HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2556 r I 256 .~'.~ ~-"".~...~..' .....-~._._~~'" .-,.... ~-_~~r~,.~.-;:_ . _'~~~C~'~T~7":-~:~~T:;:T~'~~~T-.~.~~~y.~'F01(~~~7,~~1- ,.,~;r,-':~:r:.-~: '7_7~ '-~-'.T '--.-~:;;'~':c.7. ~.~~ .' ~ " . , " .', "':omti' Of..-l'. "O'l~'1'VA a: a,...': 1,'l~'tllt, to'~, JIlin. of 8'o~10n a6..N..a';Thinoe '8 .1ons B81d ..o~loJi ilnl' 1&1.1 t.."th,nol itl""',.8~' _.\ totb. 1I1h, o~ ..0Uon 86"~8'; ~~.no. ]I .10~ 1&14 Mo'Uon:U.n.,a.a feet to' >>omt ,ot, b'.Sinnlng; oon~ln1ng ~&i .ore'., lIoreor 1,.. I I I I I' .-, ... .' ;~. ,~ The tore80ln8 de.orlpt10ns aooorcl1ng' '" the 188\ Geberal Yap Of the tD41an lli,..rrarlli8 00. I to HAW jRJ) TO' HOLD . the 88ile,' tOle ther w1 th 811 ana 8ingular the aJ)- I J)Ul't~~~!~~~~,eMto, ~'lOnglng Ol"-in 'anpl.e apperta1nlng" am ~ii";~~ '~8t8'~. '~~~~-. " -- r::l:;:::~\::;i::;:::":::fb::f:::-:::.:: ':~ Z:1:::;,:l :"~:ft. I ,. , , , , '. Olt~ part;, ita' .uooe880I'S ancl 88818118 forever. . 1& .rma8~WlJBBBO'.the .14,part7 of '\he f1.1'8t p8X't hae 08\1se4 thes, I presents to be .lgned1l1 1ta D&II8b7 it. Pre.lclent, :and 1t8 oorpora~e '"81. to b!l afflxed .1 aUested b)' 1ts Seoro1aJ.7 ~he d8)'..and l,ar above ,..itten. 'mId RIY.BR PAlUIS OOllPABY B7 Berman J.Zeuoh. , Pree1.dont Oorporate sui) r1.ea l>unoan. Seoretar)'. Signed, t: esled 8Dd. dell"e;red 111 our J)1'esenoe:_ ' 'Vel'aPa\teraon O.H.80h1"lUl STA!rB 0' lOW. OOUNTY OJ' SOOT!. I BBBEBY OERTIrY.That on this 3rd da7 of June ,A.D. 1922, betore me persona117 aJ)peared Herman,J. Zeuoh. andOhar1es Dunoan,reepeotlvl1.J President end s,or.tarJ of Incl~an \i1"er Ya1'Jls Qompany.a o01'Jloratlon under thelaWB of the Staie ot florida, t,o _,known to be the ))erson. derrlb~d in and 1Iho eXeouted-,the foregoing oo~- Te,18AO."~;InAi8D. 1tlYel' i'SrDI. Drainage ))1Stl"10t, aM severa111. aOknowledged the exeou- tS:.o~ thereof to H their free eot andd.e'd. a. suoh otfk\ere~ tor the u.. ~d purposes~ .. -therein mentioned; and, tutth" afflxe4 therew the ott101al seal of _'14 oorpo1'8tion and the 8814 1n8t~nt 18 the aot, im4 de.d ot, ea14 oorporation. , , WIDBB8 ., .i.8IJa'tur. andoffloial 8eal at DaTenport, 10_, the day end I I I Ii I I I I par /;a.~~reaaid. I. / '\ , Han'l' B., Weaver (SBAL) I,,!',"" 10ta%7 Publ10. S1ate of to.. ,<'lI'~a1. j 117 00_s.10n expires .7u17 .~.1'24 .111~t .114 ~~Jd'4 s,>>t. ~,lt22. ' . "'-~---r l.O.Blcl1'ea.. Qlel'lt Ob.-oult UOIll't Qt.Ot.8..1~i >>, .?~, -a5~~ .... #". .. .... ..'.tt ,,'t . ..'.. .- .'. . . .. , . . . . .. . . . . . . . -. . . . . .,. . . . . ..... ~ .. .. .. .. . . . . ... . ~. . .- .-. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .' ~0 .\~\y ~~5-\' 9.,0 ~(".o. ,~~...... - D.O.. IJ1>IAlf RIVPJl J'AlUm VOMP.BY TO IBDIAJI RIVJR PiJWs DRAmAGB DISTRIOT 'I -' I I ! QUI! OLAIU DBID ~I8nmQTURB,*de this 11th de, Q,t 'Jul.)' A.D. 1922 between IlIJ)IAN RIVER 'PARlA) COK- , , PAJIY'~ . CJo%'pOJ'et1on exi8ting under ~h' 1ewf'O' the ~tat. otl1or1c18:' having its })rinolpel 1 1'1.80' ot bU81~B. in,the Oount1 ot 8t. ,J,.uole enclBtatt Of~or1cl8,perty of the tirst 'I' part. and mUll BIVIm J1lU8 J8,lIHAGJ DI8TJlIO! of t~ Oo~t7 of 8t,Luo1e end 3tste of - ,11or14$. ~H.rtl of. ,the, .'OOM' pal't, ~ ',' " ,~, ,. '1tJJ1H'aJr.ra~'..f.~)~ '~U "~tl of ~. tl,1'8~.J)ar~, for aDt' in o9nalde:rat10n of the ',-" -.' ,':"-';:: - --":;"'~-".-:'-"--.~.. ',,','..> - :;':~'-~._-- ,":- - --'~-- .'- - -,'-~~-'~~:,.,,". - ". - - - - - . ;~~~\p,.,._;,~/1()()",~9~~.J'.,,.1.bl.,~ion.l~er'Uon. _~1l&J,"8, 1n han4~1~ bl the ,.;...~i ,.~'~o,~~;"~'c'.'~CI'o~pe;,.~',~,..o.ip~w~.r.ot .1~ht:r~bJ ' ao~m.dPd, bat re141..d, .';-:' ,'. <+',':. ~.-_:_'o':.-~':>'::_"-~~~'-;:.':::- -"--".<:.~';;-.-: ._:::_-,~__-;~~.-;; . "';'_.~:-c' -..', ':' .:.; ". -. . ! '<)~i,' ... . "': :~-L_'<;<~~ ;;.~~ ;;;~-'Il !gj ~j;~ ":~-:: , ' i;A;?f1~~~~1t-~f~~r:c*, ~ - . .):'~~~~"1tri~;ji~~~~~~~~~~~~i ,\ I I : I j ! o . . ..;. -I ,~ " \. :. " .. !~ .1