HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTs-C ANNED BY Si Lucie County PERMIT # ISSUE DATE sA{ , fi �0!, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUI WING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ELECTRIC CONNECTIONIRANDY SJAARDEMA have agreed to be (Company Name/Ndividual Nan ie) the ELECTRICAL Sub -contractor for STANDARD PACIFIC. .(..'.1.) rlci c (Type of Trade) , (Primary Contractor) For the proicct located at RIVERBEND LOT #, , .S 3d1�( 1W �j ���� WW - Ga (project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understoodthat, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CON'f CI`OR SIG\:Cl'URB (Qualifier) SUIT-('ONfWTOR SIGNATURE. wonliner) �-� RANDY SJAARDEMA PRINT• NANIF. PRINT NAa1K COU IT CERTIFICATION NIiMBER, � r Slate of Florida, C ounly of -� 01_1)1: N: �7 "nc� Curcguing instrumenl was signed before me this " day of nZIC "fin is personally known �or has produced a as idenl9L-- ificalion C/ S1':1�IP Signalurc of Nolan• Public Print .lame of Notary Public -GiVAN SFIACHAR MY COMMISSION # GG082944 EXPIRES April 10,202-i # 21055 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of ST WCIE The foregoing insn•unienl was signed before me This 26 day or MARCH ,2(0%' l„• RANDY SJAARDEMA who is pelxona6 known X or has produced a PIK as fil ptifical On_ 1­0 s•rA0IP Signature orNolar)• Public SITYAN T BROMELOW Print Name or Nolan Public SWAN 7 9R01.7ELOVY Not uy PI blic Stito of Florida Ll, Ccatnussien Lxpm„(Err 17, 201t8 Fr' 1,1710J nu .....°ri. 0.5nd d 0j ti,licnal Flatary A.esn. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buiidiing & Code Compliance Division All Phase Roofing, Inc. (Company Naniellatfit'idual Nautc) the Rooting (Type of'Trade) BUILDING PrRlrirr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREMANIE•'NT have agreed to be Sub -contractor Oor Cal-Atlantic/Lennar Homes (Primary Contractor) For the project'located at' 3014 NW Radcliffe 4425-703-0010-000-8 (Prgicct Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is tui&rstoocl that, if there is ally change of status regarding onr participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will he advised pursuant to the filing ol'a Clank oUl tib-contractor notice. fit?XTR � :'I'Cilt S1CtiATLtRI•: (Qualirier) • •-� - - . ea � PRINT NAJll: COUNT 1' ('FR7 Ilti('.1'1'IU1jj\��[°1I131?R Seale of Florida, CouWy or 1� ThhNe fisregoing iosi.oment %io-R �igoed betore me this � � dad <ar ebo is.prrsautall�� [cnotcn J�u- has pr•odarnl n _ SC a1S'f12:1�74i-61QNATURV (Qualif[cr) James Boatright ^ PR14NT NAME COC1331229 CUl'\'I1' ('[slrl11+tc::\Tlckl NUMBER Stale or Florida, (voinq or Palm Beach The f'orel;ainl berore n+e llds 23 da} or March .20A l,t, James Boatright tt•tu+ Is persmrallr lumn•n _�Y''or hae pruduecd a _•-- a15 identification, ti itlrntifecastion. - STA11P i G ?�_ .. 7'l STAMP Signature or NoldffPoldiv Mgnolure or N*�ar}':i b �c (11 5Ashley Johnson Flint Name ortiolar+• Public Print Name or Nolary Public A shley Johnson •y '"� MY Cc7Mbg S $"AG�E+t4f'2 r�a� .= COPdMISSIDN ff FmB256 rgpSlOIU # G01J8294d �• z. EXPIRES: February 4, 2019 Iterisatt [f�tG!2t11G EXPIRES '��Ft1 t>o`���'� tiWW,ANONNOTARYAM PERMIT# ISSUE DATE �. �C�UIVTY �' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be - (Company PLUING e/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for Standard Pacific/Lennar (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _ 3014 NW Ra�c cTiife 4425-7p3=0010-000-8 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above menfl6ned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of -Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIF1CATiONAUMBER State of Florida, County of The roregoinglustrument was signed before me this day of ; 20t S" by who Is personally known �� or has produced a aB Identification. ' STAMP signature orNotary Public 5NAtv h Priat Nama of Notary Publtc ;, MY COMMISSION # GG082944 '�?; EXPII�i S April 10, 2021 Revised 1111612016 SU OR SIG2t- NATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StateoiFtortda,County orPALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of ,20 s by GARY KOZAN who Is personally known X or fins produced a os ldenfirication. STAMP Signature ol'Notary Public riot Name otNotary Public �Va'n"-% VA' �- KATHLEENM.HALL Noterypubilc—StateofFlurida (I r Commission 066190510 '+�•„oF """ 0ondedthroughNalionalNotaryAssn. My Comm, Expires Jun17,2922 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Preferred AC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the HVAC Sub -contractor for STANDARD PACIFIC/LENNAR (TypeofTrade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3014 NW RADCLIFFE 4425-703-0010-000-8 (Project StreetAddress orProperty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ZONMgOlt. SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB COiNTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlarlda, County of i J (..iK The foregoing instrument was signed before me this dayof who is personally Imownorhas produced a as identification. STRAW Signature of Nota*,Public Print Name of Notary Public MY COMMISSION # GG082944 ':'•'_'�� EXPIRES Aprii 10, 202'i Revised 11/162016 J . iC1 Irr';fa� it'lC PRINTNAW, P 14q COUNTY CERTM- CATION NUMBER State ofI7orida, County of `pa The foregoing iostrumentwassignedbefore methis:J,__) dayof