HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # —' ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPAONT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ,C_ SCANNED BY. St Lucie Cou aGe agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the L l ec. T -- , z e / Sub -contractor for tAf) 44 4 n ,De f w�� (Type of Trade) \ (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ` Z (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) qPWONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME G <�: 1112 i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 5y 'lt L State of Florida, County ofi�. T,he foregoing instrument was signed before me this daffy of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi�� daffy of l�_�i4 20`l by\G��� by I_LAVJ4Q1ilC0 V !:�� who is personally known —Kor has produced a •.,.,, who is personally lmown.V or has produced a as identification. as identification. t Qrf �r� 1 u CLIC} _ STAMP STAMP Signature of NoisryPubGc Signature ofNofary Public / t-cD ic- A iQ� Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public r Nam Public Slat, �.• J°:gk,:,: LAURAR. CU130EDGE �'- KerriBudka ; Coinmisslor0GG022076 MY COmmisaiao FE 878543 _,,,. - iles October2l; 2020 Revised 11/16/2016 wo'� Expires pg125la090 P; ExP %' o N„°•;•� B�nQ9ditTroyFain(nau►�nrslOa385d019 pOwO, It PAIT9 ACM, WANT 4WOO, 'Sub mt. ,f 6p Wynn@ Dwel pM@r r. it J§ und-mmod Omt, Jf INOWU PlOy'Amp d our pAAW, 1pAW w, fib ib� abpv@ m@ndmW PTOJN4 dw 0011000 md Cod@ Upguwn IDIVIOon of st,Uk county Win bp4vl§@ pw,5 o & ",g 0 4 0wiv ...... ~ 1 iron OJMArmg OpOrw) meow 1,Y10 wynm@ . .. ii . ....... - ------ �! . OWN,* qg Ls =lM 71 'as fgrwj* IA*,Vm. of ff" *w womp w mj.42Z &Y of R-KI -------- -------- Wbi mwak'son, WAW DOROTHYAN N BASKIN 03 SIO G My COMMISSION 6G NOW # .0 cto r 2 , EXPIRES: 6ctdber2,2020 ............. ry pblic Unbra Notar� P,b ondQd-Thru IN20 WO of NOW* gampsy Th for*PJM J�ffrowmtmffOXWO'h*Tf ffl mhjr4; Of V. Robert Ludium mw k por."Dow iwgwg �4o bm P094mcm a . On . , UAW 0 - --- -- ------- Rhonda LOWY - - "KIWPA -LAFFMY I 0GOW20 wom PERMIT* ISSUE DATE .::.� IOU NTY F L .0 R 1 D R' PLANNIN'G ;& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division umb*GPERmr.r SUB-MNTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control aT St. Lucie County, IrC. have'agreed•to'be (CompanyName!ladividusl Natnle) the HVAC Sub-contrsctorfor Wtr.nne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Conte utor) - For the project located at Street Z It is understood that, if there its any change of statm regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisibn of St. Lueie'County will be adirised puismnt. w the filing of a Change'of Sub -contractor notice. CONPbtAC'rpit $AUTURE (Qualifier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PR[ NT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTMCATION M)WMER COUNTY'' CERTTFTCATION NUMBER $tote ofli lorida, coainy of a Stale ioif Florida, Cotinty of The foregoing iustrumieut was sued before me thi&A day of The was si�ed before me tb�czofnE iastruof zo�7byV��'3!:� xol by r=��.,e.�. T Wiais personally known V or has produced a who is personally known ✓r bas produced a as fdentifica6oar� as identification. /i. )OX1dSTANIk+ STAWMM etare of Wetarowle Sigaatuee of Notary P111 pnutl�ameoflVota "a?ublic print Name ofNotn7Public • ,.�� ;s{,;pe ., DOROTHYANN BASKIN ?' ; MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 iaji1;�y"o'. DOROTHYANN BASKIN T:oQE EXPIRES: October2, 2020 '�� "; MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 •'� BondedThtu.MotaiyPublicjUndenvriters -:;:�;: EXPIRES: October2,2020 oF;d� Bonded?hru NotaryPubliaUnderw0ters ,..: . Revised 11116016 L66-d 30OO/3000d tLd-i 999L8L83LL d,lo0 Suip.lin8 auuAM -World 96:ZI, 91, 60-3I. viv su.". RACT£3RAGI2E '[ENT` or V i4ow if -un .,u 040 ised D.- C "W*Rbeadv l"T GOU . .....N.TY.'.C.,UR-TMC-A�;nON.-N.UNBER' — '000mgai iiRw day of "VIt w "Whq- lwnolm�y im•Wb�&" h- Wag d DOROTHYANN BASKIN • MY COMMISSION # GG 030146 EXPIRES: Odtober 2, 2020 Bo"*,Thru I.Otpy Im -1.6a _�Wq U.nd.WaL aww )6c,4,kt:- - 'STAW DOROTHYANN 'ASkN BASkIN MYCOMMISSION GG 030145 Octo e 0 0 EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Sonded-Thru NotarypublicUndem-tem.