HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT# — ISSUE DATE PLANNIlVG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT ��N SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St Lucie Coungy It /Cc•. / f c- L- have agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the leG , , z e./ Sub -contractor for -i ,j .n t Ve ei /v,�O/�+ e_-t- 2 r/f (Type of Trade) 1 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at '?j �O� �s \ C�Q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) O RACTOR SIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME a R,::e 1�z , COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Ly ,Le-1 State of Florida, County of�7A -t— r� ` The foregoing instrument was signed before me this da The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisa �d f ��11W �a0® 1, 20a by 1.�v�y ey�co ebbs who is personally known -y—or has produced a ,, who is personally known,jLor has produced a as identification. / as identification. f (E� C"C _"_ STAMP � STAMP Signature of Notary Pa61ic �Qui Signature of Notary PublicOzrp 6 r-z) K-J K. Mc Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public r Notary public $fete of. Fbdda -. LAURA R. CUbSEDGE '- Kern Budka V My CoromisslQn rT '543 r�: Commission # GO 022076 97 Revised 11/16/2016 moo' ExPfres9512512020 s•;o'n��°°' gihrilyFahllnt�imneel003857019 16 . . . . . . . . . ----- 0.- SERVICES JW4NTRA AGAUMENT immim-PlyrMing SmimO, Ino. Rp W- 19-hr-, Wynn@ D@Vpl prognt along trA Tfy— . ............ I; J§ up&ywod fb4f, J . Mera 1§ . my AmP d §M-4- rwardifts 'our PAAMPAW w, Jib A@ Am madpwA jjw D#Jjdjr* md Cod@ U�p:lafpn 9- JyJaJon of St, Lw- k COMy W01 W RdV#wd pw§mnt sp ft A G pf'4 QWgo f SubgropMator notio vok MONAT'low. OpAmfor). 09896 VOKWO"'FIGM, . Ion . -N . 1i . "Alm §ww J)"f9m mp Ajs2z Xy of . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 04 'RobOLudlum ft IF Iff"W"M — - - ----------- -- . ..... IN20 MMM'.3— rim Fj ormh C4 11. a I y Bf @ imforepW . joir"MIOW" fkw �dqm. W, mh 4 29 Robort Udlurb Am pr94"U'Co 0 UAW VhtPA.A - --- ----------- Rhonda U1484y - DOROTHY ANN BIA"" L, AFF N # GG 030145 myCOivlMI-SSION# G030145 ctober 2 , 2020 W =Mlsssm EXPIRES: October 2,2020 te I U ero M f Public d B ndod-Thru 146tafy Public Under*TiteM NO UAW • - PERMIT# ISSUE DATE P�V G ,& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES L:tr Building & Code Compliance Division Uri 13=D*G PERMIT SY)$-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control. o'f St. Lucie County, Iric.' have'agreed'to'be (Company NVame'Thdividual Name) the_ HVAC Sub-contmetorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) — ` (Primary Contiwtor) For the project lbeated at (Project street A,Mdmss or Property Tax ua #) It is understood that, if there its any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie =County will be advised pursuanm the filing of a Chan&' -of Sub -contractor notice. CON;['RACTOR S ATURE (QuaUrr). Matthew Life Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER COUNTY MTOWATION NUNISER $tote 90101,1031 Coantyof ,LVC `.e- State1a1 Florida, County of The fo►1egoing iastrunielat roves dzkted before me thi&Adg day of Th.": ng instrument was Aped before me thia-2. day of vu.:a : 20 t2 by��4 wbo is personalty known '�or has produced a whoispersonally known e-r has produced a as identification�./as identification. 7'1(al� STAtVJp LSTA11 igoatore of N'o ttblic Signature of Not9ry Fob1 DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 )nded ThN.-Notary Public Underwriter Revised 11/16/2016 D Ao-r-i-t y . 04AW Print Name of Notary ftblie �# ' •2nr�..�n' DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 •.;;oF�v� 4•.' ; Bonded Thru Notary.Public Underwriters L66-d ZO00/ZOOOd tLO-i 999L8L9ZLL d.I oo Su i p,l i ng auuAM =Wpad g L: Z 6 M60-Z L SO 'A cnpance viv G'o -y -a -p --the above. men guild root, be-d&dse !*g o4th—mgvo WYN t AR Qt2L, _LUC4 c mk Rotary 1 _�ubr9 Undwdem :�ggtgz', DOROTHYANN BASKIN • MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded,7hru co ko-d a WiG, pom� &et_aj_�- STAMP OROTHYANNSAS D kw My COMMISSION # Go 030145 . ..... EXPIRE , S:October2,2 0 ..Thru NotaryPubIL--.Ur&m*m.