HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA-ALUMINUM FIXED WINDOWST. LUCIE COUNTY SCANNeD BUILDING DIVISIo a �' BY St Lucie Coun v REVIEW� R COMPLI P E 201? MIAMt•DADE 1 DATE pl DNS AND PE MITPEE�'MITTiiNG 11'11AMMX DAM, COUNTY, n,ORIDA b MUS i pE KI»nT bN JpIB GFi St. Lucie CountyU' , �RUDCtC7'.CU I'rRC)i,SI?C'i lON DEPAit'I'iYiL<"NT OF 1RC S (11Lit) If 805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADNIINIST A Zirt�t� ".'_..� 'I.' (786) 315 2590 F (786) 3152599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NO M tivw,minmedade.eoy/ecpnamv Lawson Industries, Inc. 85011 NW 90" Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued tinder tale applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted, has been reviewed and accepted by Miarui-Dade County RER-- Product Control Section to be used in Miailli-Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall .not be valid after the expiration (fate stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (h) Miami --]wade County) and/ or the AM (in areas other than Miami --Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such. testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves file right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the .Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION; Series 114200/ 6200 Flange -Frame" Aluminum Fixed Window - L.M.X. APPROVAL DOCUMENT. Drawing No. L4200-6200-1201, titled "Series-4200-6200 'Flange- Hanle Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02/21/1.2 with revision "B" dated 05/12/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E., bearing the Miami. --Dade County Product Control Section Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section, MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and following statement_ "Miami: Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposesshrill automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal ofNOA. ADVETr'.c.TISE.IVIENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miaini-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, them it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and Shall be available for inspection at the job site at: the request of the Building Official. 'Phis NOA revises and renews NOA, No. 14-0908.1E and consists of this palze 1 and evidence :.)ages I. 1eeffm. umn 1E--2 and r -33, as well as approval document mentioned above. ,h The submitted documentation was reviewed by .Jorge M. Plasencia, P. E. r I L k- 6F EmIn C. NOA No. 17-0531..05 to r•DApECOUNTY l o t-) Expiration Date: Angust.22, 2022 �ti Approval late: August. 17,2017 Page 1 Lawson Industries, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: E4 < CE SI3BIYIITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's dic drawings and sections. (S'ulintitted under NOA No. 12 0.107.06) 2. Drawing No. L4200-6200-1201, titled "Series-4200-0200 Flange Frame Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 with revision "B" dated 05/12/1.7, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. D. T.ESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC;, TAS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAB 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an arch- and a rectangular fin ---frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s 11ETI-12-4010 and H TI-I.I.-3363, bath dated 03/05/12, signed and sealed by Rafael Droz Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12 03OZ 06) 2. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per IBC, TAS 20:1.-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC. TAS 203---94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagrain of a rectangular-, it circular arch-- and an elliptical arch fits frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s IIETi-09 2614, dated 09/04/09, HET1-092612, dated 09/02109, H TI--09-2586, dated 07/10/09, 1i;E'1'I-09 2584, dated 07/1.0/09, HETI--0.9 2582, dated 07/10/09, HETI-092550 and dated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by C andido F. Font, P. ls. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-030? 06) 3. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202--94 along with marked -tip drawings and installation diagram of a rectangular fin -frame fixed window, pre faced by Huiricime I ngineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s IIETI•-09 261.3, dated 09/04/09, .IMT149 2611, dated 09/04/09, HET1-092585, dated 07/10/09, it ETI--09--2581, dated 07/10/09 and HET149 2579, dieted 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12 0307 06) 4. Test reports on: 1) Uniforin Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked --up drawings and installation diagram of a rectangular fin -frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s H TI 034778, dated 01/30/03, HETI •03--1779, dated 01./30/03 and 11ETI-03-1776, dated 01/30/03, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz-7Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 03-0327.11) Jorge M. Plasencla, P. B. t'?d'uct Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 17-0531.05 Expiration Date: August.22,2022 Approval Date: August 17, 2017 T—x Lawson Industries Inc. NO'>C)1(:E 01F ACCEPTANU: i VIOL, NCE SU13M1TTED B. TESTS (CONTiNuu, D) 5. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201•-•94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203--94 along with marked up drawings and installation diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch-- and an elliptical arch fin -frame, fixed window, prepared by Hun cane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI 03-1.777, dated 01/30/03, B T143-1774A and dated 01/10103, HETT 03-1774I3, dated 01/30/03, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz-Sella, P. E. (Subunitted under NOA No. 03-0327.11) C. Test reports on: 1) Air'Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC $ TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance 'Pest, .per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a circular arch fln.-fraine fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s 119FT-02-1215, dated 04/08/02 and. H1,71-01 1.193, dated 04/08/02, both sighed and sealed by .Hector Medina, P. P. (S*ubrnitted under NOA No. 0.2-0701.01) 7. Test reports on; 1) 'Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 20:144 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per r13C, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation, diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch- and an elliptical arch fin4rame fixed window, prepared by Hufficane Engineering & 'Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HET1-02-1158, dated 04/08/02, HETI-01--1103, dated 02/12/02 and IT. WTI-01-1098, dated 02/11/02, all signed and sealed by Ilector Medina, P. E. (Submitteil guider NOA No. 02-0701. 01) C. CALCULATIONS 3. Anchor verification calculations surf structural analysis, complying, with. FBc, prepared by manufacturer, dated 03/01/12, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. (.Submitted under NOA No. 12-0.30ZOO) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM El.300--04/ 09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (ItER). J01 M. plasenda,11. E. Product Fontroi 'Unit Supervisor NOA No. 17-0531.05 Expiratiou Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: August 17, 2017 r-2 Lawson Industries, Inc. NOT)GCE OF ACCEPTANCE EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATE, RIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.16- issued to Kurar.ay America., ins- for their "Teosifot@ Ultraclear, Clear, and Color PVB Interlayers" dates{ 01/19/1.7, expiring on 07/08/19, 2. Notice of -Acceptance No. 14-0916.11. issued to Koraray America., Inc. for their "°SentryGlas@ (Clear and White) Interlayer" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07104/18. 3. Notice of Acceptance No.14-0423.15 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Satlex CP - Sailex and Sallex IIP Composite Glass Interlayers with PET Core" dated 06/19/14, expiring on 12/11/18. F. STATEMENTS I. Statement letter of conformance to and complying with VBC 5" Edition (2014), issued by manufacturer, dated 05/23/17, signed and scaled by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, issued by manufacturer, dated 03/02/12, sighed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. (Submitte(I wider NOA No. 12 0307, 06) 3. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s H>E1TI-09 2614, dated 09/04/09, HETI 09 2612, dated 09/02/09, HEETI--09 2586, dated 07/10/09, HLETI--09 2584, dated 07/10/09, HETI 09 2582, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09 2580, dated 07/10/09, IIE,TI-09 2613, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09 2611, dated 09/04/09, HETI 09 2585, dated 07/10/09, +'TI-09 2581, dated 07/10/09 and HETI-09 2579, dated 07110/09, all issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., signed and sealed by Candido F, Font, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-030 Z 06) 4. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s I-WTI4,2-4010 dated 03/05/12, RETI-11 3363, dated 03/05/12, HETI-034778, dated 01/30/03, HETI-03-1.779, dated 01/30/03, HETI 03-1776, dated 01130/03, HETJ--03-1777, dated 01/30103, HETI-03-1774A, dated 01/30/03 and HETI-03-•177411, dated 01/30/03, all issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., signed and sealed by Rafael DrozrScda, P. E. (Submitted under N011.'s No.'s 12-0307.06) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 1.4-0908.18, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Series "4200/ 6200 Piange-H'rawa" Aluuiiau,n Fixed Winnow-1..M.1',", approved on 12/11/14 and. expiring on 08/22/17. Xrge-N. Plasencia, P. E. - Pro ,,411 t Control Unit Supervisor NOA No.17-053.1.05 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: August 17, 2017 E--3 .Sj'3RjF,S--4200-/.62O0-FlXU4D IMPACT WINDOW FLANGE, FRAME App OVER_ wz oW EIEIVAT-lOhjtS,- (L,,M.jMFAfj) N14 S,N.S, .W/ 1 1/4' MIN, EMBEDMENT INTO W(IOD,. (SEE ELEVATION•AT SHEET D1 FAR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) INTERIOR F NOT BY LA1/Sl7NINDUSTRIES, WEATHERP MOISTURE BY OTHER !Nf„ l /I . � ,,T1 r EXT,. GRADE PERIMETER a ' CAULKING NOT BY TO PC APPLLII`ED BY OTHER$ oc, (TYR) TO BE SPECIFIED BY ARCIttTECT OR Me )T BY LAUSON INDUSTRIES INC, Wo FRAME, INOTALLA.TI0N.1?.. PRODUCT R9VISED as complying with the Florida Building Bode NOA-No. 17-0531.05 Expiration Da>1o,08/22/2022 Mly affil-oftaftr Produot ConfF@— f"r+ vm_ow INS Az. ro o 1. THE WINDOW FRAME FLANGE TO BE BACK -BEDDED W/ AN EXT, GRADE CAULK THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF FLANGE BY WINDOW INSTALLER (TYP.) 2, THE EXPOSED EXT. PERIMETER OF THE WINDOW FRAME TO BE CAULKED AND SEALED W/ AN APPROVED EXTERIOR GRADE CAULK BY OTHERS (TYR) 3. WOOD BUCK SPECIFIC GRAVITY = 0,55- MIN, i, CONCRETE COMPF;ESSIVE STRENGHT = 2Ks1 MIN. • WHEN THE; GAP BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND TILE BUCK Ott MASONRY IS LESS THAN 1/8% 9.I1IMS ARE NUT REQUIRED. AN QT& ANCHORS TO DE #i14 SMS OR WD, SCREWS INTO WOOD, OR 1/4' ITW BUILDEX TAPC13NS or APPROVED CONC, FASTENERS INTO CONCRETE (2KSI MIN,), WITH A MINIMUM OF 1. 1/4` .PENETRATION INTO WOOD OR GONG, AT 1.2' 04, MAX, IK TAPCON YIELD STRENGTHi Fy-10001 ULTIMATE STRENGTHi Fu-125Ks1 ALL WUUR BUCKS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE — (NOT BY LAWSON IND.) TO BE PRESSURE TREATED E & TO BE'REVIEWED BY M-11G. OFFICIAL (TYP.) (SEE GENERAL NOTES AT SHEET iil) EXT. G CAULK EXT. GRADE CAULK Ex EX I MIN, 1!14 S.M,S. W/ 1 1/4" RISTANC MIN. EMBEDMENT INTI (SEE ELEVATION AT 11 FOR MAX. FASTENER 4' N SHI1 TYF LAMINATEDINSULATED CLASS COMPOSITION TYKE B ITEM DESCRIPTION nrxAll, 1 g81o' Pg. 1 1 1/9' ANN. GLASS 2 0,090! SAFLEX PVD. byr Eastman Chemlcat Co. 3 1/8' ANNEALED GLASS 14 1/4' INSULATED' AIR SPACE 5 <*) 1/8' ANNEALED OR TEMPERED GLASS LAM 1NATET TNSUUTED GLASS COM.POSI'�YON' TYPE C . ITEM DESCRIPTION DUTAIL g(j' Vq• a. � ue• _ _ -; _ D.34D• !Rl 1 1/0' ANNEALED GLASS 2 0,090' SAFLEX PVD by, E� gstman CheAlcal Co, 3 4 1/8' ANNEALED GLASS - ��� 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE a <>p) 3/I6' ANNEALED OR TEMFENED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE Ir' ITEM Y.etusPWWuOYw DMICRIPTION ^1 -�DET'AII, Val .. @ tj �T n.1.Q 7is' i/amm p'_. � araia I v_a• +� 1 1/8' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 a090' TROSIFOL PVB byj Kuraray America, Inc, 3 1/8' PEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE _4_ 5 ivr} 1/II' ANNEALED OR TEWERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE G ITEM . DESCRIPTION 3/16' •_ == w 1 _ 1/8' KAT-STRENGHTEN[D GLASS 7 0.090' TRNSIFUL PVD by, Kuraray America, Inc, ua' vata r3 1/0' NEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS .� 4 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE 5 ter) 8/16' ANNEALED OR TEMPERED GLASS LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS COMPOSITION TYPE L ITEM DE3CLtiF+i30IV DIaI;.IG � � @ 1/t• ons• _ _ � � �„w oaD, 1. 3/16'-HFAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0.090' TFgSTFOL PVB bye Kuraray Americo, tnc. 3 4 3/16' 14EAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 1/4' INSULATED AIR SPACE 5 3/16' TEMPERED GLASS 1.) SEE SHEET 4 FOR DESIGN • LOADS LOAD CAPACITY 'rABLEs. NO WIDOWS 'WITIL GLASS TYPES "B, C. F, OR G" INSTALLED ABOVE 30 FT. IN THIS IHVIT2, TILE I.G. EX'1'h:RIOR LITE SHALT, BE TEMPERED TO COMPLY WrrH THE SMALL MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (FOC--2014, Section 2411.3.3.7). SILICONE OPTIONS', �= 14W CORNING 899 V NEE-MOREHEAD 5731 F� 'RF..MCO SPECTRUM 2 LAMINATED INSULATED MINATED/IMULAT GLASS '�'X'r i LA Z TNG.—D—F a G 16 LAMINATL"I1 GLASS C0MI I EK GLASS DESCHIPTIO14 1 1/0' ANNEALED GLASS L' 0,090' TAnSIFUL PV$ by, Kuraray 3 1/W ANNEALED GLASS 5 16 LAMINATED GLASS CO ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION 1 1/8' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 0�090' TROSIFUL PV.H Joy, Kuraray l 3 1/8' HEAT-•STRENGHTENED GLASS 13 32 LAMINAxEII GLASS CO1N ITEM QLASS Dt• SCnjVT?gN 1� 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0,090' SAFLEX PVD byj Eastman Cher 3 1/8' HEAT-•STRENGFiTENED GLASS 7 16 LAMINATED GLASS COMP ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION 1 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 2 — 0,090' SAFLEX PVIi byt Eastman Cher 8 3/L6' ANNEALED GLASS IT EM Guso DESCRIPTION, 1 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 2 gA90' TROSIFIJL PVD byr Kuraray A 3 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 7 IW* LAMINATED GLASS COMP ITEM GLUS DESCRIPTION 1 3/16' HEAT•-STRENGHTENED faLASS 2� 0,090' SENTRYGLASS by: Kuraray Am 3 3/161 HEAT--STRENGHTEWD GLASS r 16LAMINATED GLASS COMP ITEM GL19S DESCRIPTION 1 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0A90' TRUSIFOL P'VB bp Kuraray A 3 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS BILL OF MATERIALS QUANTITY M DESCRIPTION MAmERlgr REA!�1CS 2 rRAME HEAD/SILL/JAMB 4 GLAZING BEAD (5/16" GLASS) 6063—T6 4 GLAZING BEAD (3/8" & 13/32-" GLASS) 6063—T6- 4F GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS) r 6063—T6 — 4 GLAZING B3 AD (5/16" GLASS— INSULATED) 6063--�M - 4 GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS — 1NSULATED) 6063-46 Z/ CORNER ASSEM13LY SCREWS -.. P.H. PHILI IP5 AS REQD. GLAZING BEAD Ai' CIRCULAR WDWS. 6063—T5 — AS REQD. GLAZING GASKET �— SOFT PVC — AS READ, GLAZING SILICONE AS READ. GLAZING SETTING BLOCK SOFT PVC 1 /8" X 1 /8" 2" AS READ. "TruSeal" Dura Seal Swiggle Spacer 1 /4" 6LACK _X 1 /4" AIR SPACE y mow Rmp 4_FxTR1,vmo� D 'r 2. 643 1.C81 .7881 T 062 pg1 TYPW1.7 .3tu .040— .391 .808 .�_..__.___...__... TYP,. .773 1,909 FRAME HEAD/SILL/JAMB 2 GLAZING STOP (5/16" GLASS) T 040 8113I0 040L250 _ ,. ^ TYP # �- TYP. .'l73 .773 3 GLAZING STOP 4 GLAZING STOP (7/16" GLASS) (3/8" & 13/32'' GLASS) .310 .050 .SSO a{5 ._.._ 050., .9II2, 08�0 0�2 YPI o V� _... TYP..17 .604 $00 INSULATED GLAZING STOP W/ 5/16" LAMMED GLASS INSULATED QLAZING STOP W/ 7/16" LAMINATED GLASS TYP. _ ,sos .466- 0.090' WTACtTE P'*JD KurwAy An by. Ica, Inc. GLAZING STOP (CIRCUL)R SEE MULLION APPROVALS FOR MULLION TYPE, SIZE AND MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITATIONS, ALUMINLIM MULLION - (ALUM. 0.078" MIN. THICK) NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF THE WINDOW OR MULL SHALL GOVERN rllxTt�;RtoR /�2 EXTERIOR GRADE! PERIMCT ER CAULKING FRA H_VUUl&