HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2555 r j. ~ l'..~ ~ ~ I l" , . fn~" ~ ~; t I i ~ ! I : I i I I ! , t i i I t, r i .. . f iU., · i ~ ~,. r l' I i i \ ; ilIo. ,.. i i i, ! i I ! I ~. r: ~' ~, f ~, f ~ f:; , " l - ~ ~- ~;), '[1,' . ~.: ~ :' I t' ~":. ... ~, i I ! i I I I I I of and paralleltothl'a line of ~40t 4~ seotion 26..33-39 1%teD4iI1g. aorOS8 said tl'uot I ,;oontdnlna .91 aOI'I.. .ore' orUea. I };8'O~lon ~.>~'~, ~d Rae. '19" ,I: 11Do0twhtOhb~:::~ot1: o:Q~:.;::t:::~:~;:.'::~~~-:::~_:..:.:h~k< 'II;" . 1_;..a.8~".""'. 011 thO . ~~ ot"O~3e.n-a!l. 89 t..tW"f tl1!l." ... A~~.ir* ';"T:"'~' ~; -. ;. '. . c,'" \ thl . ~86 tel' ot~. B _0.40 aorta of traot 6, ..otlon 81-88-89, oo~- . . ~ . talll1D8 1'.90 aore., aorlor lUIi., 4 uaot of 1804 in vaot 6,.'aeotlon 28-38-89, deeorlbed,aa tollows, - -; . T , atartlng at the 1t .. oor.r ot 1il81,4traotan4 -.running .'<&2 feet to . pOint, thenoe 8 , , . ~i~80' "along ~he, ~ 'line 'of, the ts Relief Oanal 468 feet'to a point In th. .. line of ..1d traot, ~.no. U 12' f.,,, to' ])1ao. of b'S1nninS, oonta1nl~ ~66 aorl., nor. or liB.. - . . . ; , , - . Slotlon2~~' 1'Wp SS. ~St' 8t; . That part ot a eV1p ot'lend 160 teet in width, 171ng with'in the D W ... otthe If w t seoUon 24 -8&0-89, the oenter lUte of whloh 1. the oenter lin. 0'1 LaMral ~ ':J.~ 8814 oenter l1ne ~tarta at the B B oorner of eald treot and ,Ixtende S 18.06' E, 1 oont8inlng .'0 aorJ., aore or lies. " 4180 traot of lend .urttll8 at tbe If W oorner' of the II w i of tbe lJ _ , ~ , I W i .Iotioxl 24';'33-89; running E along the lJ line of ~ld traot 4<lO teet. to a point thenoe , , ' 8 '8.30' W along the S 1ine of the R of " ot the S Relief Oanal 467 fret to ~ point in - \ -- '.' the · line of 8ai4 traot, thenol B12,9feet along ~hl '" line of eaid ~raot to a point of b'S1nn1n8 oontainins .-06' aorea, IIOre or leSB. . ~he ~ 30 feet 'of the W 28.68 eores in traot 6, seotto-n 24-33-89, oont8inlng .68 aore.,rnore or 18.8. A etrip of lam 1<<$0 feet in wid th, ln the'S B -t of the H \1 t of .eotion I 2....33-89, 1ih1 oenter Une ot whloh 18 the oenter 11ne of Lateral, .1, and etarts ata point 'I in the BOu.th linl 0'1 8814 traot, :whloh point 18 836 feet J$ of 'the S Woomer of 8814 ! traot and ~xtendB jj 18.6' W, 138'1 feft to the K11ne ot e.1d 'tract oontaining 6.82, eore. 1 { I more or le.s. . ' I I I I ~, that part oontalned in the R of " for Lateral .1'. oontainlng .62 aore. more: or leee I ' 'rhe 1l,30 teet- of traet--12, Motion, 24-83-.9, oontaining .92 aoree, I'~ore' or leBS. i J. strip of lend 120 feet wide In the E i of the ~ " -;} Motion 24-33-39 I,the oenter'line ~t w)iiohl. the ,oenter line of Lateral .1, whl0b starte at a point in tb, I 1I11lle of 8814 vaot,whiOh P01n~ 1. 836 feet A ot the II woomer. of, said tr80t and ! extende S 18.06' B 16'18 feet',to the Bline of .-ld 'traot oontaining 4.'1 aoree more or I ' i lee.. I i I ~ A180 theB 30 teet Of the ~ B t of the H W ~ seotion 24-33-39, exoept- ~$f" Also the 11 ~ f.et of the B -t of~ ..ot10D 24-33-39, eXuvjitlrag that :part oonta1ned in theR of " tor Laterel, J, oonta'1i1ing .63 ~~~~Vore or ilsa. ' I ' .\ .vip . Of. 1...4 120 f.., ill wldth,iII.th. ..~~ u.. ~ · ic."UOII 124-83-, 39',t,heoenter'lme of whloh 1. the, o enter, line of t.a1;I,r~, 'J; end .tarts at a J)oint, ....J!.,~ Sr:.~#i"IU~~a.cd-e;:tJ;;.~H lY-iJ&"' w 119 'J- ~ thl 8'l1n4f ~1_ld 'U'80t.whiol1jolnti8 394Yeet" to the!' me of said tract oonta1J\ing 3.11 aGre.,. lIOn 0~'188e. <t I I .91 eoreelDOre or lees. I 'Baotion 26, ~. 33 Rge 89. .. -- A etl'lp oJ 18li4,ao feet wide, the o.nhl' line ot wbloh 1. 40 fe.t S A1.0 the a 80 :teet of the w" of the ~ .IS t Motion 24-33-39. oontalning ~.:.:<~ . ~.:_':"'\._'. -;;-, >'.' ":.:.,. ~. 255\ . <t .-""~- << . ! I 1 , j " I ! i . I ! i i - i i, ; ! I .I ! I I I