HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH Z. SMITH-, CLERK OF THE C19CI FILE # 43860iS.6 :OR B66K 4,081 PAGE SCANNED Gamy St Ludvc FC_ SA . INT L r tTqIE, COUNTY d 61/60i 2/�18 l,::2dr�."J' m 9: AMr Me ,undersigned !hereby ,9i- q,"6ccthatJmprQvq=t' Florida statytes, the following ihfbftgdon'i&pmv'ld6d in,theWqtia,df&rnfffencftenL im 39- TAX F'OLIO-?qUlv�aER- .4_130,6_1'1_jr=66014 0 0'/.() .9.5: 2. GENVUL DESOMMON OkIMMOVE single family 'residence 3. OWNER DW0kMkjjoN,;*�- a.Nam• ' Wv.nne P�lilai�q r'orpn-'t i 0 a- b, Address 80 . 00 S. usli. Siiit.e_462, 'iiSLg—•Fi 344'52 d. Namamd,uWriss offiz sirnple titleh,older(if9ther than owner] 4.%CONTR,ACrOk�,SNAMI�,A.bbRggS'-'AN'P-'P',HON'E'NUM�]E�t: Wynne Development Corpotation 0, Sa -US-1., Suite 402, PSL, _TL "3 4'915 2 22, 2:—B2 AL— 55 11 "S..SURETY'SNS NAM —AM, ADDRESS AND.PEMNI& NUMBER ANE_IRONW-AM604T� LE ' NA ME, IFADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER 7 . - : ,Penons,-Aiithiw.tbeSttti:.of.Fl(irictidesig�iitedbyOW4;;'4pbnwho;n,,noticesor,othcr-,4ocuments:maybe,sm4cdasp;ovi td6y Secifon 7.-j'Flod.di Smtutts; NAKE;4DD"AMDlPH9?QjE,NqM3E9. panish Lakes, Slvd;i -Ft. Pierce.;. Et. 201— 8.16 addition to hirrmlf or herselfOwner'desipates i6,ioltowmg:ti> r4ceive a,copy;of theuciiiiei N666.e7ss.. pcovWod in Stetion 0.590 713.13(1)b)jFlorida Siat NAME, ADDRESS 9. E:pirarion,dataofnotice of coauaepceiiient.(the expiradon`date is 1-year, fom`t5e date of recording unless a different date is Sig nature'dfo.Wri&or Owner's Authorized Otrit,erlDirec.tbr/Part.net/M,I. 4ger Stitt of Florida Matthew Lvrle, W-vnhe.i Vi.cL-- �. �,ent Print Name a rid'proiiide ftnotorft Tidd0frite County of St, - ralcle - The forc Qjng instrument was,acknowl6dg;4 Wore Me this Ay of 7 .9 - I -C By. Matthew W16 W.Vnne as.v I f, r= A eg' 4 b-, E-M r (Namrof person) matte; attorney yp6of authority - :w-g.m - Gwoofficer. t atto Cy Whet), ForWyitiie Bx�ild,inq Corporation I ." p aS 0 the'_f()'joWjng'typA'of'I0:r_ y;on behalfof;�homins = tw �px�cuted Pets na4yKiiqwr�oFpr�dub6d fpW DO �:k2O2D MY ON # GG 030.14S' Under persaiiies of.pegiiry, T declare tfi t I have read t r-<&Fqgoliig kid:thk tffihe:C4 i. a pav h, belief (section.92.525, Florida Statutes).. Signature(;) 0C.Owner(s) or Owner.6)"Amthori zed, Ofrice/Di'recterMartndr/MAnijer who:signed'Above; By