HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONSZ _,l Lucie County DECLARATION or RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS,. EASEMENTS AND•COVENANTS COVERING RIVER PARK SUBDIVISION - UNIT TWO St. Lucie County, Florida. St. Lucie River Land Company, a Florida corporation,the i fee owner of a1 of the real property now duly platted as "RIVER ,1 PARK - UNIT TWO", a subdivision in the County of St. Lucie, Flor- ida, which plat is now recorded in Plat Book-, at Page i of the .public records of St, Lucie County, Florida, hereby makes the following declarations as to the restrictions, reservations, ease- ments and covenants covering all of the lots constituting this subdivi- sion except Tract C. 1- LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE No lot shall be used except for residential, purposes. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to r-main ion any lot other than one unattached single-family residence and one attached carport or garage for not "more than two cars. 2. ARCIETECTURAL CONTROL No building, dock or other structure shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans and specifications as prepared by a registered architect or engineer and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architectural Con- trol Committee as to quality or workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to location with respect to topography andfinish grade* elevation. Ali residential build- ings must meet the winimstandards established by the Federal Housing Administration as provided for in. the latest published Minimum PAUL A IDAH5, INORAHAM OUILDIMO, MIAMI, KDRIDA a Property Requirement!., unless specifically exempted from such requirements by unanimous approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No fence or wall aha11 be erected, placed -or altered on. any lot nearer to any street than the imihimum, bailding.setback line . unless similarly approved. No boat slip shall be constructed on or• adjacent to any lot unless approved by the unanimous approval of.the Architectural Control Committee. (a) The Architectural Control Committee shall consist of three persons appointed by the Board of Directors of St. Lucie River Land Company, its successors or assigns. The first such Committee shall be composed of Jean Herrick, John-F. Harding and D. P. S. Paul. The members of the committee may be changed from time to time by the Board of Direc- tors of St.. Lucie BLver, Lpnd Company and notice of such change shall be recorded among the•publio. records of St. Lucie County, Florida. A majority of the com- mittee may designate a representative of the committee to act for it. In the event of death or resiguhtionof any member of the committee, the Board of Directors of St. Lucie River Land Company shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neither the members of the committee, nor its designated representative, shall be entitled to ,any compensation for services performed pur- sunnt to thin covenant. At any time the then record owners of a majority of the lots in Unit Two of River Park ' Subdivision Ahall have the. power through'a duly recorded 1 pritien instrument to change the memberabip of the commit- 2 - awua a UMV. ®w¢aNa, WWI. nAMIDw . tee or to withdraw from the committee or to restore to it any of its powers and duties, provided, hovrever, that no such action may be taken by such record owners prior to December.31, 1062 without the written con- sent of St. Lucie.River Land Company, its successors i and Assigns. (b) The committee's approval or disapproval as required in these covenants shall be in writing. In the event the committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove any plans and opecifica- tions within 30 days after they have been submitted to it, ' y. approval will not be required. In approving the plane and . 1 specificatione'tt►e committee assumes no liability of any kind for structural design, workmanship or materials used. 1. 3, DWELLING COST, QUA14TY AND SIZE t - (a) On Lots 2 through 10, inclusive, Block 18; Lots 2 }� t► through 50, inclusive, Block 12; and Lots 1 through 12', inclusive, Block 22, of River Park, Unit Two, the ground 4 f floor area of the main structure, exclusive_ of one-story open porches, carports, and -garages, shall. be not less { than 1, 000 •aquare feet for .a one-story building, nor less 4 than 1, 250 square feet for a dwelling of more than one story. (b) On all other lots of River Park, Unit Two, except S ' those specified in.Paragraph 3(a) above, the ground floor area of the main struoture, exclusive of one-story open • porches, carporta and garages, shall be rot less than 600 square feet for st oneretory de►eJling, nor less than 760 square •: FADL A MAMD, IHOpANA4 OI,ILDINO. 04"1r ro3RIOA �tA 2A 40 feet for a dwelling of more than ame story. it is the intention cad purpose of this covenant to assure thatall dwellings shall be or a quality of rrbriaaan- amp and materials substantially the same or better ® than that which can be produced on the date these coven- ants are recorded for the minimum permitted duelling sizes. 4. BUILDING SETBACK AND LOCATION No building shall be located on any lot nearer .thaq 28 feet to the front line or to the aide, street Tina. No building aihall be looa- ted nearer than 7-1/2 feet to an interior lot line. No duelling shall be located on any interior lot nearer than 26 feet to the 'rear lot line or to a bulkhead line .or the top of any slope down to the water, For the purposes 'of this covenant, eaves, steps and open uncovered terraces. shall not be considered as apart, of a building, provided, however, that this shall not be construed to permit any portion of a building on a lot to encroach upon another lot. No structures, dock or other appurtenances shall be erected to project Into the water more than 10 feet from a.bulkhead or water line at high tide and no such structure'ainy be higher than an elevation of 3 feet. above the grade of the land adjacent to the water and may not be enclosed or covered such as a boathouse. . 5. LOT AREA AND WiyrH No dwelling shall be erected or placed on any lot or any part thereof having a width of leas than 78 feet at the minimum building setback line nor shall any dwelling be erected or placed on aqq lot or any part thereof bavbig an area of lone than 7500 square feet. 4 PAVL A W.Ma, INORAMA" CUMVIN". "mi. nAMIDA - M1 ` 8. �A3E&�iP.BITB St, Lucie 3:ver Land Company; its successors or assigns, hereby reserves an, easement and right of way over the rear 6 feet jof each lot, over the front 6 feet of each lot, and over 6 feet on each-' side of each lot, for the installation and maintenance of utilities. and drainage facilities, and reserves the right to grant. easements and rights -of -way therein to any other company for the purpose of install- ing and maintainiug.such utilities. If. in the opinion of St. Lucie River Land Company it becomes necessary or desirable at any future time to furnish water facilities and sanitary• a ewe rage facilities, or either of them, St, Lucie River Land Company reserves the right to assess the owners of the property for the installation thereof. ,The St. Lucie River Lana Company further reserves the right to designate any other company or municipality as its successor Wits rights under this /reser- vation, and to grant to such company or municipality, the right to, pro- vide and install such services and to assess the owners of the property for the installation thereof. The lot owners shall pay reasonable `rates for such facilities. 7. NU19ANCLS No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. All owners of lots shall maintain their property in such manner so as to not create health or 'fire hazards or to leave any lot in an unsightly condition. 13t. Lucie River Land Company reserves the right to enter upon any lot or parcel pto mow, turn or clear any weeds or debris and reserves the right to assess the owner for the cost thereof. 5 PAUL A EAMS. INSIIANA:A OUILOW99, MIAM , ROIIIOA 2A ga 8. TEMPORARY STAUCTURMS No structure of a temporary character, no trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be'perraitted on ,any lot at any time, either temporarily or permanently, without the written -consent of the Architectural Control Committee. 9. SIGNS No sign of any kind shrill. be displayed to the public view" on, any lot except one. sign of not moire than five square feet advertising°the property for sale or rent, or eigoh'ueed by et. LwAd Rives Land Coda- pany and its designated sales agencies to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. 10. WELLS. AND MINING OPERATIONS No drilling, quarrying or.mining, operations of any kind shall'be permitted upon or in any lot, nor, ahall any a®lis,. ;mineral excavations or -shafts be permitted upon any lot: All lot own6_ Ohall.be rdquired at their own expense to connect found use any Water system designated by St. Lucie River Land Company, its successors and assigns; and to pay any connection fees which may be levied. NO individual'water. syn- tern will be permitted. 11. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY No animals, livestock, ,or poultryW any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except drat dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not'kept, bred or�maintained for any commercial purpose. la, t1ARB'ACE AND REFUSE . no lot shell be used or mraintained' as a dumping ground for rubbish or trash. Garbage ar other wsaite`shall:be kept 14;24n#a1y. MAUL a oWip, IN6BAMAIM DYILDINR. gtAN ji FWAIOA , aavwi,; ....... _.....•,..-...> _.., .,: •,_•ctP.^`S",�,r+,^.e`.. ...V�'$�.w'�.:•Kntiza. .. ,.. , , „�Y,54ri4 '{k.. ;� 659 containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean, and sanitary € condition. 13. SEWAGE DISPOSAL No individual sewage -disposal system shall be permitted on any lot unless such system is designed, located and constructed in ` accordance with the requirements, standards, and recommendations of St. Lucie County end the Florida State Health Department. Appro- val of such system as installed, shall be obtained from the appropriate authority. At such time as a central sewerage -disposal system may be made available by St. Lucie River Land Company, or by some com- pany designated by it, all lot owners at their own expense must connect Into such system and cease to use any individual systems previously constructed by the lot owner. Each lot owner will pay any reasonable connection fees'which may be levied. 14. SICHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS No fence, wall, sign, hedge or shrub planting .which obstructs sight lines at elevations between 2 and 6 feet above the roadways shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangu- lar area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting.them at points 25 feet from the intersection of the street lines, or in the case of a rounded property corner from the intersection of the street property lines extended. The same sight -line limitations shall apply on any lot within 10 feet from the intersection of a street property line with the edge of a driveway pavement. No tree shall be permitted to' remain within such distances of such intersection4' unless the foliage line is maintained at sufficient h&Jght to prevent obstruction of such sight lines. PAUL A 9^149. INGRAHAM eWL011411. MIAMI. ►L01N0A 15. TrAim These cover.®nta. am they may be amended -from time to, time are to run with the land and i0tall be binding, on all parties and all. persons claiming under I them fbr-a period of:25 years -from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time these covenants shall be . automatically extended for xuaceasive periods of 10,yeirs unless an instrument aigne4 by a majority of thethefire6ord cm'iers of the lots in Unit Two of River, Park.Mdiviaidii has. been recorded, agree . ing to abolish or to change these covenants in whole or in part. I 16, F"ORCEIMT Enforcement shall be by proceedings,at law or in equity agaiiwt any persons violating or attempting to violate any ctivenant.eith.er to, restrain violation or to recover damages. These, covenantwmay be enforced by St. Lucie River Land Company, its successors and,assigaz whether or not it still owns property within the,subdivision: at the time the proceedings are brought. Theme covenants may Also. be enforced by any lot owner. 17. SEVERAMILITY Vivalidation of anyone of, these covenants by Judicial decree shall in no wise affect any of the ,otherprovisioAombich, shall "main in full force and-efiect. 18. EXCEIMONS a Nothing contained in this declaration shall Apply to' Tract C. River Park. Unit Two, a& shown in the recorded;plat of this subdi-d- Rion. 19. AMENDUMM Anything JA this declarutim to the *onitrary notwitba tanding thage z. pAUA. a SOW, $"01i4WA SUIL4MW8. H"I. nAMIDA: restrictions, reservations, easements and covenants may be amended from time to time by recording among the public -records of St. Lucie County, Florida an instrument signed by a majority of the then record owners of the lots inilnit Two of River Park Subdivision, provided, however, that no such amendment may be made by such record owners prior to December 31, 1962 without the written consent of St. Lucie River Land Company; its successors and assigns. Dated February , 1967. Attest: D, P. S. Paul '- Secretary ST. L1JC1E RIVER LAND COR SyILA- Jean Herrick - President ��� �� �,q •-� �� 15.E Witnesses as to both signatures: ►AUL A GAMD, IMDMAHAN DIIILDIMD, MIAMI, YLOWIDA 9.44 STATE .Or FLOIiM ; COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE) I HEREBy CERTIFY that on this day personally aPPeared before .me, as officer duly authorized to adaainister oaths 'and take acknowledgments, JEAN HERRICiC and D. P. 'S. PAUL, respectively President and Secretary of"ST. LUCIE RIVER<LAIdD'COMPAIgY � to me well known to be the persona described in and. who executed the foregoing Declaration and duly acknowledged before me that they exe- cuted the name for the purposes.•therein expressed as the act and -deed of said corporation. I. IN, WITNESS WHEREOF, I'have. here=,to.met my hand and affixgd my official seal at Fort Pierce, said County and State, this y of February, 1957. C �•'�'tI' ��J'.. .ca.dc.1:J 'Notary Public; Stife of Florida at Large my commie®ion expires 9 �ourpl SL 1, County, FIXIde on.the 19 of 940® 1- 17C ALL sod isaorded In Pro:. 9iSi eS _J�. E7T, Clerk HOW- . o�il4j;t1� ,�•. 4i51 °!Y AA q Ks� ab2a'" MflL • Y1(NGtl. IM.tBA,IAIA eYl{.OINe. MYAtI f'LOIIIDA•