HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2523 n I r-c I I I. j 1 10 (, ,L I -,..'"'''''!-'-. '. . -. ','~' .,.. .~.. ..,.,:-- ':J. ., . . . 22;.1 ::H:'~;:2..:.i'/;f:~~r;il[ll{ifi.,t "... STATB CI' 'f4:W.Af"""v, ,'"<". ,>,." '. ' ..~i -~,.:/..'(.~,.:~~~-~~_'\i'~-~~~<:~;~.~;~ ~~~:~~~:~~~:1.~~{:.~.ifi ;{.2,~;_~~:~ ". J .....~J,.iiji.0... .~>"'..'.'H.._......,,. - OOOft \~'8.t.f;;."..,n;~..~t;~;:.,:~".tr:'M::'->~('.S"):":::, """.' '. 'f~~'o.,1It/;~,oi(~~ a..,'~pe~80na1.l7 appeared before'me, an oftloer ", '_.. _ ~", .~~.~:-.>"~..,~ri~,._:.-:,.;:~;~~_:"";(",,..\,_.;~,..~f.: _::'(_ --.'. _.:_ dUU autborlis.cito.<<~8"Jr: ~~~.~-ena' .~ .o~owledPlmte, ionn1e'Yon D. Knight and ", . . ,- - ;';', ,:.:- .. '.:~-~'-::-,':/~".:~;<, ,~,_'~<,-,"',;~-"j.~~.,:,::.,;..:.'~^< . - .., "'~. ,.'. ",.., . . ,Olarenoe B. lCn18ht;:h~"h,u.)a-,~2.:..:f4)YM:',~~i1..' ~~i1'to;bethe, JlG!'sone de80:t1bed in end who iexeouted t~efo~'ro~~'c'lri~~~t :;a~:;tb~'t8oknO~1.4sed ~.i*,me that they exeouted the 18811I tree17 am TOIUn~*,~i~~:(oi<~e . :pii'Poee8t.be1'81~'8XJD:'eS8ecl. I . . ..' <.....,'.. '..' . ' .\ ...". .AUpI :rU1lt~J~r.O.B\l~f~n..- c 1'hat-.the: 8814: Jonii1ev.n :0;. Knight known to me to be 1 . . .....-.:'- _~~ . . _ . .: ~ .;. .' . Ithe w1~e of the S8~d. ~~~e~~: ~\~:~.~~: O~QBeJlll~~. ~d~~lvate e_.m1nation. taken and ~e b7 iandbefore me~ 8.para~el1 ands)lBrt from. her 8814 husband, did aoknowledge that she r:."tod the ~or'lio1Dg D8~.~...:)~JIt1"J>O"of rel1ti~l~h~ng. 011_ t1tig ond. e.nveling .n "her rl$hii. ..t1t1eend..lnt'l't"~~..~tJ" Of dOwer, hO"~te~ or or seJe~atepropert1, statu- ItOl'7 or eq~~ble. in and to'th.i~! .,deeOl'ibed '1herei~(~ that .e eX80uted said deed reel)' : - v~luntar1l7 encl w~ thout . an;yoomIJUl,lion, oonB~ln1;, a1)~rehenSlon. or fear ~f or ,frOIl her said hU8band. . .,' . '.. ' I" ..,. .,' I 1f~HESS .111 h~nd and' offioial 8eal ~aty'ort '1eroe, Oounty of St.Luo1e end ~tate or ~lor14a, this 28th day of ~oh.A.D, 1822. i 'BB&!RlOB'DITTKAlf 'f 8m) ltt it. DIT'3IA~(8BAL) I j I I I ! J..B.Pults UOt8r7 l"ubllo. ;;State at Lerge. my oommiBBion ex- pitea ,9/12/23 ~.P.SBAL . . TATS Of ORIDA I . . bOUBft OJ 1fASHIllGfOll'. !/X'B.EREBYOERTIH, !l'liat on 121is clay personally appeared before me, an offioer ! .:"... --.... .'... . ~ul.7au'thOrlHd1;O '~dJiU1iBter oaths and take aoknoWledgments, J:Slerlohe DittD.ir, single, 'to I .'. ::, . .... '. ' .,'.' . . me, well. knOwn to b'e:tbe person de80ribed'ln and who exeouted the ~oregolng instrument and I '.. ..' IBheaoJmowledsed ~etore qaethat dle exeouted the some freely'aDd vdluntvrily tor the JJlU'posea i I . .. . , , lth~.re fi(e~r8's'a8a:..: :. j '.\ 'Wli'llE8S JItj. hancl and offio1&l seal at Oh:l.p1ey Oounty of ffeshingtoIi and I , ., , !State of .r1.orida 'thie'12 Ctll)' of April 1.. D. 1922. ,i i i " 1 .Ieese ),I. Iraoe Notar7 Pttbifo, 2)tate at lsrge, Jq oomm~aB1on expiree Sept 8. 1828 ~.P.8EA~ . I tAn 02 b I I I otm,.TI. .tw.... PORDI.. , i I ~ 'OXJi1't!'Y, That OD~his day personal17 appeared before me, en offioer I ! ~~1 aut~oril.d to admin1ete1" oa,the end take aoknowledgmenta, Beatrloe Ditt-mar,. to me .ell j . ~OIf.D ~o':b', the person desdlbed in a~ who exeouted .the 1oregoing inatrument ani she aomowli rdsed lu~tor, 11I8 tha1! sh,'eX8o~ted 1he,~. f~.e17 8~ni Toluntar1l7 for the purpoees therein i j8x~e88ed... II , i.. W1T1lE88 m;v. h8Dl a~d ot1io181 seal a1; Yalparalso,uo~ty of Porter and O)tote i I . . I p:f.;~ta,na.. tb1e 18t ~7 of ~prll .A.D.. 1~22. i ,~r1e. Harrington, lJotnr)' RQ.bllo, state at Large ItI ".., ~: - ,'-." . 1 J!)lIIEIlf CIIII'lD'"( .~b8t 0 on th 1a 4., JlII r.....ll~ '1>P.~.4 on o~: ..l-:' " I