HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT 9-27-18SCANNED BY St Lucie County PIAhning & Development Services RFCEIV Building 4Code' Regulation Division 231010 VNO Ave Jr VInia. ve 10-Ag Fort P10iV6,,-FL'34082 1441 77.2-462-21,71,Fii)r772r462-6443 0 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE IR MATMENT CiD"-T.R'.U'C'T"ON;'$',.Or'..L,. TREATMENT PERMIT #: 17'2-o745 5UILQiER/C0NTRACT,0R.., , WYN PEST CONTROL. CONTRA&C JQB ADQiRES-$,,., 6'dtj1NTANA RQ0 LN PORT;SAINT LUCIE,, FIL14952 EVICt-A-BUG TERMITEA.PEST CONTROLIN0. PEST CONTROL LICENSE We, 'the underskinedr hereby certif ythat we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with, the standar& 6fth.6 National Pest Control Association. Squarefe6t, if area: treated: 220, L# Percerittigo of Sol , ution� .0q%, bate of Treatrnehti 66-07�2016; -Footing _1' Treatment Re ­Treat Drivewcj,y, -15t Tr6atitient Re -Treat -ist Treatment -Re-Trept CMrhlcals: Used: DOMINION 2L. Tbt,Al.gallons�used: '120 Time of r.eatment: i2t.'s6 —slab 1� Treatment .Re -Treat, -PO& Inspection Note;' There must be a, completed form for each, required t&-atwentor re-.treatbO Ofi'thi�jpb, menta#diA&fq�rM d7ust. site to be picked up by the Inspector at dine of each inspection or, the scheduled, inspectlon wl4j 6il I qnd,qre-Jnsp4XN017 fee charged. FIX-10.4.2'.6. C&Nficate of i6tective Treatment, foi;arevon termites, A ,weather reslstant)obs&e posting board shallbeprovidediumcel.e . ;duplicate ,Treatment-Ce4ificotes4.seach, required protective: treatMetitiseoploted, providing a copy for the, person the permit Jssded to and anofl er copyfor.the-buidinapermitrlles, The Treatmentceftirteates,fiallprovideil7epro'duct:used,,Ide,gtlty.ofthoiqppliq,#rpr,tlm and date of, the treatment, sitelbcation,. area treated, chemical used, ,percentconcentration and number of -Ybns� used; to establish' a, ilerirbble: record of -go protective treatment' & the 'soil chemkql Orr* mmfiodfor termite pre�entroit.&, used, rfnaf&rter9rirztreatment chaff be. completed prior. to.final but/ding 57pp -val ..St Lucie County" requires for the final intpectJoh for CO.:p, Permanent- Sticker to be placed on the electrical pand box cover, floting all the,,treatments and dates .0f a0pillicatioift.