3.11[N 1 3.SJIAAi317;"r�a•w�vniariiiN:niei:ii..nw w-� ,-, -- INDIAN RIVER BANK BRANDON .CAPITAL Sip MAIN RO BEAC , FL 960 CE OPERATING ACCOUNT 2010 HARBORTOWN DRIVE, SUITE I -0-1206/670 FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 (772) 460-3833 / ORDER OF 12116 1/13/2004 **190,'75'7.64. St. Lucie.Cotmty Utilities 4. One Hundred Ninety Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty -Seven and 64/100 *****�*�******�*****�***#*�******s********#�******* DOLLARS St. Lucie County Utilities P.O. Box 728 2300 Virginia Avenue fp- Ft. Pierce, FL 34954-0728 ILGCGz—, ram' MEMO at Sands 1120121L6n■ 1:06?01205?I: BRANDON CAPITAL CORP. - OPERATING ACCOUNT St. Lucie County Utilities 07/13/2004 Bill #RIVERPT/ Il 0 500 L 4 120 Ilia ..r a r .. a.--:} a:.y ram^'• A�' a �i'. DevelQperA S�lIl at and/nRNERP® HAemenrRNBOperating Acct. BRANDON CAPITAL CORP. - OPERATING ACCOUNT St. Lucie County Utilities 07/13/2004 Bill #RIVERPT/ 11 TRIM , „,PrAtina Arrt TjpveInnPr AorPPnlPnt / 72TVT7Rpr1TNTR/PFTA.RF TT At ..9-1 7/13/2004 12116 190,757.64 7T LIME CC- S TY - PUI 1L Data 07-13-2004 11a44:46 EffWN CAPITAL RI EFOIt TE-FUD Ffl 2 FCRT PIERCE FL 3f949 Anount TencL-md: 150, 75-7.611 Amount Pai d: 190, 75-7.64 Cha7ge Due: 0100 Thank You User ID: CCOPER11 1 Qn 757 CA SF6001-1 TO REORDER, CALL YOUR LOCAL SAFEGUARD DISTRISUTOR AT S21.452.0900 deLLD80010000 L98LC018197 �lm�I¶II III�IIIII�III�IIuIIIIIIuI�II�III��III8-07-2004 08-.4 am -� This _ prepared OR 900wpage: 80 � Curtis Rt [Mosley, Esq. oR eeoklpa9e: 5345- / 1401 _ Mosley & Wallis, P. A. Scott Ellis J Post Office BOX 1210 Clerk Of Courts, Brevard County Melbourne, Florida 32902-1210 #pgs: 1 #Names:3 Serv:0.00 Trust: 1.00 Rem 9.00 14,700.00 Excise:0.00 Deed: Mtg: 0.00 Int Tax: 0.00 � THIS INDENTURE Made this day of �l U5+, 2004. •CD BEIWEW CLAUDE HESSEE and PATRICIA HESSEE, husband and wife, party of the first part ' Uj Lo CL and RRMEW-RIVER POINTE CORPORATION, a Florida corporation Jlr) of the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida, party of the second part, 2010 Harbortown Drive, Suite I, Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 CD (Werever used herein, the tens "party, shalt irrlud' the heirs personal representatives, successors enVor assign of the respective Ll S n parties hereto; the use of the singular nnber shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the use of a ry geder shall include all serrkrs; and, if used, the tern "roteJl shall include all the rotes herein described if imre than ore) OG - D Co '1� WI'INESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the m ,-i sum of TEN AND N0/100 Dollars, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, ;-j the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release and party quitclaim unto the said of the c'•d� second part all the right, title, interest claim and demand which the said party y r-i of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the County of St. Lucie State, -of Florida, to wit: 00 �-Z3 D Lots 13-40, inclusive, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 47-55, inclusive, RIVER PO= AT a3 THE SANDS, PHASE II, PLAT BOOK 43, PAGES 16, 16A & 16B. u y � " Lu G To Have and to Hold the salve, together with all and singular the D 03 appurtenances threunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, u-- Ctf right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part. In Witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered �ry.Qttr Presence Ktness os r)ul lYI p U ti� Witnes p2� I v y (e y ess/ gy�rhp�k ►iiaN4t� Wi lC'l�•(1 vYi.t lcz� ME HESISEE c4 6 �-' - "�Z� �-- PATRICIA HESSEE STATE OF FLORSDA CATTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this } day of [f , 2004, by CLAUDE HsSSEE and PATRICIA HESSEE, husband and wife, who are persona to me or who have produced as identification. STATE OF FLORIDA C Notary d E1ATIF" :;-TT„ ^ �e, A TRUE AND CORREi, i My corrrnission expires: TIME ORIGINAL. 3141pry 11,E CHERYL.LEA MOSLEY.R §� - Commb•)ont # DDOOM22 Era ClM016 ,t om �e�. FloddalloteryA �hto. hfE MxWN4AN, CL E t�toputy i bate y =3 CJ m 0 d .o T Qr Q > ° 12 U Ld cli U C lsl ra o tv LL G: 0 > A m c (J O �= U w m U u •� 0 CC LL Q} LL o O Om a U W u-' 0- . Q W Z3.o 061 °°Q• �' 10, 19 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., FILE # 2579354 OR THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 7 PAGE 1510, Recorded 03/16/2005f:52 AM 1ma umomrm n.pww try ma AK=to: Space Above TM Lime For Pzowatdsg Dam NOMM OX COMM ENCEMENT Mw tmdmdgmd bmby Ei.p noft mat b,ov mmis mall! be made to catam zeal property, end In aeeoad ncc with Maptez 713.13, Flodds Saeetn 6m following Wbrmadon 1a provided in Eric Notice of Ccmmemement Tbls Naito shA be void and ofao fam aed wed ifeonsuuedon 4 mteennomdwhhjnnb" (90) days a4terrxmdanw. 1. 1.0755 RivF,RPDiar(E iYf-(}}E SANDS �ygSE PI A� 6K 10 Pia rb Pf+6�i � REcoz>75 .S( L UZI E CO"19 i 5p4ALF hj iLj Nvrn&, FML +�f+v SmP►avVE+' ��1� 15 3 III: BfzHN��-�ZiVE/�ffJlE GOItPDtzR�O>f A. aD, P A'g"vfz-(vi)Al PRi ve" .Fo)z-(Pr F.kcE, -f- B. lw aeat mpmpenT Fro Sirple s. coubad9r. &.9fjvvd CAPi)II. _-�(JvWln041( of koaiDA,1N�' ao►D 3 ��5 `if- S S. BMW A copy ohhepaymmtbood (Ifsay)4 attacbedbozaee r 8ahiiit A 6. N/A 7. The owom ba destgmftd the fbllowlas pmea in edditim to ldmWt to nwlve a copy *fee liaom'amtkeaspcovided nSoetim713.13(l)(b)of6e17odd%St1w= 3. Upb rim dam ofNotiw cro mmmoseemis yR.. CM, dale b ooe (1) yea 4omthe doe ofaswa11 8®1ace1I'm -dab4spcm'd). The moontingofddsNotice ofCommanm=1does eotoansrl le a lbo. cloudareacturbr4maw9a the dmrRpWnal pwpay, but g1mconnnxdvenotice &d;4m,acfllsnmsybeSkdnaft of FloddaSmIDmt SIPA sealed and &%vmd . io ds w of Ptlatd Name: fts) Printed Name: SfATB OF PLDRMA coDNl it of 9; L c[ UY /. J%1&4200 SW Swwndaubsofedbdo<emedda_ds7 ..ba�epaommIIylao.aseomeoe.rYotrpoao� MY QMMbdea eapbea: 2-e7 . ZA f/ C- Notay MbUc,StdoofFluddaatLarge PasoeaUylfaown oftPaodu�dI ifteatloo Type oR'fdeerimdoaP,oaooed n A 4W •� diCATE c3+]_ i"l DRIDA SST. LUCIFE COMP THISTOCERTIFY TH TTHISISA TRUE AND CO ECT vOPY OF THE STWl'AG-t mTCL( i I ' T C04��T i RoPrAAumuVef 08 My Commiselo^ D00930g4 TjV Explies February 17 208 0U/V—" ` J r/ I y - U , _I . ryl V� COUtdi`� ►� RogerAAumuller MY COMMISebon ty'• - . %Tj F-,pygyFawatyli 100P Date: Property Appraiser - St.Lucie C ty, FL M Page 1 of 1 Brandon -River Pointe Corp Record: 1 of 1 Property Identification Site Address: TBD Sec/Town/Range: 25 :34S :40E Map ID: 14/26N Zoning: Ownership and Mailing Owner: Brandon -River Pointe Corp Address: - 2010 Harbortown Dr Suite I Fort Pierce FL 34946 PROPERTY RECORD CARD <<Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Map �OCIE � ParcellD: 1425-620-0048-000-0 Account #: 154217 Land Use: Vac Res h City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY ••~o...N Legal Description RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS PHASE II (PB 43-16) OT 55 (OR 045- 1006) Sales Information Assessment Final Value Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2004 Val: 25000 Land Value: 25000 Acres: 0.23 8/4/2004 2100000 02 WD 2045 / 1006 Assessed: 25000 Building Value: 0 7/11/2003 480700 01 WD 1754 / 2572 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 0 SgFt Exempt: 0 Taxable: 25000 TotalTax: 545.51 BUILDING INFORMATION ❑x No Sketch Available Exterior Features View: - RoofCover: - RoofStruct: ExtType: YearBit: Frame: Grade: EffYrBlt: PrimeWall: - StoryHght: No.Un[ts: SecWall: Interior Features BedRooms: Electric: - PrmintWall: FuilBath: HeatType: AvgHUFI: 1/2Bath: HeatFuel: Prm.Flors: %A/C: %Heated: %Sprinkled: Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Qua[. Cond. YrBlt. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 1 0000-Vac Res N -Unit 1 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED http://www.paslc.org/PRC.asp?prclid=142562000480000 3/16/2005 DAVID L. BRYANT, P.A. 1425 Hwy AlA Unit 10 Satellite Beach, FL 32937 321.773.6790 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Building Plans Examiner St. Lucie County Building Dept. St. Lucie County, Florida Ref: Lot 55 Lakeshore at the Sands St. Lucie County, Florida Permit #: 0503-0963 1. Strap kneewall as illustrated below: David L. Bryant P.E Project Engineer 1 SCANNED By FLORIDA REGISTRATION 038154 April 19, 2005 FILE COPY d PROJECT SUMMARY of Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfl 03/01/05 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 3374048 BRANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 2010 HARBORTOWN DR., STE. 1, FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-460-3833 Fax:460-3823 Notes: River Pointe 55 - 2405 sfl Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db Inside db Design TD Heating Summary lit, Summer Design Conditions 42 OF Outside db 70 OF Inside db 28 OF Design TD Daily range Relative humidity Moisture difference Building heat loss 45618 Btuh Ventilation air 0 cfm Ventilation air loss 0 Btuh Design heat load 45618 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Heating Cooling Area (ft2) 2405 2405 Volume (ft3) 24050 24050 Air changes/hour 0.70 0.40 Equiv. AVF (cfm) 281 160 Heating Equipment Summary Make Rheem Trade Rheem RPPA Series Model RPPA-061JA Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 8.7 HSPF 153500 Btuh @ 470F 27 OF 1800 cfm 0.039 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H2O 90 OF 75 OF 1 L OF 50 % 61 gr/lb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 41295 Btuh Ventilation 0 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Total sens. equip. load 39230 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Internal gains 1380 Btuh Ventilation 0 Btuh Infiltration 6695 Btuh Total latent equip. load 8075 Btuh Total equipment load 47305 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.83 SHR 3.9 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Rheem Trade Rheem RPPA Series Cond RPPA-061JA Coil RBHK-25+RCHJ-61A1 Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 13.5 SEER 44820 Btuh 9180 Btuh 54000 Btuh 1800 cfm 0.044 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H2O 84 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wrightsoft Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 16:27:17 /4CGA C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\BRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 1 RIGHT-$ EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. Job: RP 55 : 2405 sfi 03/01/05 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 3374048 For: BRANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 2010 HARBORTOWN DR., STE. 1, FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-460-3833 Fax:460-3823 Base System: Heat pump: Rheem Rheem RPPA Series RPPA-061JA Coil Model: RBHK-25+RCHJ-6lA1 Total cooling capacity = 54000 Btuh, 13.5 SEER, Sound level = 0.0, 8.7 HSPF At 17 °F: Heating Capacity = 33000 Btuh, COP = 2.36 At 47 °F: Heating Capacity = 53500 Btuh, COP = 3.60 Backup: Elec strip Input = 45618 Btuh, Output = 45618 Btuh, 100 EFF Warranties: Features: Investment 1: Cooling: Coil Model: Total cooling capacity = 0 Btuh, 0 EER, Sound Level = 0.0 Heating: Input = 0 Btuh, ,Output = 0 Btuh, 80 AFUE _KeC Water Heater: conventional Tank = 40 gal, finput = 36 MBtuh, 0.60 EF Warranties: Features: r FILE COPY wrightsoft Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 16:27:09 C:tDocuments and Settings\Owner\My Documents\BRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 1 i RIGHT-J SHORT FORM Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfi 03/01/05 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 337-404B For: BRANDON CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 2010 HARBORTOWN DR., STE. 1, FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: 772-460-3833 Fax:460-3823 Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db (°F) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (°F) 70 75 Construction quality AveLpge Design TD (°F) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L FILE COPY Inside humidity (%) - 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) - 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Rheem Trade Rheem RPPA Series Model RPPA-061JA Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 8.7 HSPF 53500 Btuh @ 47°F 27 OF 1800 cfm 0.039 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H2O COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Rheem Trade Rheem RPPA Series Cond RPPA-061JA Coil RBHK-25+RCHJ-61A1* Efficiency 13.5 SEER Sensible cooling 44820 Btuh Latent cooling 9180 Btuh Total cooling 54000 Btuh Actual air flow 1800 cfm Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0:00 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 84 % ROOM NAME Area (ft2) Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) Clg AVF (cfm) Misc. Areas 142 131 201 5 9 Pool Bath 54 2154 1175 85 51 Guest Cabana 228 5256 4820 207 210 Bedroom 168 3793 3490 150 152 Bath 50 550 247 22 11 Laundry 77 2027 1232 80 54 Kitchen / Nook 336 5079 5465 200 238 Living / Dining 578 13008 12839 513 560 Study 143 4372 3532 173 154 Master Closet 135 1070 522 42 23 Master Bath 200 4687 3885 185 169 RA Aeo An_n Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements.of Manual J 7th Ed. wrightsoft Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 '16:26:58 /1CCP. CADocuments and Settings\Ownerft DocumentslBRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 1 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 3374048 Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfl 03/01/05 MANUAL J: 7tn La. 1 Name of room Entire House Misc. Areas Pool Bath Guest Cabana 2 Length of exposed wall 327.0 ft 0.0 ft 24.0 ft 55.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 14.2 x 10.0 ft 9.0 x 6.0 ft 19.0 x 12.0 ft 4 Ceiings Condit. Option 10.0 ft heat/cool d 10.0 fil heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heattcool TYPE OF CST HTM Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg I Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg . (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg 5 Gross a 14B 4.0 2.2 3090 •"' •"'" 0 "" "•'• 240 "" •'"" 370 **" •"• Exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 `•" *"` 0 •"' "•'• 0 *:•* •••• 0 •"• •••• walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 '*"• "«' 0 "" '"** 0 *«" •"• 0 '•" •"• partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 180 •"` `*" 0 '"" *"' 0 •`*` ••`• 180 '*'• "" e 0.0 0.0 0 ..•. .... 0 ..." .*.. 0 .... •... 0 .... .... f 0.0 0.0 0 .... .... 0 .... .... 0 ...• .... 0 .... •..• 6 Windows and a IF 30.0 " 267 7695 "'• 0 0 "'*' 9 279 "•* 16 486 glass doors b BF 26.8 •` 320 8566 **" 0 0 "" 0 0 "" 40 1071 "•* Heating c 9F 28.0 •' 26 729 **** 0 0 "'" 0 0 *"' 0 0 d 0.0 •' 0 0 ***' 0 0 *•*• 0 0 "" 0 0 e 0.0 •• 0 0 '•`• 0 0 '•" 0 0 "" 0 0 •'•` f 0.0 0 0 "«' 0 0 • 0 0 "" 0 0 "'• 7 Windows and North 21.0 149 •"' 3122 0 '*" 0 0 "" 0 0 "`• 0 glass doors NE/NW 49.0 378 «"` 18527 0 "" 0 9 '•" 456 56 "" 2754 Cooling E/W 70.0 12 '*`" 815 0 '*'• 0 0 "•" 0 0 '"•' 0 SE/SW 61.0 65 "`" 3942 0 "•' 0 0 '•*' 0 0 '•" 0 South 0.0 0 '•'" 0 0 "" 0 0 TMTM 0 0 `•" 0 Horz 0.0 0 ""* 0 0 "" 0 0'*" 0 0 `"" 0 8 Other doors a 11 E 5.3 4.3 60 319 258 0 0 0 16 85 69 0 0 0 b 10D 12.9 10.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.0 2.2 2427 9786 5347 0 0 0 215 866 473 314 1265 691 exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 180 243 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 243 227 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 0.9 1.4 2405 2222 3413 142 131 201 54 50 77 228 211 324 b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 22.7 0.0 327 7416 0 0 0 0 24 544 0 55 1247 0 (Note: room b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is displ. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for slab a 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 13.0 4.0 663 8642 26461 0 0 0 25 330 101 56 733 224 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 *"*' 45618 "*'• "" 131 2154 *"' ••" 5256 "•` Less external heating "" 0 •'*« •"• 0 •"" *"` 0 ""' "•' 0 Less transfer '••` 0 "" •TM' 0 `•*' •"•* 0 ""*• ••** 0 •«•• Heating redistribution •'"• 0 •"" •••• p •*** "'** 0 •••« «•-• p �••• 14 Duct loss 0% 0 `•'• 0°/ 0 •••• 0°/ 0 ••" 0°/ 0 •"' 15 Total loss = 13+14 "" 45618 `•" •"• 131 ""• * 2154 *'•' •«" 5256 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 6 "" 1800 0 •"" 0 0 "" 0 2 "" 600 Appl. @ 1200 1 "•' 1200 0 "" 0 0 «'•" 0 0 *"` 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8„+12+16 •"•• *•*• 41295 "'• *TM' 201 **'* *TM* 1175 •'*` •«*` 4820 Less external cooling '**' "*' 0 '*'* **`* 0 `*" «'*' 0 *••• *'•• 0 Less transfer "•' '*** 0 *"• "" 0 ••'• "*' 0 `*" '**• 0 Cooling redistribution '**' *"• 0 "*' *•'* p `*** TM*« 0 «*«• ..., 0 18 Duct gain 0% •""' 0 0°/ `•" 0 0°/ "" 0 0°/ •"• 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 "" 41295 1.00 "`•* 201 1.00 «"` 1175 1.00 4820 20 Air required (cfm) **" 18001 18001 5 9 **** 85 51 "" 207 210 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr�g htsof-t Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 16:26:28 AC -'A C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\BRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 1 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 337-4048 Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfi 03/01/05 MANUAL J: 7th LM 1 Name of room Bedroom Bath Laundry Kitchen / Nook 2 Length of exposed wall 25.0 ft 8.0 ft 18.0 ft 33.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 14.0 x 12.0 ft 10.0 x 5.0 ft 11.0 x 7.0 ft 24.0 x 14.0 ft 4 Ceiings Condit. Option 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ftj heat/cool 10.0 It heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF CST HTM Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg I Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg (ft2) Htg I Clg 5 Gross a 14B 4.0 2.2 250 *"* '•"' 80 `*'• *•** 180 '*'• •'"" 330 Exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 •"' """• 0 **"• `*" 0 •••' "•'" 0 ""• ***• walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 *•'• '*" 0 "" "" 0 "*' '**' 0 ••" "" partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 "" •"' 0 "'"" """' 0 ""• "'• 0 '••• •`•• e 0.0 0.0 0 ..." .... 0 ..." .... 0 "... .... 0 .... .... f 0.0 0.0 0 .+.. .... 0 .... .... 0 .... .... 0 .... .... 6 Windows and a 1F 30.0 •* 16 486 "" 0 0 ""' 13 390 •"' 69 2069 ""• glass doors b BF 26.8 "• 40 1071 "" 0 0 "" 0 0 ••" 0 0 "•' Heating c 9F 28.0 •' 0 0 •"` 0 0 ""' 0 0 "" 0 0 d 0.0 0 0 "•' 0 0 "" 0 0 "'* 0 0 "•' f 0.0 '• 0 0 '••* 0 0 '••' 0 0 '*"' 0 0 •'•' 7 Windows and North 21.0 16 340 0 "`* 0 6 "•` 117 20 •"' 414 glass doors NE/NW 49.0 40 "•' 1960 0 `"`" 0 0 0 42 """ 2073 Cooling E/VV 70.0 0 "" 0 0 "*" 0 0 ""` 0 () •'•' 0 SE/SW 61.0 () """' 0 0 •'•' 0 7 *"" 452 7 "" 452 South 0.0 0 "•' 0 0 ••'* 0 0 "" 0 0 •'*' 0 Hors 0.0 0 "" 0 0'**" 0 0 '•" 0 0 •"' 0 8 Other doors a 11 E 5.3 4.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 117 94 0 0 0 b 10D 12.9 10.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.0 2.2 194 781 427 80 323 176 145 585 319 261 1051 574 exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 0.9 1.4 168 155 238 50 46 71 77 71 109 336 310 477 b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 22.7 0.0 25 567 0 8 181 0 18 408 0 33 748 0 (Note: room b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is displ. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for slab a 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 13.0 4.0 56 733 224 0 0 0 35 456 140 69 900 275 13 Subtotal loss=6+8. +11+12 '••` 3793 '"" "" 550 •"' •"' 2027 "" "•' 5079 "'• Less external heating "'" 0 "•" "•' 0 "" ""' 0 '••` '•" o '•"• Less transfer •••" 0 •••• *••• 0 •*•• •+•' 0 '*•• "••• 0 •••• Heating redistribution ""* 0 '*" "•"• 0 •'•' '••' p "•** •**• 0 •*•* 14 Duct loss 0% 0 ""` 0°/ 0 "'• 0°/ 0 "" 0°/ 0 ••" 15 Total loss = 13+14 "*• 3793 ""' '•`• 550 *'*' "•` 2027 '*" `•"" 5079 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 1 "'"" 300 0 •"`" 0 0 """ 0 0 ••" 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 •••• 0 0 •"•• 0 0 •••• 0 1 •••• 1200 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 ""• "" 3490 "" ""' 247 •'** *•`* 1232 "`• "•• 5465 Less external cooling "•` •"' 0 ••'• **"' 0 `**` •"•' 0 ••"• ••*• 0 Less transfer 0 0 ••** ••'* o •"•• •••• 0 Cooling redistribution "" "'• 0 •"' '•"" 0 "" •`*' 0 '*•* "" 0 18 Duct gain 0% •••• 0 0°/ •••• 0 0°/ •••• 0 0°/ •••• 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 *"' 3490 1.00 "•' 247 1.00 *•`• 1232 1.00 •"' 5465 20 Air required (cfm) "'* 190 152 •**' 22 11 "•' 80 54 *•*• 200 238 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wrmghltsoft Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 16:26:28 ACCA CADocuments and Settings\Owner\My DocumentslBRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 2 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 337-4048 Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfl 03/01/05 MANUAL J: ftn La. 1 Name of room Living / Dining Study Master Closet Master Bath 2 Length of exposed wall 67.0 ft 32.0 ft 15.0 ft 36.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 34.0 x 17.0 It 13.0 x 11.0 ft 15.0 x 9.0 ft 20.0 x 10.0 ft 4 Ceiings Condit. Option 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool 10.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF CST HTM Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) EXPOSURE NO. Htg I Clg (W) Htg I Clg (ft') Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ftz) Htg I Clg 5 Gross a 14B 4.0 2.2 670 '*`* ""` 320 150 "•' ""' 360 Exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 '**' "" 0 '*'* `*'* 0 "" **'* 0 walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 "" `*" 0 *"' `*" 0 •*** •*•* 0 •+** *••» partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 "" "" 0 "*' •`•' 0 ***• *+•* 0 •*•• +•+* e 0.0 0.0 0 .... «... 0 «... .... 0 .,.. .,.. 0 .... .... f 0.0 0.0 0 ".. ...• 0 .... .... 0 .... .... 0 .„. .... 6 Windows and a 1F 30.0 39 1182 "" 13 390 "" 0 0 "" 57 1718 glass doors b 8F 26.8 152 4069 "" 48 1285 *"* 0 0 "•' 0 0 Heating c 9F 28.0 *' 26 729 `*'* 0 0 •"' 0 0 "" 0 0 d 0.0 " 0 0 "" 0 0 "" 0 0 "•" 0 0 e 0.0 0 0 •••• 0 0 •••• 0 0 •••• 0 0 „•• f 0.0 " 0 0 "" 0 0 "*' 0 0'"" 0 0 7 Windows and North 21.0 43 ""` 902 29 *"* 602 0 "•' 0 12 "" 260 glass doors NE/NW 49.0 152*�* 7448 5 "" 245 0 "*` 0 33 •"' 1632 Cooling E/W 70.0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 "*" 0 12 `*•' 815 SE/SW 61.0 22 "" 1369 27 "" 1668 0 `*`* 0 0 "" 0 South 0.0 0 "" 0 0 "" 0 0 ""' 0 0 *•" 0 Horz 0.0 0 *"' 0 0 "" 0 0 "'* 0 0 "*' 0 8 Other doors a 11 E 5.3 4.3 22 117 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 10D 12.9 10.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.0 2.2 431 1736 949 259 1044 571 150 605 330 303 1220 667 exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 0.9 1.4 578 534 820 143 132 203 135 125 192 200 185 284 b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 22.7 0.0 67 1520 0 32 726 0 15 340 0 36 816 0 (Note: room b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is displ. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for slab a 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 13.0 4.0 239 3122 956 61 796 244 0 0 0 57 747 229 13 Subtotal loss=6+8„+11+12 *"* 13008 '**` `**' 4372 ":` `"" 1070 `*" "*` 4687 Less external heating •"' 0 *"` "" 0 "" `•`* 0 "" "" 0 *"* Less transfer •„• 0 •••• •••• 0 •••• •••• 0 «••• ••«• 0 •••• Heating redistribution "•' 0 "" "•• 0 "'* '••' 0 ""• "" 0 14 Duct loss 0% 0 "" 0°/ 0 "•* 0°/ 0 "" 0°/ 0 15 Total loss = 13+14 '*" 13008 43721 1070 •`*• **" 4687 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 1 "•' 300 0 •'•' 0 0 0 0 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 "** 0 0 '•" 0 0 "" 0 0 •"* 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 `**' "" 12839 "•* "*` 3532 "" "** 522 "" "•` 3885 Less external cooling '*" "`* 0 "" "" 0 *"' "*` 0 "" •"' 0 Less transfer "" `•" 0 **" "*' 0 *`*• *•*» 0 •*++ •••• 0 Cooling redistribution ***' ""` 0 "" •"' 0 "" •"` 0 `*'* •"` 0 18 Duct gain 0% "" 0 0°/ "" 0 0°/ ""' 0 0°/ "'• 0 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)*PLF 1.00 "'• 12839 1.00 •"' 3532 1.00 "'* 522 1.00 3885 20 Air required (cfm) ***` 513 560 173 154 *'*' 42 23 "" 185 169 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. ^- wr�ghtsOFC Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-0116:26:28 AC A CADocuments and Settings\Owner\My Documents\BRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 3 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House ACTION A/C & HEAT, INC. 1688 SE VILLAGE GREEN DR., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 Phone: (772) 337-6242 Fax: 337-4048 Job: RP 55 - 2405 sfl 03/01/05 MANUAL J: 7tn Etl. 1 Name of room Master Bedroom 2 Length of exposed wall 14.0 ft 3 Room dimensions 21.0 x 14.0 ft 4 Ceiings Condit. Option 10.0 ft heat1cool TYPE OF CST HTM Area Load (Btuh) Area Area Area EXPOSURE NO. Htg I CIg (ft') Htg I Clg Htg CIg Htg Clg Htg Clg 5 Gross a 14B 4.0 2.2 140 `••' •""• "" *`*• •••• ••** •'•• ""*• Exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 •*" ••" ""' •'•' "'• •••• •••• ••*• walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 '*•' •'•' '*"• •"•` "'* '••• '*:' •'•• partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 ""'• *"' •••: ..« .«. «« «« .«. e 0.0 0.0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 ••" •«. ..« ".« .«. «.. «.. .... 6 Windows and a 1F 30.0 23 696 •••* •':' '*•• •■"• glass doors b 8F 26.8 '• 40 1071 '••' "•' ••*• *`•■ Heating c 9F 28.0 •• 0 0 •"" `*•' •"'* "'* d 0.0 « 0 0 •«. ..« ..." .«. e 0.0 .. 0 0 .«. .«. ...■ .... f 0.0 « 0 0 ••« .«. «.. .«. 7 Windows and North 21.0 23 "" 487 •*'* '•"' •'•• glass doors NE/NW 49.0 40 "*' 1960 •••• •'*• '*'• Cooling E/W 70.0 0 "•• o •••• •••• ••"• SE/SW 61.0 0 «« 0 South 0.0 0 •"• 0 "•• "'•' •**• Horz 0.0 0 "" 0 "" •••" •••• 8 Other doors a 11 E 5.3 4.3 0 0 0 b 10D 12.9 10.4 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.0 2.2 77 310 169 exposed b 12C 2.5 2.0 0 0 0 walls and c 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 partitions d 13C 1.4 1.3 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 0.9 1.4 294 272 417 b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 22.7 0.0 14 318 0 (Note: room b 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 is displ. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 for slab a 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 1 13.01 4.0 63 824 252 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 •'*` 3490 •'•' •*•' '••' •'•' "••* •*•• •••• Less external heating '""' 0 •'•• ■*"" '••• •'** **•• •••• *••• Less transfer '*`• 0 '••• "*•• *••* ■*'* `••• ••*■ •■•• Heating redistribution "" 0 •••• ••'* •••• •••• •••• ••+• ■••• 14 Duct loss 0% 0 "'• °/ ■•*• °/ ■•** °/ .+.. 15 Total loss = 13+14 **'• 3490 "*• "" •"* ***• •••* *•"■ •._. 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 2 "" 600 •'•" •••" •••• 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 •"•' `*`* 3886 ••*' "•"• ■■'• **•• "■■■ *••• Less external cooling •*'• "" 0 "'"• "'•• •"• *••• ••*• •••• Less transfer "'* *•" 0 "" *'•' •'•• *•`• *'*• •••• Cooling redistribution *`** "•' 0 ""` *'•• "••• "•• ••** •*"• 18 Duct gain 00/0 "•• 0 °/ •'•• ON•""• °/ ••*• 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)"PLF 1.00 "" 3886 ""• ••'• •"*• 1201 Air required (cfm) **`* 138 169 "" "" •*•• Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr�ght50Ft Right -Suite Residential5.5.17 RSR25754 2005-Mar-01 16:26:28 ACCA C:\Documents and Settings\OwneftMy Documents\BRANDON - RP 55 - 2405 (2005).rsr Page 4 FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: BRANDON CAPITOL-2405 Builder: BRANDON CAPITOL CO P, Address: LOT 55 RIVER POINT Permitting Office: City, State: FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number: Owner: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 7. Glass area & type a. Clear glass, default U-factor b. Default tint c. Labeled U or SHGC 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent c. N/A d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage b. N/A New Single family _ 1 _ 3 _ Yes 2405 ft2 Single Pane Double Pane _ 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 629.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 R=0.0, 327.0(p) ft R=4.2, 2427.0 ft2 _ R=11.0, 180.0 ft2 _ R=30.0, 2405.0 ft2 Sup. R=6.0, 310.0 ft Jurisdiction Number: 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. N/A FILE COPY c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.26 Total as -built points: 32856 PASS Total base points: 33158 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Action A/ Heat, Inc. DATE: 4 1 hereby certify that this bu' ng, as designed, is in compliance with the Flo ' a Energy Code. OWNER/AGEN . DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 13.50 Cap: 53.5 kBtu/hr _ HSPF: 8.70 Cap: 40.0 gallons EF: 0.93 PT, EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: BRANDON CAPITOL-2405 Builder: BRANDON CAPITOL CORI Address: LOT 55 RIVER POINT Permitting Office: City, State: FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number: Owner: Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 13.50 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. N/A 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area (ft) 2405 ft2 c. N/A 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear glass, default U-factor 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ 13. Heating systems b. Default tint 629.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 53.5 kBtu/hr _ c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 HSPF: 8.70 _ 8. Floor types _ b. N/A _ a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 327.0(p) ft b. N/A _ c. N/A _ c. N/A _ 9. Wall types _ 14. Hot water systems a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.2, 2427.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 180.0 ft2 _ EF: 0.93 _ c. N/A _ b. N/A _ d. N/A e. N/A c. Conservation credits 10. Ceiling types _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. Under Attic R=30.0, 2405.0 ft2 _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N/A _ 15. HVAC credits I PT, c. N/A (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts _ HF-Whole house fan, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 310.0 ft _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, b. N/A MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.26 Total as -built points: 32856 PASS Total base points: 33158 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Action A/C & Heat, Inc. DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNERIAGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: �yo4zxE sTgT�°��c Nhrn = zis COD WE EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs • Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: BRANDON CAPITOL-2405 Builder: BRANDON CAPITOL CORI Address: LOT 55 RIVER POINT Permitting Office: City, State: FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number: Owner: Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 13.50 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 2405 ft2 c. N/A 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double'Pane _ a. Clear glass, default U-factor 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ 13. Heating systems b. Default tint 629.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 53.5 kBtu/hr _ c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 HSPF: 8.70 _ 8. Floor types _ b. N/A a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 327.0(p) ft _ _ b. N/A _ c. N/A _ c. N/A _ 9. Wall types _ 14. Hot water systems a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.2, 2427.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 180.0 ft2 _ EF: 0.93 _ c. N/A _ b. N/A _ d. N/A e. N/A c. Conservation credits _ 10. Ceiling types _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. Under Attic R=30.0, 2405.0 ft2 _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N/A _ 15. HVAC credits PT, _ c. N/A (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts _ HF-Whole house fan, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 310.0 ft _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, b. N/A MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.26 Total as -built points: 32856 PASS Total base points: 33158 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Action A/C & Hppt, Inc. DATE: I hereby certify that this build' designed, is in compliance with the Flori ergy Code. OWNER/AGEN DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) w FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE I AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Floor Area Type/SC .18 2405.0 26.78 11160.2 Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint Single, Tint As -Built Total: WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Adjacent 180.0 0.70 126.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior Exterior 2427.0 1.90 4611.3 Frame, Wood, Adjacent Overhang Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points SW 12.0 6.0 23.2 47.31 0.42 462.9 S 7.0 9.0 40.0 39.84 0.60 959.8 SW 2.0 7.0 12.0 47.31 0.86 488.3 S 2.0 7.0 24.0 39.84 0.84 800.0 E 2.0 5.0 9.3 53.27 0.81 399.2 SE 2.0 7.0 12.0 50.80 0.86 521.8 E 2.0 2.0 5.0 53.27 0.53 141.2 NW 2.0 5.0 8.0 33.43 0.84 223.4 N 2.0 9.0 48.0 24.46 0.95 1118.0 W 2.0 7.0 39.4 47.90 0.89 1679.1 E 10.0 9.0 72.0 53.27 0.50 1924.5 S 12.0 9.0 80.0 39.84 0.53 1688.5 NE 10.0 8.0 52.0 38.88 0.54 1096.7 S 10.0 7.0 14.1 39.84 0.52 294.0 SE 4.0 7.0 14.1 50.80 0.64 458.4 W 2.0 5.0 26.0 47.90 0.81 1003.4 E 2.0 7.0 28.2 53.27 0.89 1338.4 N 7.0 6.0 16.2 24.46 0.70 277.0 E 2.0 9.0 40.0 53.27 0.94 1992.9 E 2.0 6.0 16.2 53.27 0.85 737.7 S 9.0 9.0 40.0 39.84 0.57 901.6 E 2.0 5.0 9.3 53.27 0.81 399.2 629.0 18905.7 R-Value Area X SPM = Points 4.2 2427.0 1.16 11.0 180.0 0.70 2815.3 126.0 Base Total: 2607.0 4737.3 As -Built Total: 2607.0 2941.3 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Insulated 240.0 4.80 1152.0 Exterior 240.0 4.80 1152.0 I Base Total: 240.0 1152.0 1 As -Built Total: 240.0 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 1 ' FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic Base Total: 2405.0 2.13 2405.0 5122.7 5122.7 Under Attic As -Built Total: 30.0 2405.0 2.13 X 1.00 2405.0 5122.7 5122.7 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab Raised Base Total: 327.0(p) -31.8 0.0 0.00 -10398.6 0.0 -10398.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 327.0(p As -Built Total: 327.0 -31.90 -10431.3 -10431.3 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 2405.0 14.31 34415.6 2405.0 14.31 34415.6 Summer Base Points: 46189.1 Summer As -Built Points: 62105.9 Total Summer Points X System = Multiplier Cooling Points Total X Component Cap X Duct X System X Ratio Multiplier Multiplier (DM x DSM x AHU) Credit Multiplier = Cooling Points 46189.1 0.4266 19704.3 52105.9 62105.9 1.000 (1.087 x 1.150 x 1.00) 0.253 1.00 1.250 0.253 0.950 0.950 15630.0 15630.0 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: AS -BUILT FBASE ESditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 2405.0 5.86 2536.8 Single, Tint SW 12.0 6.0 23.2 12.36 1.51 433.6 Single, Tint S 7.0 9.0 40.0 10.88 1.64 713.3 Single, Tint SW 2.0 7.0 12.0 12.36 1.04 154.7 Single, Tint S 2.0 7.0 24.0 10.88 1.08 280.9 Single, Tint E 2.0 5.0 9.3 13.04 1.04 126.3 Single, Tint SE 2.0 7.0 12.0 11.49 1.07 146.9 Single, Tint E 2.0 2.0 5.0 13.04 1.16 75.8 Single, Tint NW 2.0 5.0 8.0 15.30 1.00 122.0 Single, Tint N 2.0 9.0 48.0 15.38 1.00 736.1 Single, Tint W 2.0 7.0 39.4 13.80 1.02 551.7 Single, Tint E 10.0 9.0 72.0 13.04 1.18 1110.9 Single, Tint S 12.0 9.0 80.0 10.88 2.05 1780.6 Single, Tint NE 10.0 8.0 52.0 15.07 1.00 784.4 Single, Tint S 10.0 7.0 14.1 10.88 2.08 319.2 Single, Tint SE 4.0 7.0 14.1 11.49 1.23 199.5 Single, Tint W 2.0 5.0 26.0 13.80 1.03 369.6 Single, Tint E 2.0 7.0 28.2 13.04 1.02 376.0 Single, Tint N 7.0 6.0 16.2 15.38 0.99 246.3 Single, Tint E 2.0 9.0 40.0 13.04 1.01 529.1 Single, Tint E 2.0 6.0 16.2 13.04 1.03 217.6 Single, Tint S 9.0 9.0 40.0 10.88 1.84 800.3 Single, Tint E 2.0 5.0 9.3 13.04 1.04 126.3 As -Built Total: 629.0 10200.9 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 180.0 1.80 324.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 2427.0 3.26 7912.0 Exterior 2427.0 2.00 4854.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 180.0 1.80 324.0 Base Total: 2607.0 5178.0 As -Built Total: 2607.0 8236.0 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Insulated 240.0 5.10 1224.0 Exterior 240.0 5.10 1224.0 Base Total: 240.0 1224.0 As -Built Total: 240.0 1224.0 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details . ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic Base Total: 2405.0 0.64 2405.0 1539.2 1539.2 Under Attic As -Built Total: 30.0 2405.0 0.64 X 1.00 2405.0 1539.2 1539.2 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 327.0(p) -1.9 Raised 0.0 0.00 Base Total: -621.3 0.0 -621.3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 327.0(p As -Built Total: 327.0 2.50 817.5 817.5 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 2405.0 -0.28 -673.4 2405.0 -0.28 -673.4 Winter Base Points: 9183.3 Winter As -Built Points: 21344.3 Total Winter X Points System = Heating Multiplier Points Total X Component Cap X Duct X System X Credit Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier (DM x DSM x AHU) = Heating Points 9183.3 0.6274 5761.E 21344.3 21344.3 1.000 (1.078 x 1.160 x 1.00) 0.392 1.00 1.250 0.392 0.950 0.950 9947.1 9947.1 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 _ WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.93 3 1.00 2426.15 1.00 7278.5 As -Built Total: 7278.5 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points = Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 19704 5762 7692 33158 1 15630 9947 7278 32856 PASS EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, PERMIT #: RA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfm/s .ft. window area; .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at corners; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier; gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. CA_99 ATLICD 00CCe1010T1%1= IIAGACI II?=C /mnc4 ho mo4 nr ovraaelad by all raciflaneac 1 COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools &Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL), " . DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 83.5 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. , LOT 55 RIVER POINT, FORT PIERCE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 54.0 kBtu/hr _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 13.50 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 2405 ft2 c. N/A 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane _ a. Clear - single pane 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 629.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 53.5 kBtu/hr _ c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ HSPF: 8.70 d. Tintlother SHGC - double pane b. N/A _ 8. Floor types _ a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 327.0(p) ft _ c. N/A _ b. N/A _ - c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.2, 2427.0 W _ EF: 0.93 _ b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 180.0 ft2 _ b. N/A _ c. N/A d. N/A _ c. Conservation credits _ e. N/A (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=30.0, 2405.0 ft2 _ 15. HVAC credits PT, _ b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 310.0 ft _ MZ-C-Multizone cooling, b. N/A MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied ' tl Construction through the above r vi in this home before final ins cti . Otherv� based on installed Code c 'ant features. Builder Signature: Address of New Home: `lorida Energy Efficiency Code For Building features which will be installed (or exceeded) ;, a new EPL Display Card will be completed Date: 3 ` i 57- D '/ City/FL Zip: *NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. TM ' This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPA/DOE EnergyStar designation), your home may qual fy for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec. ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affai&grgyPF8QVprsion: FLRCSB 0.30) _ Summary Energy Code Results Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Title: Class 3 Rating LOT 55 RIVER POINT BRANDON CAPITOL-2405 Registration No. 0 FORT PIERCE, FL Climate: Central 3/1 /2005 Building Loads Base As -Built Summer: 46189 points Summer: 52106 points Winter: 9183 points Winter: 21344 points Hot Water: 6769 points Hot Water: 6769 points Total: 62141 points Total: 80219 points Energy Use Base As -Built Cooling: 19704 points Cooling: 15630 points Heating: 5762 points Heating: 9947 points Hot Water: 7692 points Hot Water: 7278 points Total: 33158 points Total: 32856 points PASS e-Ratio: 0.99 EnergyGauge®(Version: FLRCSB v3.30) /aX/a-9 o HANGING LEDGE CAB �� iaxia-9 @ 8'AFF Fl LIGHTS ISLAND /OXSCfM Fl+ x e IN WP ia° 3 9080 SGD r: s GFI a + C /a -7 ve, ti �- /G LANAI / \ 10' CEILING = BREAKFAST 10' CEILING I C O PR 2480 Az 1/2 36 1l2 36: o O rn ' O CAN x �$ LD3 I MASTER BEDROOM a HB / ' L JI I o � I :- 4 W X 5'H a I l o STUDY , " fir+ SHOWER 11CEILING �/ _ NICHE 10' CEILING 10' CEILING i 2880 - - - - - - - LINE�, -- -------- I � (DI - 4080 BF WI CLOSET I o co co I /5116977 /ro 9 elm I ,ATH pK I I _ iLING I GFI GFI VTO16 ` 5'TRANSOM 1/234 _ ' 6' F p..i 1 Product Review Affidavit St Lucie County, Public Works Department Code Compliance Division L, copy . FI The following products will be installed in the structure located at: Lot 55 River Pointe Building Permit # Owners Name Brandon Capital Corp Owners Address 2010 Harbortown Drive, Ft. Pierce,FL Contractor Brandon Capital Corte Contractors Address 2010 Harbortown Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL Wind speed = 140Mph, 3 sec. gust. Exposure Zone C Product Design Manufacturer Model Number Method of attachment Pressures Block walls — 3/16" Tapcons thru 1x buck 1'/4"min. 55 EXT. Mark 40/50 HP into block. Fill all holes in window. Max spacing of Windows 60 INT. Kinco Ltd Aluminum Single 6"e.w. from corners & 20" O.C. sides & top. (pst) Hung Window Frame walls - #10 wood screws with min. 1-3/8" embedment into wood stud. Max spacing same as for block walls. 80.0 EXT. M40/50 Fixed Glass 80.0 INT. Kinco, Ltd Aluminum Fixed Same as windows above. ( sf) Window Block walls — (3) 3/16" Tapcons thm I buck Mark 2 HP 1'/4"min. into block. Max spacing of Head & Sill — Sliding Glass 45 EXT. Aluminum Sliding 6" e.w. from comers then 24" O.C. or less. Jambs — Doors 45 INT. Kinco Ltd Glass Doors with 6" e.w. from corner then 21"o.c. or less. (pst) 2/2 Sill Frame walls — (3) #10 wood screws with min. 1- 3/8" embedment into wood stud. Max spacing same as for block walls. Block walls — 3/16" Tapcons thm 2x wood buck Swing Type 76 EXT. 1'/2"min.into block. Min. # screws (2) per head & Doors 76 INT. Door Craft Insulated Steel Door threshold and (5) per side. (psi) Frame walls - use #10 wood screws with 1'/4" embedment, Min # same as above. Overhead 44 EXT. Garage Track (JB-US Bracket) to block using 5116" Garage Door 49 INT. Wayne Dalton 8000 Simpson Strong -tie Sleeve all or equal 2-1/2" min. ( st) embedded into to 2000 psi Concrete Block walls -'/4" Powers Calk -In w/ 7/8" min embedment &'/4" -20 stainless steel machine screws 60 EXT. 0.0230"(min.) @ min edge distance of 2", spaced @ 12" O.C. Storm Panel 62 INT. Robico Shutters Galvanized Steel Frame walls- — 7/16" Wood Bushing w/ 5/8" min Shutters (psi) INC. Storm Panels Shutter embedment &'/4" -20 stainless steel machine screws @ min edge distance of 3/4", spaced as follows: -12" O.C. for spans up to 5'-6" -8" O.C. for spans up to 8'-8" Roofing Material 47.1 (psf) Entegra Roof Tile Estate "S" Tile See Structural Engineering Notes under, "Roofing Corporation 16%2" x 13" Materials and installation". I have reviewed the above components and cladding and have approved their use in the structure. They provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code pr ions. .Name: David L. Bryant Phone No. (321) 431 1191 Signature: Design Firm: David L. Bryant P.E., P.A. Cert. No. PE 038154 Date: 3 S d ,. St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 5617462-1553 Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Project Name: LOT SS RIVER POINTE Office Use Only Street Address Permit Number Occupancy Type Construction Type FILE COPY Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition 0 ASCE 7-98 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed 0 3. Building Height: 1 Kt. 05ft Mean Rooms Partially Enclosed Open Building 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: 140 mph 3 second Lust (ZONE C) 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #1): II 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 43 PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 35.85 PSF 8. Importance/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code): 1 9. Loads: Floor 40 PSF Roof/dead 17 PSF Roof/live 20 PSF 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes 0 No (if No, attach explanation) 11. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes 0 No (if No, attach explanation) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes 0 No (if No, attach explanation) 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2000 PSF As witnessed b seal, I her by ce My that the information included with this, certification is true and correct, to _ the best of mkno edse an elief. Name: ��� _ Certification #: PE038154 f.Seal,Herel Design Firm: DAVID L. BRYANT P.A. Date: March 9, 2005 SLCCDV Form # 020-00 VUCL Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: WILDCAT COVE Dr Unit # : City / State / Zip: FPR Parcel # : 1425-620-0048-000/0 Zoning: APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 0503-0963 Activity Type: New Permit Type: Building Residential (SFR) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: PLATA FRANK S. Review Comments FL Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Lot # : 55 Block: Business Name: BRANDON CAPITAL CORPORATION Business Addr: 3700 N HARBOR CITY BLVD Owner(s): Claude Hessee Patricia Hessee Application Type: Master Permit w/subs Other Activity: Stories: 1 Automatic Sprinkler System? ❑ Cert Number: Page 1 City / State / Zip: VERO BCH, FL 32969 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Type Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released Plans Examiner Review Pending �rk s _�<Comment: Product affidavit does not provide specifications for -french doors. Provide two revised, signed & sealed copies. <LN✓115- AS Comment: Design wind pressures for doors and windows have not been shown on the plans. Comment: Specifications for the beams and their ,Tethod of attachment at the entry and the lanai have not been provided. �4 Comment: A lintel schedule was provided but locations were not shown on the plans. J Comment: A truss connector schedule was provided but locations were not shown on the plans. XComment: Truss strapping has not been specified. 7 Comment. Structural review only. Zoning may have additional comments. TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 04/08/2005 15:06 NAME FAX 7724622522 TEL SER.# BROL2J853904 DATE DIME 04/ 08 15: 05 FAX NO./NAME 813212597526 DURATION 00:00:39 PAGE(S) 101 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD