HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCS JOSEPH E.. SMITH, CLERK ,OF THE FIS,E # 43860'37 OR BOOK 4081 PF�ltMiT NL7MBPR: �r SCANNED BY ;t Lucie Count, 4- t_ I NOVICE OV'COMMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice: thafimprovernent will be made to certain real-property, and' in ;accordance with Chapter 713: Florida statutes the:following'Wormation is,provided in theNotice ofcommencement. 1. DESCRIM011 OF PFOPERTy (l egal 4tsciip0 n and street, address),,TAX F0LI0. NI)MBER,;•1 U fi -11. T- 3.4 39all that part lying northea6t:of 95 2. GENERAL 10ESCRIR1ION OF IMP' ROVEMENTt 3. OVIM.,.INFOItMA TiON -t• a Natae Wyn r b.,Address. tswup S.. .u'61-r. Suite .4u'L PSL* FL .3$4y5.2 ainterestinproperty d.'Name And address of.fee simple atleholder (if otber:than owner) 4.CON'TRA TOR!S 14ANM ADDRESSAND OHONENUMB4$: Wynne' .Development. Corporation _WOO 4S. 'U,81., Suite 402:1 'PSL, $L- 3495.2 777-J9:7'R-551 ; _ 5. SURETY'S'NAME„ADDRESS.AND PHONENUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT:. 6. LENDER'S'NAME, ADDRESS ANDTHONE NUMBER: 2; Persons within the:State ofFloiida designated by,Owner upon whom notices:or other documents: may be served' as provided, by Section 713.13 (3)(4) 7.,`R0-nda Statutes NOMADDRESS AND PRONE.NOMBER. Danish LakeS. Blvd.. 'Ft. Pi.erce,_ .FL. 201- 6.In.addinan to'himself:or•herself,=O.wnerdesignates the fa)lowing•to receive acopy of the Lieoor's Notice'as provided in Scctiion 0590 713.13 (1)(ti), Biondi Staiutes: NAME ADDRESS ANDPHONE NUMBER: 9: Expiration datc.of ootice'of commencement.,(the expiration date,is l yeat.from the'dite Cftuording,ui-dess a differe ii dates is specified) ; 20 Matthew Vy-le Wynne Vice-PrpqiAent Signature,of.Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's TitielOITree• Owner's Authorized Officer/Dicector/Partner/MSnagdr State of Florida County.oF St-_ i. a r• l e:` no foregoing, instrumentwu,acknowledged before trreahis day'of ]kCf*W AM 20 gy Matthew; Line. Wynne ;as f ` '-. -W' (Namc:of. ,person) •ype of authority;.. e.g: owner„officer, trustee, attorney in fact) F6rWynne 13..6.11din9 Corporation (Name of put on behalf of whom instrument Wis'executed) Personally Known; &;—, produced'ttie fotiowi„g cypeof ID; DMIWANN BAS1tih1 fLoil-1 h►r-N ASr�..a (.�iv�, _ MyC0 tMs "#,ccoaotas (Panted Name'of Notary Public)' (Signature.of.Not Public) to"e�'Ij ' EItl M0dtoW2,=, BottEattlMltMetrlPttEAeltiidetwlhti Under•penalties of perjury, I declare thitI have read the1ordkemi and'that.the�iaus in:'it.art true bctief (seuiO4y2:525, Florida Staiutes). Signatures):of'.Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized Offcer/Directoii?artnir/Manager who. signed,above: �j By.� .Rev. Urharra07tRuoroms)