HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT 3-30-18SCANNED BY St Lucie County dOMMMONjusnoppoft planningDevei®p�me"it Se"ucee - - a [i'3aui0ding & Cade pgegullaftn Diviei®n 23009lBrOMB Av®. Fort Mercer FL 34932 - ----- 772-462-2172 Flax 7/72-s462-ra4i43 CERTERCATE OF TERMITE IIl E. 1 ;,r_.t! TMENT Cif ;TE'UCTIOHn?l_ TREATMENT RECEIVED APR 0 2 ?AIR Permitting Departmeo( St. Lucie CountO PERMIT # : I : v BUILDER/CONTRACTOR:- R. E C -A-BUG TERMt7E &PEST CONTRO PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # : JB176776 We the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated e Nationalthe above destribed constl As such on ion subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of Square feet if area treated: 1 d Percentage of solution: •05°i° Date of Treatment: 0 41- _V'Footing Treatment .Re -Treat Chemicals used: DOMINION 2L Total gallons used: G Time of Treatment: f f.CG _ Slab �_ist Treatment Re -Treat Pools Driveway Est Treatment 1St Treatment _Re -Treat Re Treat Perimeter Final Inspection Other 2 3 0 ' 1st Treatment J �Re-Treat Sig r. ~ of Exterminator Date mwt be on the job !Vote: There must be a he inspector cta at ame of each Inspectinon or the scheduled lnspeceach required ent or re -treatment toniwl�fall and a re-Inspect/on site to be picked up by the lnspe fee charged. fFOC104io2ot6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention as each required protetctive trher eatment s�cote mpletedboard shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Ce permit files. The Treatment providing a copy for the person the permit Issued to and another copy for the tiullding p Certificate shall provide the product usneidentity and ft he applicator, t useand date of the to establish a verifiable relcord location, fd on, area treated, chemical used, percent once protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval, permanent Sticker to St Lucie CGUntF requires for the final inspectionotreatments O; and dates of e��iace$ ®� � placed on e0ectricei panel box c®verF Dishing all the L 3L6SZ